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License: AGPL-3

Sale line quantity properties based

This module allows the calculation of the product quantity on the basis of a formula that considers the properties specified by the user on the sale order line and on the quantity (UoS).


Provided the sale of a given number of pieces (shelves), that may be ’x’ meter long and ’y’ meter large, the formula enables the calculation of the total area sold expressed in square meters:

10 [pcs of] (4 m x 0.5 m) shelves = 20 m² of wood

In order to have this function working, it is necessary to have the user proceed as follows:

Then s/he shall create properties such as ‘length 4’, ‘width 0.5’. (Note: this can be more easily achieved by using the modules 'sale_properties_easy_creation' and/or 'sale_properties_dynamic_fields')

Properties must respect the following criteria:
  • Name: ‘length 1’, ‘length 4’, ‘width 0.5’
  • Property Group : either ‘length’ or ‘width’
  • Value : the corresponding quantity (1, 4, 0.5...)
Property 'length 4'
  • Name: ‘length 4’
  • Property Group : ‘length’
  • Value : 4
Property 'width 0.5'
  • Name: ‘width 0.5’
  • Property Group : ‘width’
  • Value : 0.5

After this, the formula 'surface' must be created and associated to the product:

` result = float(properties['length']) * float(properties['width']) * qty_uos `

Upon the registering of the order, the user will apply in the properties field the desired properties (in this example the ‘lenght 4’ and ‘width 2’), the needed formula (in this example 'surface') and last the quantity (UoS).


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Odoo Community Association

This module is maintained by the OCA.

OCA, or the Odoo Community Association, is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to support the collaborative development of Odoo features and promote its widespread use.

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