ensure approval test temp always has the .gitignore
- there are multiple places that call mkdir, but ONLY one that writes .gitignore
Scripts to clean up approvals
- Fix detect_and_remove_abandoned.bat
- Check if there's a Python
facility- Wrap download_if_needed with Once
- test the
script - Consider whether this creates an acceptable run-time dependency
clean up FileApproverTests
Move the failed comparsion test to it's own file
2025-01-19 Make a long-term fix for the situation where a test has a destructive command
2025-01-26 Easy "approve all" script
- Llewellyn says "1. Create the .failed_comparison.log"
- Make a failed_comparison log and an approve_all script, in Python. Model it after ApprovalTests.Java.
- Requirements:
- Create the .failed_comparison.log
- Every time you run the tests, it creates a fresh .failed_comparison.log
- failed_comparison.log contains a list of all of the tests that failed, with a "goes-to" arrow for the approval file that it would be saved in, e.g.:
C:\path\to\test.received.txt -> C:\path\to\test.approved.txt
- Download the utility scripts
- approved_all.sh approves all the files that are listed in the failed_comparison.log
- Tip: start with the files at https://github.com/approvals/ApprovalTests.Java/tree/master/resources
- Create the .failed_comparison.log
2024-09-22 discuss access to repo beyond just Llewellyn's user
clean-up old PRs (there are 3 from Dec 2023)
docs: point to new architecture docs from python repo
mypy in the build
fix Namer and NamerBase
- Write unit tests for this (automated) see the manual tests in this file: test_reporter_that_creates_an_approval_script.py
- Create log and approve_all_failing.sh
FUTURE TODO Fix this timer - see draft of proposed issue
- show all three roles Typer: talker and Next
- label the roles to match what we like New Timer will show: Typer: And in lower right: Talker: Next:
todo: failure we saw was from a task from a few weeks ago the failure we see is: problem of how do we kknow if a .approved file was used in a run so we can remove the STALE (abandonded) approved files
From https://github.com/willemlarsen/mobprogrammingrpg/blob/master/rpg_roles_plain_text.md
Name | Role |
Matt | Dr Feelgood |
Diana | Anthropologist |
Jay | The Nose |
Jacqueline | Nostaligist |
Michael | Archivist |
Llewellyn | Major Pain |
Nitsan | Automationist |
- notify people if they have a potentially abandond file
- explicity request to see the list of abandond files
Determine if a file is abandoned or not find all the approved files create a list of the abandoned files if the list is size zero then we assume it is done
Utility that could be used in multiple Approval test
Stashed changes
Test are running on all CI machine
Typing -> Talking -> Next Diana Teresa Joss
We're doing "ping pong style" rotation Rotate on each successful test run, after any smallest improvement to the code in the direction of te agreed upon intention. Rotate on green was designed for git handoff, each commit is green
How do we know that everything works in both Pytest and Unittests?
[ ] Test fail if mariadb is in the requirements for linux
Ping-Pong Pairing Try to make the smallest change possible, then rotate
Create an API to add a REPORTER.test_inline_approvals.py
now we have a combined reporter and then ?? only the last one works?
Inline Approvals Bugs 0. [ ] InlineOptions to show diffs
- rename all of the reporters to start with the word report
- check all reporters return True or False 4. [ ] add mypy to the CI (type hints exist and they are being inforced)
- make it so that approvals works with Python 12 4. 2024-04-21 - The issue is in MRJob. Need probably need to move to spark. this should probably be done with Jacqueline present
- Improve verify_all for no header Expects VerifyAll to have a header this is mandatory For PYthon Approval Tests added an example to Test_inline_approvals.py see: def test_uppercase_with_verify_all():
- expand functionality of parse_doc_string NOTE: this is WIP from 3/3/24 parse inputs 2. [ ] =>, : 3. [ ] maybe not only docstring but any text or approved file? 4. [ ] multiple parameters 1, 2, 3 -> 5. [ ] converter parse(to_integer) 6. [ ] some relationship between the output formatter and the parser 7. [X ] Move explainations to ApprovalTests.Documentation Please note: we found this broken link [Capture .received. files from CI]
- this link:
- disable the CMD key in this Any Desk (Nitsan suggested)
- update Cyber-dojo to have latest version of approvaltests.py and a. [x] verify which version of approval tests is in the new image that we just created
- put an example of inline approvals into cyber-dojo
- add JQ (nitsan created repo and submitted an issue)
----- older stuff below ---- 2. [ ] run the test 2. [ ] Review what we have done 3. [ ] Clean up so things are ready for production
- extract SQL utils
- write some docs
- use it (as the users will ) Manual regression test
- ship the code
- explore additional test that will Re-test the way other will use it
- copmarison after VCR (video recorder) hybrid of Executable Command
- executatble ALONE
- VCR (python version of executable command )
- use both Executable command and VCR
- to consider:
- do we want to SPLIT up the Command Executer from the Command Generator Key x = done, - = started
- update Cyber-dojo to have latest version of approvaltests.py and
What have we learned?
- How does approvals work in cyber-dojo?
- There are two docker images with python approvals: 1. pytest 2. unittest
- is the version number important?
- Does it use the pytest plugin at all? Or just pytest?
- set up Gitpod
Possible problem: we have linked the Execute command and the _____ when you run it there is the part about how to execute and there is ANOTHER part that shows you the specific command that you ar trying to verify it is not obvious how they are used REALIZATION: Executatlbe command class is an Executable COmmand class and _____ (put it in the chat Lev)
QUESTION How to connect a Jetbrains product to a remote workspace. 5. Mr job - need to be able to test against more than one line in a file.
PR to mobti.me to make ding the default 4. Can we change the paradigm for how we do combinations with data and MRJob?
cyber-dojo bug - received file not being deleted 3
Continuing work on approvals-cli: 5 4. Documentation 5. Adding a binary 6. Smarter namer 7. test improvements - do we have all the tests we need?
Create a self-sufficient mob. 5. Need a reproducible anydesk machine 6. Create other EC2 instances 7. gitpod 8. Llewellyn starts an instance and then someone joins with RDP 9. Less comfortable -Github action that spins up an EC2 instance to launch the existing machine- 6. Need a zoom that anyone can connect to
Logging decorator
Next Week:
- do clean up: clean up chain, get all reporters is incomplete, rename diffReporter to default diffReporter
- add help message
- create intro to reporters docs 2. do a safeguarding for this 3. clean up branch
Python Minimal 2. python parse requirements.prod.extras in minimal.py 4. handle UNKNOWN VERSION situation in setup_utils.py better
In the start project should we have a test that confers that the extras are being loaded directly
- What should that test be ? Pairwise, bs4
markdown snippets - regex (?<!(a>.*\n))```py
cached property for Namer.get_config
setup github action to lint
- Do we make a github action whose sole purpose is to lint?
- Options: Lint passes/fails or autocorrects?
- Actions work well when simple. Make a lint.bat and go from there
linter - add flake8 to pycharm and tox
check all uses of default reporter in tests
Fail test if there are duplicate names - pylint ?
add checks to twine in github actions
make code more pythonic (method overloads vs default parameters)
Have Oliver and Emily talk about pytest plugin is intergrated in hypoethesis
templated namer
- docs on implementing Approvaltests in CI
- file commiter reporter
- squence to animated gif writer
Property Tests
- eval(any.repr) == any
def test_mypy(self) -> None:
import mypy.api
except ImportError:
print("mypy not found")
self.skipTest("mypy not found")
stdout, stderr, exit_code = mypy.api.run([
'--config-file', 'mypy.ini',
self.assertEqual(0, exit_code, "\n\n" + stdout + stderr)
- Randomize order of tests in pytest plugin
python_version = 3.8
pretty = True
no_incremental = True
ignore_missing_imports = True
strict = True
;;;;;;;; `strict` enables the following flags:
; --check-untyped-defs
; --disallow-any-generics
; --disallow-incomplete-defs
; --disallow-subclassing-any
; --disallow-untyped-calls
; --disallow-untyped-decorators
; --disallow-untyped-defs
; --no-implicit-optional
; --no-implicit-reexport
; --strict-equality
; --warn-redundant-casts
; --warn-return-any
; --warn-unused-configs
; --warn-unused-ignores
no_site_packages = True
disallow_any_unimported = True
disallow_any_expr = True
disallow_any_decorated = True
disallow_any_explicit = True
strict_optional = True
warn_no_return = True
warn_unreachable = True
Authors: @claremacrae @objarni @tdpreece @emilybache @rzijp @obestwalter
Co-Authored-By: Susan Fung 38925660+susanfung@users.noreply.github.com
Co-authored-by: Nicholas A. Del Grosso delgrosso.nick@gmail.com Co-Authored-By: jmasonlee 262853+jmasonlee@users.noreply.github.com Co-Authored-By: Bernhard Raml 1769280+SwamyDev@users.noreply.github.com
imports aren't working correctly