Adds all functionality to the Selection plugin.
To develop on this fork:
- run
yarn start:htmlinit
in a console - run
yarn start:plugins
in another console - these together will watch changes in any files you're likely to be changing - open http://localhost:8080/example/selectiveCanvas/ - this is the live test page for the Selection plugin. Also includes some documentation.
- To debug in vscode, debug start the launch config:
Launch Chrome against localhost
. That should allow you to add breakpoints directly in vscode.
✨ We're excited to introduce version 7.0.0-alpha codenamed wavesurfer.ts, a TypeScript rewrite of wavesurfer.js with better performance and new plugins. Give the alpha version a spin and let us know what you think! Check out the wavesurfer.ts README to get started. Happy coding! ✨
Interactive navigable audio visualization using Web Audio and Canvas.
See docs and examples on
For a video tutorial, watch this series by Live Blogger on YouTube. 📺
Have a question about integrating wavesurfer.js on your website? Feel free to ask in our forum:
Install the package:
npm install wavesurfer.js --save
# or
yarn add wavesurfer.js
And import it like so:
import WaveSurfer from 'wavesurfer.js'
If you're not using a package manager, simply insert the script from a CDN:
<script src=""></script>
Create a container in your HTML:
<div id="waveform"></div>
Create an instance of wavesufer.js, passing the container selector and a few options:
var wavesurfer = WaveSurfer.create({
container: '#waveform',
waveColor: 'violet',
progressColor: 'purple'
Subscribe to some events:
wavesurfer.on('ready', function () {;
Load an audio file from a URL:
See the documentation on all available methods, options and events on the homepage.
For the list of projects using wavesurfer.js, check out the projects page.
Have an idea and want to contribute to wavesurfer.js? Please first start a discussion in the Ideas section of our forum to coordinate with the maintainers.
Install development dependencies:
npm install
Development tasks automatically rebuild certain parts of the library when files are changed (start
– wavesurfer, start:plugins
– plugins). Start a dev task and go to localhost:8080/example/
to test the current build.
Start development server for core library:
npm run start
Start development server for plugins:
npm run start:plugins
Build all the files. (generated files are placed in the dist
npm run build
Running tests only:
npm run test
Build documentation with esdoc (generated files are placed in the doc
npm run doc
If you want to use the VS Code - Debugger for Chrome, there is already a launch.json with a properly configured sourceMapPathOverrides
for you.
The homepage and documentation files are maintained in the gh-pages
branch. Contributions to the documentation are especially welcome.
To release a new version and publish it to NPM, follow the steps below.
Switch to the master branch and make sure it's up-to-date
git checkout master
git fetch --all; git reset --hard origin/master
Run the release script:
yarn release
This will update the version, generate a changelog, and push everything to a new branch called release/X.X.X
A browser window will open to create a PR from this new branch to the master branch. Once the PR is approved and merged, an automated workflow will kick in and publish a release both on GitHub and NPM.
The main maintainer: Thijs Triemstra
Many thanks to all the awesome contributors!
This work is licensed under a BSD 3-Clause License.