MobileNetV2 + SSD-based network is for Person/Vehicle/Bike detection in security surveillance applications. Works in a variety of scenes and weather/lighting conditions.
Metric | Value |
Mean Average Precision (mAP) | 62.55% |
AP people | 73.63% |
AP vehicles | 77.84% |
AP bikes | 36.18% |
Max objects to detect | 200 |
GFlops | 3.560 |
Source framework | PyTorch |
Average Precision (AP) is defined as an area under the precision/recall curve.
Validation dataset consists of 34,757 images from various scenes and includes:
Type of object | Number of bounding boxes |
Vehicle | 229,503 |
Pedestrian | 240,009 |
Non-vehicle | 62,643 |
Similarly, training dataset has 219,181 images with:
Type of object | Number of bounding boxes |
Vehicle | 810,323 |
Pedestrian | 1,114,799 |
Non-vehicle | 62,334 |
name: "input.1" , shape: [1x3x512x512] - An input image in the format [BxCxHxW], where
- B - batch size
- C - number of channels
- H - image height
- W - image width
Expected color order: BGR.
The net outputs blob with shape: [1, 1, N, 7], where N is the number of detected
bounding boxes. Each detection has the format
, label
, conf
, x_min
, y_min
, x_max
, y_max
], where:
- ID of the image in the batchlabel
- predicted class IDconf
- confidence for the predicted class- (
) - coordinates of the top left bounding box corner - (
) - coordinates of the bottom right bounding box corner.
[*] Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.