- Add Python3.9 to supported version list
- Python3 goodies, use enum classes for enums
- Use numpydoc style for docstrings, add extension to Sphinx
- Drop Python2 compatibility code
- Use github actions instead of Travis CI
- Drop Python2 support
- Python3 supported versions are 3.6 - 3.8
- No changes in ged2doc code, new version is to build Windows app with latest ged4py version (v0.2.4) which fixes Genery.com dialect detection.
- New module dumbemf implements a subset of EMF drawing primitives to support EMF representation of ancestor trees.
- Ancestor tree in ODT output is now in EMF format by default, there is an option to use SVG format as in previous versions
- Fix DateValue error and Python2 compatibility issues (#28).
- Update for improved DATE support in ged4py
- Add protection from exceptions in Pillow
- Add Czech translation (kudos to @Mejstro)
- Add --locale option
- Fix for SVG file (ancestor trees) headers
- Improve logging and error reporting
- Fix for event date comparison (#15)
- Fixed (hopefully) crash when dealing with GIF images.
- Added Polish translation (kudos to @voyager212)
- Improved image search algorithm for on-disk and zipped locations
- Output events without dates, and add option to disable it
- Changed Russian translation for "Maiden name"
- Improve format of generic events and attributes, use TYPE as event type
- Add "cause" to formatted event if "CAUS" tag is present
- Require ged4py 0.1.4 or later
- This improves name parsing for ALTREE dialect
- Fixed bug causing exception for small images: UnboundLocalError: local variable 'imgsize' referenced before assignment
- Update docs, add russian translation for usage/installation
- Try to open images using full path
- Python3 fixes, bytes handling
- add --version option to print ged2doc/ged4py versions
- Small fix for packaging
- Add support for ODT output.
- Add options for names formatting
- Automatic determination of output format from file extension
- First release on PyPI.
- Only supporting HTML output for now.