- Feat: fix action container image syntax by @ankudinov in #29
- Feat: move action-molecule container to GHRC by @ankudinov in #24
- Feat: Switch to ghrc container by @ankudinov in #25
- Fix: fix container tag from 1.7 to 1.8 by @ankudinov in #27
- Fix: Docker stable file & context by @carlbuchmann in #21
- Bump: Python base image and Molecule 6.x by @ClausHolbechArista in #22
- Fix: Catch git error and consider /github/workspace as safe by @gmuloc in #15
- Bump: Update docker by @carlbuchmann in #13
- Fix: Fail on all error codes by @carlbuchmann in #12
- Update to python3.8 and add galaxy_file argument (#7)
- Update README with galaxy_file knob (#10)
- Build system: Add changelog builder
- Build system: Build docker image with GH actions
- Build system: Update build context
- Build system: Update docker tag builder
- Build system: Add PR linter for conventional commits (#8)
- Update entrypoint shell to support regex match (#6)
- Add option to select version of Ansible outside of requirements
- Add test to validate Ansible is installed
- Initial Release