How to expose a function as an API for others to use?
- To use it in a different environment
- Loose coupling
- Deploy a machine learning model
- preprocess an image
- live price check
- Requires writing a web application
- What about authentication?
- How to do data validation?
- How I need write a client library too?
Deploying functions made easy!
Write your function:
def square(n):
return n*n
Start web service:
$ firefly sq.square
[INFO] Starting gunicorn 19.7.1
[INFO] Listening at:
And use it with a client.
>>> from firefly.client import Client
>>> client = Client("")
>>> client.square(n=4)
Behind the scenes, it is a RESTful API.
$ curl -d '{"n": 4}'
And supports any JSON-friendly datatype.
Deploying a machine learning model.
import pickle
model = pickle.load('model.pkl')
def predict(features):
result = model.predict(features])
return int(result[0])
Run the server using:
$ firefly model.predict
And use it in the client:
>>> remote_model = Client("http://localhost:8080/")
>>> remote_model.predict(features=[5.9, 3, 5.1, 1.8]))
Firefly has built-in support for autentication.
$ firefly --token abcd1234 sq.square
The client must pass the same token to autenticate it.
>>> client = Client("", auth_token="abcd1234")
>>> client.square(n=4)
- supporting other input and output content-types in addition to json. (for example, a function to resize an image)
- validation using type annotations
- caching support
To install:
pip install firefly-python