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An Azure DevOps Pipelines Task for Trivy, with an integrated UI.

Screenshot showing the Trivy extension in the Azure DevOps UI


  1. Install the Trivy task in your Azure DevOps organisation (hit the Get it free button above).

  2. Add the task to your azure-pipelines.yml in a project where you'd like to run Trivy:

- task: trivy@1

Additional Reports

The Additional Output section has check boxes to choose which reports you want to be added to the build. These are available from the results header section or from the Trivy results page using the Download Report dropdown.



Configuring the task can be done directly editing the pipeline yaml or through the configuration pane on the right of the pipeline UI screen

Select the Trivy task from the installed tasks

Select Trivy

The input variables are grouped logically, expand the sections to make the required changes.

Pipeline settings

Input Variables

You can supply several inputs to customise the task.

Trivy Runner

Input Type Defaults Description
version string latest The version of Trivy to use. Currently defaults to latest.
useSystemInstallation bool false Use Trivy executable pre-installed as system package. If this option is used, the 'version' option is ignored.
loginDockerConfig string Set this to true if the Docker login task is used to access private repositories. Defaults to false.
exitCode number 1 The exit-code to use when Trivy detects issues. Set to 0 to prevent the build failing when Trivy finds issues. Defaults to 1.
docker bool true Run Trivy using the aquasec/trivy docker image. Alternatively the Trivy binary will be run natively. Defaults to true.


Input Type Defaults Description
type string image The type of scan to perform, can be a filesystem scan or an image scan.
severities string all (unset) The severities (CRITICAL,HIGH,MEDIUM,LOW,UNKNOWN) to include in the scan (comma separated). Defaults to CRITICAL,HIGH,MEDIUM,LOW,UNKNOWN
scanners string all (unset) Choose which scanners to run (vuln, misconfig, secret) to be included (comma separated).
path string The path to scan relative to the root of the repository being scanned, if an fs scan is required. Cannot be set if image is set.
image string The image to scan if an image scan is required. Cannot be set if path is set.
ignoreUnfixed bool false When set to true all unfixed vulnerabilities will be skipped. Defaults to false.


Input Type Defaults Description
devMode bool false Enable development mode (used for internal testing)
debug bool false Enable debug logging in the build output.

Aqua Platform Integration

Input Type Defaults Description
aquaSecret string The Aqua API Secret to use to link scan results to your Aqua Security account (not required).
aquaKey string The Aqua API Key to use to link scan results to your Aqua Security account (not required).

Additional Outputs

Input Type Defaults Description
options string Additional flags to pass to trivy. Example: --timeout 10m0s (not required).

Additional Outputs

Input Type Defaults Description
cosignOutput bool false Create an output report in the Cosign vulnerability format
cyclonedxOutput bool false Create an output report in the CycloneDX format
jsonOutput bool false Create an output report in the JSON format
sarifOutput bool false Create an output report in the SARIF format
spdxjsonOutput bool false Create an output report in the SPDX-JSON format
spdxOutput bool false Create an output report in the SPDX format
tableOutput bool false Create an output report as a table

Output Variables

Output variables allow you to get information from previous sections of the pipeline

Output Description
cosignReport Output path for the Cosign vulnerability report
cyclonedxReport Output path for the CycloneDX report
jsonReport Output path for the JSON report
sarifReport Output path for the SARIF report
spdxReport Output path for the SPDX report
spdxjsonReport Output path for the SPDX JSON report
tableReport Output path for the table report

Example of scanning multiple targets

  - main

  vmImage: ubuntu-latest

  - job: Scan the local project
      - task: trivy@1
        version: v0.59.0
          path: .
  - job: Scan the ubuntu image
      - task: trivy@1
          image: ubuntu

Scanning Images in Private Registries

You can scan images in private registries by using the image input after completing a docker login. For example:

  - task: Docker@2
    displayName: Login to ACR
      command: login
      containerRegistry: dockerRegistryServiceConnection1
  - task: trivy@1
      image: my.private.registry/org/my-image:latest
      # Needed to access private repo
      loginDockerConfig: true

Scanning with Aqua Platform support

You can add your Aqua credentials to the task. To ensure the credentials are kept secure, you should put the AQUA_KEY and AQUA_SECRET in variables, then reference the variables in the input

- job: Scan a local project with Aqua Integration
  - task: trivy@1
    displayName: 'Scan project for everything'
      docker: false
      version: 'latest'
      path: '.'
      scanners: 'vuln,misconfig,secret,license'
      ignoreUnfixed: true
      aquaKey: '$(AQUA_KEY)'
      aquaSecret: '$(AQUA_SECRET)'