MetaRepair is an utility tool for repairing hbase metadata table from hdfs regioninfo file. When using the Apache HBase™ versions before 2.0.3 and 2.1.1 (Without HBCK2), You can use it to fix the HBase metadata correctly.
$ mvn install
The built hbase-meta-repair jar will be in the target
Make sure HBase tools jar is added to HBase classpath:
export HBASE_CLASSPATH=$HBASE_CLASSPATH:./hbase-meta-repair-1.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
MetaRepair requires an arguments as parameters: The name of the table to have metadata repaired.
For example, to repair metadata of table my-table
, assuming the setup step above has been performed:
$ hbase my-table
The table with namespace use
form of parameter.
HBase uses table hbase:meta
to store metadata. The table structure is as follows:
Column | Description |
info:state | region state |
info:sn | region server node, It consists of server and serverstartcode, such as slave1,16020,1557998852385 |
info:serverstartcode | region server start timestamp |
info:server | region server address and port,such as slave1:16020 |
info:seqnumDuringOpen | a binary string representing the online duration of the region |
info:regioninfo | same as the .regioninfo file |
will be automatically generated after the region server is restarted.