- Create Workspace for storing your files.
- Multiple ways to authenticate (google, github, facebook).
- Add files to favourites or trash and even delete then permanently.
- Create Organizations.
- Send Request to other users to be part of your organizations.
- Aceept request to be part of a organization.
- As an admin you can switch the role of other users i.e ( make an member a admin | make an admin a member ).
- Remove members from organization.
- Delete your Organization.
- Highly interactive and responsive UI.

This illustration represents a simplified view of the database with sample data based on used schema.
ID | Name | Profile | Personal Group | Member of | Admin of | Requests | Trash | Favourites | Group Files | |
1a15f1c9-4cf9-4c14-8b45-0151e9b346b0 | John Doe | john@example.com | Lorem Ipsum | [file1, file2] | [Group 1] | [Group 2] | [Request 1, Request 2] | [Trash 1, Trash 2] | [Favourite 1] | [GroupFile 1, GroupFile 2] |
2a95a0e1-dbf9-4c08-a9c0-315eb78412d2 | Jane Smith | jane@example.com | Lorem Ipsum | [file3] | [Group 2] | [Group 3] | [Request 3] | [Trash 3] | [Favourite 2, Favourite 3] | [GroupFile 3] |
ID | Role | Group | Requester |
1cbb1cb4-57e7-4241-9142-420875c08c93 | Role 1 | Group 1 | John Doe |
f575cc3d-c25f-4410-8c74-042e4fb1e6c8 | Role 2 | Group 1 | John Doe |
8c0b372f-1d8e-4b2a-9c6e-5d67b1c9ad79 | Role 3 | Group 2 | Jane Smith |
User Personal Files:
ID | Title | FileType | URL | CreatedAt | User |
1ec04f65-f9c3-4769-810b-8be1a2029e8d | File 1 | example.com/pdf | 2024-03-18 12:00:00 | John Doe | |
2563456c-1be7-4d20-a867-181b083c9f43 | File 2 | CSV | example.com/csv | 2024-03-18 12:00:00 | John Doe |
3e5e4a5e-0760-4532-8915-94df0473b2fc | File 3 | DOC | example.com/doc | 2024-03-18 12:00:00 | Jane Smith |
ID | Title | FileType | URL | CreatedAt | User |
67bf534f-55f5-496b-b8a0-84e1f36dd2e3 | Trashed File | example.com/pdf | 2024-03-18 12:00:00 | John Doe | |
88e3a7c8-7355-499e-896d-d77d4750a80c | Deleted File | CSV | example.com/csv | 2024-03-18 12:00:00 | John Doe |
ID | Title | FileType | URL | CreatedAt | User |
2900d11c-e23e-4aae-b14b-4cc6a1e6249d | Favourite 1 | example.com/pdf | 2024-03-18 12:00:00 | John Doe | |
3c320d29-5f72-4d94-8f9e-c1f0e54524ac | Favourite 2 | CSV | example.com/csv | 2024-03-18 12:00:00 | Jane Smith |
4f1dc9e1-1862-4cf9-af2b-27f09d226e20 | Favourite 3 | DOC | example.com/doc | 2024-03-18 12:00:00 | Jane Smith |
ID | Name | Admins | Members | CreatedAt | Files | Requests |
38230b05-9c0e-42c1-9d92-9f78ba7f9213 | Group 1 | [John Doe] | [John Doe, Jane Smith] | 2024-03-18 12:00:00 | [GroupFile 1, GroupFile 2] | [Request 1, Request 2] |
9ba36689-0115-4a78-a85b-9bc1b37acab7 | Group 2 | [Jane Smith] | [John Doe, Jane Smith] | 2024-03-18 12:00:00 | [GroupFile 3] | [Request 3] |
24d41e3b-fd6d-443d-8a07-72955c7f4166 | Group 3 | [Jane Smith] | [] | 2024-03-18 12:00:00 | [] | [] |
Group Files:
ID | Title | FileType | URL | CreatedAt | Group | CreatedBy |
e7fd628d-74cd-4c4f-a2ae-c92d65cf8e27 | GroupFile 1 | example.com/pdf | 2024-03-18 12:00:00 | Group 1 | John Doe | |
aeb765a2-c0f2-4ee5-ae1e-54a1c012bf12 | GroupFile 2 | CSV | example.com/csv | 2024-03-18 12:00:00 | Group 1 | John Doe |
57c3d7db-e5a3-4b37-947d-6c4946e43dd2 | GroupFile 3 | DOC | example.com/doc | 2024-03-18 12:00:00 | Group 2 | Jane Smith |