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File metadata and controls

140 lines (112 loc) · 5.01 KB


Directory structure

├── CFNTemplates        # AWS CloudFormation templates
├── Docker              # Dockerfiles
├── rpmbuild            # RPM spec files and scripts for required libraries
├── tests               # Misc. testing 

Modeling Workflows

├── python              # Python3 modules
    ├── cluster         # Cluster abstract base class and implementations 
    ├── configs         # cluster configuration files (JSON)
    ├── job             # Job abstract base class and implementations
    ├── jobs            # job configuration files (JSON)
    ├── plotting        # plotting and mp4 routines
    ├── services        # Cloud agnostic interfaces and implementations e.g. S3
    ├── tests           # Misc. testing. (TODO: add unit testing)
    └── workflows       # Workflows and workflow tasks


How to setup the workflow:

  1. Setup the machine configuration files for the forecast and/or post processing.

See: - This is the main entry point.

There are two configuration files that are hardcoded internally. These should be changed for your particular configuration. These correspond to the machine configuration used for the forecast and post processing flows.

fcstconf = f'{curdir}/../configs/liveocean.config'

postconf = f'{curdir}/../configs/post.config'

  1. Setup the job configuration files.

These are provided as command line arguments to or a copy of it.

For examples:


jobs/liveocean.qops.job (forecast)


jobs/liveocean.qops.plots.job (post)

To submit the job(s) (and to optionally log to an output file and run as a background process):

./ jobs/yourjob1 [jobs/yourjob2] 2>&1 someoutfile &

Note: job2 will only run if job1 finishes without error.

If using the cloud, cloud resources will be provisioned for you, based on the configuration files specified in step 1. The cloud resources will be automatically terminated when each job finishes.

To customize the flows see: To add any additional tasks, see:

To add additional Job functionality or define new Job types: See the classes in the ./job folder.

To add additional Cluster functionality or define new Cluster implementations: See the classes in the ./cluster folder.

See the ./plotting folder for plotting jobs.

Example: configs/dbofs.config
   "platform"  : "AWS",
   "region"    : "us-east-1",
   "nodeType"  : "c5.xlarge",
   "nodeCount" : 1,
   "tags"      : [ 
                { "Key": "Name", "Value": "IOOS-cloud-sandbox" },
                { "Key": "NAME", "Value": "dbofs-fcst" }
   "image_id"  : "ami-0xxxx",
   "key_name"  : "your-pem-key",
   "sg_id1"    : "sg-0xxxx1",
   "sg_id2"    : "sg-0xxxx2",
   "sg_id3"    : "sg-0xxxx3",
   "subnet_id" : "subnet-0xxxx",
   "placement_group" : "cloud-sandbox-cluster"
Description of variables:
platform  - The cloud provider being used? Current options are AWS or Local (runs on local machine).
region    - The AWS region to create your resources in.
nodeType  - EC2 instance type.
nodeCount - # of instances to provision.
tags      - The tags to add to these resources, used for tracking usage.
image_id  - For AWS, the AMI id to use for each instance.
key_name  - The private key file to use to ssh into the instances.
sg_id1-3  - The AWS security groups to use. (TODO: Make this a list)
subnet_id - The subnet id to launch in.
placement_group - The cluster placement group. If multiple nodes are specified, all nodes will run in close proximity to each other.
Example: jobs/dbofs.config
  "JOBTYPE"   : "forecast",
  "OFS"       : "dbofs",
  "CDATE"     : "today",
  "HH"        : "00",
  "COMROT"    : "/com/nos",
  "EXEC"      : "",
  "TIME_REF"  : "20160101.0d0",
  "BUCKET"    : "ioos-cloud-sandbox",
  "BCKTFLDR"  : "/nos/dbofs/output",
  "NTIMES"    : "720",
  "ININAME"   : "",
  "OUTDIR"    : "auto",
  "OCEANIN"   : "auto",
  "OCNINTMPL" : "/home/centos/IOOS-cloud-IaC/python/job/templates/"
JOBTYPE   - current options are "forecast" and "plotting"
OFS       - name of the forecast. Current options are "cbofs", "dbofs", "liveocean"
CDATE     - run date, format YYYYMMDD or "today" = today's date
HH        - forecast cycle, e.g. 06 for 06z forecast cycle.
COMROT    - common root path where output will be
EXEC      - not currently used
TIME_REF  - reference time of the tidal forcing data being used
BUCKET    - cloud storage bucket where output will be stored
BCKTFLDR  - cloud storage folder, key prefix
NTIMES    - number of timesteps to run this forecast
ININAME   - currently only used for liveocean, the path/name of the INI/restart file to use.
OUTDIR    - model output directory. "auto" = automatically set this, based on CDATE, etc.
OCEANIN   - name of the file to use. "auto" = automatically create this based on a template.
OCNINTMPL - template file to use.