diff --git a/approvaltests-util/docs/how_to/ExtendQueryable.md b/approvaltests-util/docs/how_to/ExtendQueryable.md index 5b9aaab99..c5edb118e 100644 --- a/approvaltests-util/docs/how_to/ExtendQueryable.md +++ b/approvaltests-util/docs/how_to/ExtendQueryable.md @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ public static Queryable findFirstWordsOnly(List words) }); } ``` -snippet source | anchor +snippet source | anchor You can add this to Queryable by implementing the `com.lambda.utils.Extendable` interface. @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ public static class CustomQuery implements Extendable> this.caller = caller; } ``` -snippet source | anchor +snippet source | anchor Now you can add extension methods that are **not static** @@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ public Queryable findFirstWordsOnly() return findFirstWordsOnly(caller); } ``` -snippet source | anchor +snippet source | anchor and now you can call it as such @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ Queryable list = Queryable.as("One fish", "two fish", "red fish", "blue Queryable firstWordsOnlyWithExtension = list.select(String::toUpperCase).use(CustomQuery.class) .findFirstWordsOnly(); ``` -snippet source | anchor +snippet source | anchor whereas previously you had to use @@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ whereas previously you had to use Queryable firstWordsOnlyStatic = CustomQuery .findFirstWordsOnly(Query.select(list, String::toUpperCase)); ``` -snippet source | anchor +snippet source | anchor ## See also diff --git a/approvaltests-util/docs/reference/Query.md b/approvaltests-util/docs/reference/Query.md index d2404bd0e..1f7bc6a06 100644 --- a/approvaltests-util/docs/reference/Query.md +++ b/approvaltests-util/docs/reference/Query.md @@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ Queryable names = Queryable.as("Now is the time", "Fourscore and seven y "When in the course of human events"); Queryable allNames = names.selectMany(n -> Arrays.asList(n.split(" "))).orderBy(n -> n); ``` -snippet source | anchor +snippet source | anchor resulting in @@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ Here is a simple example of grouping words by their first letter. Queryable words = Queryable.as("Jack", "and", "Jill", "jumped", "up", "the", "hill"); Queryable>> result = words.groupBy(w -> w.toLowerCase().charAt(0)); ``` -snippet source | anchor +snippet source | anchor producing: @@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ Queryable words = Queryable.as("One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish".sp Queryable> result = words.groupBy(w -> w.length(), w -> w.toLowerCase(), r -> r.join("_")); ``` -snippet source | anchor +snippet source | anchor resulting in