This changelog describes changes after version 3.9.0.
- vmware_vm_info - Fix an AttributeError when gathering network information (#1919).
- Removed module / plugin documentation RST files from the repository (#1897).
- Using semantic markup in documentation (#1771).
- vmware_deploy_ovf - New parameter enable_hidden_properties to force OVF properties marked as ovf:userConfigurable=false to become user configurable (#802).
- vmware_dvs_portgroup_info - add moid property in the return value for the module (#1849).
- vmware_guest_snapshot - add new snapshot_id option (#1847).
- vmware_host_snmp module now can configure SNMP agent on set of hosts (list in esxi_hostname parameter or as cluster in cluster_name parameter). The ability to configure the host directly remains (#1799).
- Removed support for ansible-core version < 2.15.0.
- vmware_dvs_host - removed defaults for vmnics and lag_uplinks (#1516).
- vmware_host_acceptance - removed acceptance_level and used its options in state. This also means there will be no state list anymore. In order to get information about the current acceptance level, use the new module vmware_host_acceptance_info (#1872).
- vmware_vm_info - added prefix length to IP addresses in vm_network, so they now show up as for example instead of just (#1761).
- Removed module util version (#1639).
- vmware_guest - removed specifying CDROM configuration as a dict, instead use a list (#1472).
- vmware_host_lockdown - removed deprecated states absent and present (#1517).
- vmware_rest_client - removed deprecated method get_tag_by_category() (#1898).