There are three groups of configuration options and commands:
- command line options
- configuration file commands
- rcli commands
Command line options can be modified by editing the run script /usr/local/sbin/ Most of them are DPDK EAL command line options, therefore you can refer to DPDK documentation EAL Command-line Options for detailed description of them.
Before running TheRouter you must check the following options and use your own values depending on the hardware you use:
- --lcores
Map lcore set to physical cpu set
- -n
Set the number of memory channels to use.
- -w
Add a PCI device in white list.
Example of the startup script cmd options:
the_router --proc-type=primary --lcores='0@0,1@1,2@2,3@3' --syslog='daemon' -n2 -w 0000:01:00.0 -w 0000:01:00.1 -- -c $1 -d
Note: Lcore 0 is used by the TheRouter's control plane function and can be shared with linux. Other cores are used by TheRouter's data plane functions and should be isolated during the linux starup process by using the linux kernel command line parameter isolcpus. Otherwise, performance of TheRouter's data plane working threads might be very low due the context switching.
This options are stored a configuration file used with -c command line option.
Configuration file consists two sections:
- startup
- runtime
Each section contains commands. A section line is considered as a single command. Symbol # is used to comment a whole line.
startup {
runtime {
startup {
# total number of mbufs
sysctl set mbuf 32768
port 0 mtu 1500 tpid 0x8100 state enabled
port 1 mtu 1500 tpid 0x8100 state enabled
rx_queue port 0 queue 0 lcore 1
rx_queue port 0 queue 1 lcore 2
rx_queue port 0 queue 2 lcore 3
rx_queue port 1 queue 0 lcore 3
rx_queue port 1 queue 1 lcore 2
rx_queue port 1 queue 2 lcore 1
sysctl set global_packet_counters 1
runtime {
vif add name p0 port 0 type untagged
ip addr add dev p0
vif add name p1 port 1 type untagged
ip addr add dev p1
ip route add via src
alg "icmp"
alg "pptp"
group default {
pass final on p0 all
pass final on p1 all
Startup commands are the commands that are used to initilize TheRouter's susbystem and properties that can't be modified once TheRouter have started. This commands can only be used in the startup section of the configuration file and can't be used by the rcli interface.
port <dpdk_port_number> mtu <mtu_size> tpid <tpid_value> state enabled
rx_queue port <dpdk_port_number> queue <queue_number> lcore <lcore>
sysctl set <name> <value>
npf load "<path_to_npf_configuration_file>"
Note: that you should enclose path to file with '"'.
Runtime commands are the commands that can be either executed via rcli interface or used in the runtime section of the configuration file.
rcli ip addr add <net>/<mask> dev <vif_name>
rcli ip addr del <net>/<mask> dev <vif_name>
rcli sh ip addr
rcli ip route table add <route_table_name>
rcli ip route table del <route_table_name>
rcli rcli sh ip route tables
rcli u32set create <u32set_name> size <size> bucket_size <bucket_size>
rcli u32set destroy <u32set_name>
rcli ipset add <u32set_name> <ipv4>
rcli ipset del <u32set_name> <ipv4>
rcli ipset test <u32set_name> <ipv4>
rcli l2set add <u32set_name> port <port_number> svid <svid> cvid <cvid>
rcli l2set del <u32set_name> port <port_number> svid <svid> cvid <cvid>
rcli l2set test <u32set_name> port <port_number> svid <svid> cvid <cvid>
rcli sh ip pbr rules
ip pbr rule add prio <prio_num> u32set <u32set_name> type "ip" table <route_table_name>
ip pbr rule add prio <prio_num> u32set <u32set_name> type "l2" table <route_table_name>
rcli ip pbr rule add prio <prio_num> from <net/mask> <route_table_name>
rcli ip pbr rule del prio <prio_num>
rcli ip pbr flush
rcli ip route add <net>/<mask> dev <vif_name> src <src_ip> [table <table_name>]
ip route add <net>/<mask> via <gw_ip> src <src_ip> [table <table_name>]
ip route add <net>/<mask> unreachable [table <table_name>]
ip route del <net/mask> [table <table_name>]
sh ip route [table <name>]
rcli vif add name <name> port <port_num> type <type> [svid <svid>] [cvid <cvid>] [flags <flag1,flag2...>] [MTU <mtu_size>]
Type parameter can take one of the following values:
- untagged
- dot1q
- qinq
- npf_on
- kni
- proxy_arp
- flow_acct
- rpf
- dhcp_rel
rpf - reverse path filter
The following flags are enabled by default:
- dhcp_rel
rcli vif flags <up|down> name <name> flags <flag1,flag2...>
rcli vif flags down name v20 flags dhcp_rel
Up/down (enable/disable) a flag on a VIF.
rcli vif car name <name> ingress cir <cir_val> egress cir <cir_value>
Define ingress/egress bandwidth limit for a VIF. <cir_val> unit is kbit/s. a zero value could be used to delete a limit.
rcli vif del <name>
rcli sh vif
rcli sh vif counters
rcli clear vif counters
rcli arp add <ip> <mac> dev <vif_name> [static]
rcli arp del <ip> dev <vif_name>
rcli sh arp cache
rcli sysctl set <name> <value>
for string variables
rcli sysctl set <name> "<value>"
rcli sysctl get <name> <value>
rcli ping --help
Usage: ping [-c,--count count] [-i,--interval interval_in_ms] [-s icmp_payload_size]
[-f,--dont_frag] [-a,--source_address ip_source_address] [-w,--nowait]
[-h,--help] destination
rcli sh npf conndb size
rcli sh npf conndb summary
rcli sh npf conndb summary sip
rcli sh npf stat
rcli npf clear stat
startup {
# any protocol timeouts (UDP)
sysctl set NPF_ANY_CONN_CLOSED 2
sysctl set NPF_ANY_CONN_NEW 30
# TCP timeouts
sysctl set NPF_TCPS_CLOSED 10
sysctl set NPF_TCPS_SYN_SENT 30
sysctl set NPF_TCPS_SIMSYN_SENT 30
sysctl set NPF_TCPS_FIN_SENT 240
sysctl set NPF_TCPS_FIN_RECEIVED 240
sysctl set NPF_TCPS_CLOSE_WAIT 45
sysctl set NPF_TCPS_FIN_WAIT 60
sysctl set NPF_TCPS_CLOSING 30
sysctl set NPF_TCPS_LAST_ACK 30
sysctl set NPF_TCPS_TIME_WAIT 120
sysctl set ipfix_nat_events 1
ipfix_collector addr
rcli shutdown
rcli sh port ext stat
rcli sh port stat
rcli sh cmbuf stats
rcli sh mbuf stats
rcli sh stat
rcli clear stats
Router system name.
sysctl set system_name "tr1"
String. Defines the format of convertion MAC addresses to strings.
Valid values are:
cisco - xxxx.xxxx.xxxx
linux - xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
raw - no delimiters, xxxxxxxxxxxx
rcli sysctl set mac_addr_format linux
Integer. Defines the route proto type of linux routes TheRouter create for subscribers, etc.
Note: FRR 4.0 bgpd redistribute kernel doesn't see linux routes with proto static, but it sees BOOT routes.
Valid values are:
rcli sysctl set linux_route_proto 3
ipv6 enable
ipv6 enable dev <vif_name>
Enables IPv6 protocol on an interface, create link-local address using eui-64 scheme
ipv6 disable
ipv6 disable dev <vif_name>
Disables IPv6 protocol on the interface. Delete all addresses and routes depending on an interface
sh ipv6 addr
sh ipv6 addr
Outputs ipv6 addresses assignes to interfaces
ipv6 addr add eui-64
ipv6 addr add eui-64 <prefix>/<length> eui-64 dev <vif_name>
Generates an address using prefix and interface id (EUI64 scheme) and assign the address to an interface
ipv6 addr add
ipv6 addr add <address>/<length> dev <vif_name>
Assigns the given ipv6 address to an interface
ipv6 addr link-local
ipv6 addr link-local <address> dev <vif_name>
Assigns the given ipv6 link-local address to an interface
ipv6 addr link-local eui-64
ipv6 addr link-local eui-64 dev <vif_name>
Generates a link-local address using the eui-64 scheme and assigns it to an interface
ipv6 addr auto
ipv6 addr auto dev <vif_name> enable|disable
Enables SLAAC client for an interface. Once enabled the router starts assigning dynamic ipv6 addresses at an interface based on the information received in Router Advertisement messages
ipv6 addr del
ipv6 addr del <address or prefix>/<length> dev <vif_name>
Deletes an address from an interface
sh ipv6 route
sh ipv6 route
Outputs ipv6 routing table
ipv6 route add
ipv6 route add <prefix/prefix-length> dev <vif_name>
Adds a connected route to a prefix into the main routing table
ipv6 route add
ipv6 route add <prefix/length> dev <vif_name> via <ipv6-address> [table <ipv6_routing_table>]
Adds a route to a prefix via a gateway with given address into a routing table
ipv6 route add
ipv6 route add ::/0 via <ipv6-address> [table <ipv6_routing_table>]
Adds the default route into a routing table
ipv6 route add
ipv6 route add <prefix/length> unreachable [table <ipv6_routing_table>]
Adds an unrechable route into a routing table
ipv6 route del
ipv6 route del <prefix/length> [table <ipv6_routing_table>]
Deletes a route from a routing table
ipv6 route default auto
ipv6 route default auto dev <vif_name> enable|disable
Enables intallation of default routes based on the information in Router Advertisement messages. Once enabled the router will create the default route based on the first RA message received on the interface and will associate a timer with that route. The timer is set to RA.lifetime value. When it expires the default route will be deleted and the router will install a new default route based on another RA message received at the interface.
ipv6 route table add
ipv6 route table add <route table name>
Add an ipv6 route table to the FIB
ipv6 route table del
ipv6 route table del <route table name>
Deletes an ipv6 route table from the FIB
ipv6 pbr rule add prefix
ipv6 pbr rule add prio <rule priority number> from <ipv6 prefix/length> table <route table name>
Adds an ipv6 pbr rule to the rule list at the position "rule priority number"
ipv6 pbr rule add set
ipv6 pbr rule add prio <rule priority number> u32set <set name> <set type> table <route table name>
Adds an ipv6 pbr rule to the rule list at the position "rule priority number". Only "l2" set type value is supported so far.
ipv6 pbr rule del
ipv6 pbr rule del prio <rule priority number>
Deletes an ipv6 pbr rule from the rule list from the position "rule priority number"
ipv6 nd ra
ipv6 nd ra enable|disable dev <vif_name>
Enables or disables Router Advertisements at an interface. If disabled router will not transmit Router Advertisement messages at an interface and will not answer to Router Solicitation messages
sh ipv6 arp
sh ipv6 arp
Outputs ipv6 neighbor cache entries
ipv6 arp add
ipv6 arp add <ipv6-address> <mac-address> dev <vif_name> [static]
Creates or alters an ipv6 neighbor cache entry
ipv6 arp del
ipv6 arp del <ipv6-address> dev <vif_name>
Deletes an ipv6 neighbor cache entry
icmp6 error msg
icmp6 error msg type <number> code <number> enable|disable
Enables or disables generation of an icmp messages with the given type and code
sh icmp6 error msg
sh icmp6 error msg type <number> code <number>
Outputs state of icmp error message
ipv6 nd ra lifetime
ipv6 nd ra lifetime <number> dev <vif_name>
Configures lifetime field value of Router Advertisement messages sent from an interface
ipv6 nd ra interval
ipv6 nd ra interval <min_number> <max_number> dev <vif_name>
Configures the MinRtrAdvInterval and MaxRtrAdvInterval values (seconds) See 6.2.1. Router Configuration Variables
ipv6 nd ra reachable
ipv6 nd ra reachable <number> dev <vif_name>
Configures the value to be placed in the Reachable Time field
in the Router Advertisement messages sent by the router.
The value zero means unspecified (by this router).
MUST be no greater than 3,600,000 milliseconds (1 hour).
ipv6 nd ra retrans_timer
ipv6 nd ra retrans_timer <number> dev <vif_name>
Configures the value to be placed in the Retrans Timer field
in the Router Advertisement messages sent by the router.
The value zero means unspecified (by this router).
ipv6 nd ra hop_limit
ipv6 nd ra hop_limit <number> dev <vif_name>
Configures the default value to be placed in the Cur Hop Limit field in the Router Advertisement messages sent by the router. The value should be set to the current diameter of the Internet. The value zero means unspecified (by this router).
ipv6 nd ra prefix add|update
ipv6 nd ra prefix add|update <prefix/length> [valid_lt <number>] [preferred_lt <number>] [flags O,A] dev <vif_name>
Adds or updates a prefix to/in Router Advertisement messages sent from an interface
ipv6 nd ra prefix del
ipv6 nd ra prefix add <prefix/length> dev <vif_name>
Deletes a prefix from Router Advertisement messages sent from an interface
- nd_retrans_timer
The time in milliseconds between retransmissions of Neighbor Solicitation messages to a neighbor when resolving the address or when probing the reachability of a neighbor.
- fib6_max_route_tables
Max number of ipv6 routing tables
- fib6_max_routes
Max number of ipv6 route entries
- fib6_max_next_hops
Max number of ipv6 next hop entries
- fib6_max_lpm_tbl8
Max number of lpm6 tbl8. See
- max_num_solicited_node_addrs
Max number of solicited node addresses
- nd_neighbor_cache_size
ipv6 neighbor cache size
- nd_neighbor_cache_entry_ttl
ipv6 neigbour cache entry time to live. Seconds.
- icmp6_packet_rate
Icmpv6 error transmission rate in packets per seconds.
- icmp6_transmission_burst
Max number of icmpv6 error messages that could be send at once
- icmp6_num_buckets
Num icmp6 buckets
- max_rtr_solicitation_delay
number of seconds to delay the transmission of router solicitation messages
- dad_attempts
Number of attempts for Duplicate address detection algorithm
vrrp create group
vrrp create group <vrrp_id> dev <vif_name> address-family af_ipv6 version 3
Creates vrrp group
vrrp group ipv6 add
vrrp group <vrrp_id> dev <vif_name> ipv6 add <link-local ipv6 address>
Setup or change ipv6 link-local address of a vrrp3 ipv6 group
vrrp group ipv6 add
vrrp group <vrrp_id> dev <vif_name> ipv6 add <ipv6_address> secondary
Add secondary ipv6 global address to a vrrp3 ipv6 group
vrrp group ipv6 del
vrrp group <vrrp_id> dev <vif_name> ipv6 del <ipv6_address> secondary
Del secondary ipv6 global address from a vrrp3 ipv6 group
vrrp group prio
vrrp group <vrrp_id> dev <vif_name> prio <value>
Change priority of a vrrp group
vrrp group advert_int
vrrp group <vrrp_id> dev <vif_name> advert_int <value>
Change advertisement transmission interval (cetiseconds, 100 centiseconds == 1 sec) of a vrrp group
vrrp group accept_mode
vrrp group <vrrp_id> dev <vif_name> accept_mode <on|off>
Change accept_mode of a vrrp group
vrrp group preempt_mode
vrrp group <vrrp_id> dev <vif_name> preempt_mode <on|off>
Change preempt_mode of a vrrp group
sh vrrp
sh vrrp
Shows vrrp group information
vrrp group del
vrrp del group <vrrp_id> dev <vif_name>
Deletes vrrp group
vrrp group nd ra enable/disable
vrrp group <vrrp_id> dev <vif_name> nd ra enable|disable
Enables or disables transmission of ND Router Advertisement messages for a VRRP IPV6 group
vrrp group nd ra lifetime
vrrp group <vrrp_id> dev <vif_name> nd ra lifetime <value>
Configures lifetime field value of Router Advertisement messages sent for a VRRP IPV6 group
vrrp group nd ra interval
vrrp group <vrrp_id> dev <vif_name> nd ra interval <min_number> <max_number>
Configures the MinRtrAdvInterval and MaxRtrAdvInterval values (seconds) See 6.2.1. Router Configuration Variables
vrrp group nd ra reachable
vrrp group <vrrp_id> dev <vif_name> nd ra reachable <number>
Configures the value to be placed in the Reachable Time field
in the Router Advertisement messages sent by the router.
The value zero means unspecified (by this router).
MUST be no greater than 3,600,000 milliseconds (1 hour).
vrrp group nd ra retrans_timer
vrrp group <vrrp_id> dev <vif_name> nd ra retrans_timer <number>
Configures the value to be placed in the Retrans Timer field
in the Router Advertisement messages sent by the router.
The value zero means unspecified (by this router).
vrrp group nd ra hop_limit
vrrp group <vrrp_id> dev <vif_name> nd ra hop_limit <number>
Configures the default value to be placed in the Cur Hop Limit field in the Router Advertisement messages sent by the router. The value should be set to the current diameter of the Internet. The value zero means unspecified (by this router).
vrrp group nd ra prefix add|update
vrrp group <vrrp_id> dev <vif_name> nd ra prefix add|update <prefix/length> [valid_lt <number>] [preferred_lt <number>] [flags O,A] dev <vif_name>
Adds or updates a prefix to/in Router Advertisement messages sent for a VRRP IPV6 group
vrrp group nd ra prefix del
vrrp group <vrrp_id> dev <vif_name> nd ra prefix add <prefix/length> dev <vif_name>
Deletes a prefix from Router Advertisement messages sent for a VRRP IPV6 group
use 'sysctl get ' or 'sysctl set ' command to view or modity a sysctl variable.
Flow account state. When enabled flow accouting is generated for the forwarded/transit traffic.
0 - disabled 1 - enabled
Generate flow accounting for the input/output traffic.
0 - disabled 1 - enabled
If enabled do flow accounting for dropped packets.
0 - disabled 1 - enabled
Idle timeout of a flow, secs. When the idle timeout expires an idle flow is exported.
active timeout of a flow, secs. When the active timeout expires an active flow is exported.
maximum number of concurrent ipv4 flows entries
maximum number of concurrent ipv6 flows entries
maximum number of ipv4 flows entries that a single lcore (worker) can process concurrently
maximum number of ipv6 flows entries that a single lcore (worker) can process concurrently
flow ipfix_collector
flow ipfix_collector addr <ipv4 address> [port <portnumber>]
Configures flow accounting ipfix collector address and port. Default port value is 4739.
sh flow stat
sh flow stat
Show flow accounting statistic counters.
To enable flow accounting on a particular VIF use VIF flag "flow_acct". For example:
vif add name v3 port 2 type dot1q cvid 3 flags npf_on, kni, flow_acct
Access control lists can be used to filter traffic incoming to an interface (ingress) or outging from an interface. Multiple ACL can be applied to the same interface and a single ACL can be applied to many interfaces.
Each interface has two ACL list: ingress and egress. An interface ACL list stores ACL in sorted order. The position of ACL in the list is defined by a priority specified by a user.
An ACL, in turn, consists of rules. The position of a rule in an ACL is also defined by priority.
When a packet comes into an interface it is compared to the rules of ACLs from the ingress list, when a packet is transmitted from an interface it is compared to the rules of ACLs from the egress list. First, a packet is compared to the rules of the ACL with the minimum priority. Then the process goes to the next ACL with greater priority.
When a packet is matched to an ACL rule, the ACL process is stopped and the action defined by the ACL is taken to the packet. It could be a drop or permit action.
If a packet is not matched to any ACL rule the process goes to the next ACL in the list. If there are no more ACL in the list, then the action opposite to the action defined by ACL is taken. For example, if a packet is not matched to any rule of a deny ACL, then the packet is permitted. And when a packet isn't matched to any rule of a permit ACL the packet is dropped. So, the last ACL in the list defines the fate of a packet when no matches are found. Note that empty ACLs are not included into interfaces list of ACL and won't be taken into account when a packet isn't matched to any ACL rules.
vif acl create aclid <acl_id> type <acl_type> <action>
Creates new access control list.
- acl_id - unique numeric identificator
- acl_type - type. It can be one of the following types:
- ipv4_tuple - define an ACL that can classify packets using combination of following fields: protocol type, ipv4 source address, ipv4 destination address, l4 source port, l4 destination port
- ipv6_tuple - define an ACL that can classify packets using combination of following fields: protocol type, ipv6 source address, ipv6 destination address, l4 source port, l4 destination port
- action: action to take for a packet when a match is found. It can be one of the following
- deny - drop a packet when a match is found
- permit - permit a packet when a match is found
vif acl create aclid 10 type ipv6_tuple deny
vif acl destroy aclid <acl_id>
Deletes an access control list.
- acl_id - unique numeric identificator of a ACL to delete
vif acl destroy aclid 10
vif acl add dev <vif_name> dir <direction> aclid <acl_id> prio <prio>
Use an ACL on an interface. Command adds an ACL to the ingress or egress list of ACLs of an interface at position number prio.
- vif_name - name of an interface to add an ACL to
- direction - specifies the interface list of ACLs to add an ACL to. Can be one the two values: ingress or egress
- acl_id - numeric identificator of the ACL to add to an interface
- prio - position in the interface's ACL list to put an ACL to
vif acl add dev v5 dir ingress aclid 10 prio 30
vif acl del dev <vif_name> dir <direction> aclid <acl_id>
Stop using an ACL on an interface. Command deletes an ACL from the ingress or egress list of ACLs of an interface.
- vif_name - name of an interface to delete an ACL from
- direction - specifies the interface list of ACLs to delete an ACL from. Can be one the two values: ingress or egress
- acl_id - numeric identificator of the ACL to delete from an interface
vif acl del dev v5 dir ingress aclid 10
vif acl modify dev <vif_name> dir <direction> aclid <acl_id> prio <prio>
Changes the position of an ACL in the list of ACLs on an interface
- vif_name - name of an interface
- direction - specifies the interface list of ACLs. Can be one the two values: ingress or egress
- acl_id - numeric identificator of the ACL to modify
- prio - new position of an ACL
vif acl modify dev v5 dir ingress aclid 10 prio 40
vif acl flush aclid <acl_id>
Deletes all rules from an ACL.
- acl_id - numeric identificator of the ACL to delete rules from
vif acl flush aclid 10
vif acl rule <ip_version> add aclid <acl_id> prio <prio> [proto <protocol_number>]
[src <src_prefix>] [dst <dst_prefix>] [sport <src_port_range>] [dport <dst_port_range>]
Adds a rule to an ACL.
- ip_version - version of the IP protocol. Can be on of two values: ipv4 or ipv6
- acl_id - numeric identificator of an ACL to add a rule to
- prio - position of a rule in the ACL
- proto - ip protocol number
- src_prefix - source ip prefix
- dst_prefix - destination ip prefix
- src_port_range - l4 source port range: for example: 8080 8090
- dst_port_range - l4 destination port range
vif acl rule ipv4 add aclid 11 prio 21 proto 6 src dst sport 10 20 dport 80
vif acl rule ipv4 add aclid 11 prio 21 dst dport 80
vif acl rule ipv6 add aclid 10 prio 20 dst 2a00:1450:400c:c07::8b dport 80
vif acl rule <ip_version> del aclid <acl_id> prio <prio>
Deletes a rule from an ACL.
- ip_version - version of the IP protocol. Can be on of two values: ipv4 or ipv6
- acl_id - numeric identificator of an ACL to add a rule to
- prio - position of a rule in the ACL
vif acl rule ipv4 del aclid 11 prio 21
vif acl rule <ip_version> modify aclid <acl_id> prio <prio> [proto <protocol_number>]
[src <src_prefix>] [dst <dst_prefix>] [sport <src_port_range>] [dport <dst_port_range>]
Modify a rule in an ACL.
- ip_version - version of the IP protocol. Can be on of two values: ipv4 or ipv6
- acl_id - numeric identificator of an ACL to add a rule to
- prio - position of a rule in the ACL
- proto - ip protocol number
- src_prefix - source ip prefix
- dst_prefix - destination ip prefix
- src_port_range - l4 source port range: for example: 8080 8090
- dst_port_range - l4 destination port range
vif acl rule ipv4 modify aclid 11 prio 21 proto 6 src dst sport 10 20 dport 80
vif acl rule ipv4 modify aclid 11 prio 21 dst dport 80
vif acl rule ipv6 modify aclid 10 prio 20 dst 2a00:1450:400c:c07::8b dport 80
sh vif acl rules aclid <acl_id>
Shows ACL.
- acl_id - numeric identificator of an ACL to show
h5 ~ # rcli sh vif acl rules aclid 11
acl id 11, type ipv4_tuple, action deny, num rules 1
prio 21, proto any, src any, dst, sport any, dport 81
sh vif
Shows ACL interface.
h5 ~ # rcli sh vif
vif v5, id 3
port 0, vlan 0.5, encapsulation dot1q
mac address 00:1B:21:A3:0C:88
NPF index 12
CAR ingress not set
egress not set
ACL ingress prio 30 acl 10, prio 40 acl 11
egress not set
sh pppoe subsc
Output all connected/online pppoe subscribers
sh pppoe subsc <user-name>
Output particular pppoe subscriber with the given user-name
rcli sh pppoe subsc alexk
vif_id username mac svid cvid session_id ip addr mtu ingress cir egress cir rx_pkts tx_pkts rx_bytes tx_bytes uptime
5 alexk 84:16:F9:BD:54:F7 0 3 1 1492 100000 100000 182057 269266 18608751 328714627 2 hour(s), 58 min(s), 7 sec(s)
pppoe disconnect <pppoe_vif_id>
Disconnect pppoe subscriber VIF with id <pppoe_vif_id>
See "vif add" for all details.
vif add name v3 port 0 type dot1q cvid 3 flags flow_acct,pppoe_on,npf_on
Using pppoe_on flag enables PPPoE protocol at an interface.
pppoe ac_cookie key "key_data"
Sets ac_cookie key value.
pppoe ac_cookie key "13071232717"
pppoe ac_name "ac_name"
Sets PPPoE AC name.
pppoe ac_name "trouter1"
pppoe service name "service_name"
Sets PPPoE service name.
pppoe service name "*"
pppoe blocked subsc add <lladdr>
Add pppoe subscriber link-layer address to the block list
pppoe blocked subsc del <lladdr>
Del pppoe subscriber link-layer address from the block list
sh pppoe blocked subsc
Show content of the pppoe subscriber's block list
ppp dns primary <ip_address>
Sets ip address of the primary dns server for ppp subscribers.
ppp dns primary
ppp dns secondary <ip_address>
Sets ip address of the secondary dns server for ppp subscribers.
ppp dns primary
ppp ipcp server ip <ip_address>
Sets ip address the_router side ot ppp p-t-p tunnels
ppp ipcp server ip
ppp ip pool add <pool_name>
Configure ppp to use local ip pool with the given name. The pool will be used if all others ip address sources are failed. For example the pool will be used if the authorization response doesn't include Framed-ip-address or Framed-pool atributes.
Multiple pools can be added to ppp. In that case they will be used in a round-robin way.
ppp ip pool del <pool_name>
Stop using the local ip pool that was configured with the command "ppp ip pool add"
Maximum number of concurrent pppoe subscribers.
Variable can be used only in the startup configuration file section.
Maximum number of online pppoe subscribers. Once the number of online pppoe subscribers reaches this limit therouter will stop answering to pppoe discovery initiation packets (PADI). The difference between this variable and pppoe_max_subsc variable is that pppoe_max_online_subsc variable can be changed at runtime. Use 0 value to turn off the limit.
Time, seconds. Pppoe subscriber will be disconnected if there are no packets during this period of time.
1 - on, 0 - off. Enables or disables using TCP MSS fix for pppoe traffic.
Maximum number of PPP FSM (LCP or NCP(IPCP)) terminate packets that may be sent.
Maximum number of PPP FSM (LCP or NCP(IPCP)) configure packets that may be sent.
Time is milliseconds to wait before resend a PPP FSM configure request. This time will be multiplied by 1.5 with each attempt to resend a request.
1 - on, 0 - off. Check that each pppoe subscriber has a uniq pair: Host-Uniq TAG and MAC address. If a new pppoe discover request containging already existing pair of the values is received it will be dropped. The pppoe_sub_uniq_check variable can be used only in the startup configuration file section.
1 - on, 0 - off. When enabled the_router will disconnect/prevent from connecting new pppoe subscribers that use a username already being used by another subscriber's session
1 - on, 0 - off. When enabled the_router will add/remove linux kernel /32 routes for ppp subscribers ip addresses. Linux kernel routes are installed to 'lo' interface in the namespace therouter is running in. This option allows to announce subscriber's /32 prefixes by using "redisribute kernel" command in FRR/Quagga bgpd or ospfd daemons.
Interval in seconds beetween keepalive tests. Use 0 to turn off keeplive.
Interval in milliseconds beetween keepalive probes (LCP echo-requests).
Maximum number of keepalive probes that could be send during one keepalive test.
Strip the domain part of ppp username before output a username to CLI or log files.
Show PPPoE subscriber's uptime in seconds instead of a human-readable time format.
Read only. Indicates maximum length of ppp peers names (usernames) allowed by TheRouter.
String. Defines the default ppp auth proto. Default values is "chap".
Valid values:
sysctl set ppp_default_auth_proto "chap"
sh pppoe ipv6 subsc
Output all connected/online pppoe subscribers
sh pppoe ipv6 subsc <name>
Output particular pppoe subscriber with the given name
rcli sh pppoe ipv6 subsc alexk
vif_id username mac svid cvid session_id ia_na ia_pd slaac mtu ingress cir egress cir rx_pkts tx_pkts rx_bytes tx_bytes uptime
5 alexk 84:16:F9:BD:54:F7 0 3 1 xxx:237f:ee39:5584:17eb xxx60::/64 xxxaf::/64 1492 100000 100000 182736 26991718793821
dhcpv6 add dns <ipv6_address>
Add a recursive DNS server to the global list of servers. Values on the list will be used in RAs sent to pppoe subsribers and by DHCPv6 server.
dhcpv6 del dns <ipv6_address>
Delete a recursive dns server address from the RDNSS list.
dhcpv6 domain search list <string>
dhcpv6 domain search list
ppp ipv6 pool <ppp_address_type> <pool_name>
Set the default address pool for ppp ipv6 adresses/prefixes of particular type
Where <address_type> can take one of the following values:
# default pools
ppp ipv6 pool ia_na ppp6_na_pool
ppp ipv6 pool ia_pd ppp6_pd_pool
ppp ipv6 pool slaac ppp6_slaac_pool
ppp ipv6 pool <ppp_address_type> disable
Delete (don't use) the default address/prefix pool for ppp adresses/prefixes of particular type
ppp ipv6 pool ia_na disable
ppp ipv6 pool ia_pd disable
ppp ipv6 pool slaac disable
Scope: startup only Enable/disable ipv6 for ppp
Set the size of the mtu router advertisement option of RA's sent to ppp interfaces.
Enable/disable the MSS fix/clumping for IPv6.
Setup the IA_NA for PPP DHCPv6 server.
Valid values are:
0 - disable, the IA_NA option will no be included in DHCPv6 messages sent to ppp interface.
1 - enable, the IA_NA option will be included in DHCPv6 replies, IA_NA value will be allocated
from a pool only if the DHCPv6 user ask for that option
2 - allways allocate, the IA_NA option will be included in DHCPv6 replies, IA_NA value will be allocated
from a pool immidiately
Setup the IA_PD for PPP DHCPv6 server.
Valid values are:
0 - disable, the IA_PD option will no be included in DHCPv6 messages sent to ppp interface.
1 - enable, the IA_PD option will be included in DHCPv6 replies, the IA_PD value will be allocated
from a pool only if the DHCPv6 user ask for that option
2 - allways allocate, the IA_PD option will be included in DHCPv6 replies, the IA_PD value will be allocated
from a pool immidiately
Enable/disable use of SLAAC for ppp interfaces.
0 - disable 1 - enable
Default preferred value for ipv6 addresses. For example, this values will be used for ipv6 addresses received via RADIUS protocol.
Default valid value for ipv6 addresses. For example, this values will be used for ipv6 addresses received via RADIUS protocol.
0 - disable 1 - enable
Include the slaac prefix into radius accounting start messages Framed-IPv6-Prefix attribute.
0 - disable 1 - enable
Include the ia_na address into radius accounting start messages Framed-IPv6-Address attribute.
0 - disable 1 - enable
Include the IA_PD prefix into radius accounting start messages Delegated-IPv6-Prefix attribute.
Output details about ipv6 pools
rcli sh ipv6 pools
name ppp6_pd_pool
address space xxxe::/48
address/prefix length 64
preferred lifetime 3600
valid lifetime 7200
free 65536
used 0
name ppp6_na_pool
address space xxx1::/64
address/prefix length 128
preferred lifetime 3600
valid lifetime 7200
free 4294967294
used 1
name ppp6_slaac_pool
address space xxx0b::/48
address/prefix length 64
preferred lifetime 3600
valid lifetime 7200
free 65535
used 1
ipv6 pool add <pool_name> <prefix> length <len> preferred_lt <integer> valid_lt <integer> flags <flag,...>
Create an ipv6 address pool.
- address space for a pool. - length of prefixes allocated from a pool.
rand - allocate random values.
cache - after alocation an address/prefix is reserved for the user allocated the value for a valid_lt seconds.
During this time the user will be given the same address/prefix. After the valid_lt seconds ellapse the address/prefix
will be returned back to the pool.
ipv6 pool add ppp6_slaac_pool xxx::/48 length 64 preferred_lt 3600 valid_lt 7200 flags rand,cache
ipv6 pool del <pool_name>
Delete an ipv6 pool.
ipv6 pool modify <pool_name> valid_lt <integer> preferred_lt <integer>
Modify an existing ipv6 pool lifetime values.
ip pool add <ip_pool_name>
Add new ip pool with the given name. Maximum pool name length is 16.
ip pool del <ip_pool_name>
Delete ip pool with the given name. Maximum pool name length is 16.
ip pool add range <ip_pool_name> <ip from> - <ip to>
Add ip address range to the pool. Maximum pool name length is 16.
ip pool del range <ip_pool_name> <ip from> - <ip to>
Delete ip address range from the pool. Maximum pool name length is 16.
sh ip pool
Output ip pool detailes
Size of the ip pool's glabal pool cache. Default value is 4096.
Time to live of the ip pool cache entry, seconds. Default value is 60 seconds.
radius_client add server <ip address> [port <port number>]
Add RADIUS server to the list of servers. RADIUS requests will be sent to servers in the round-robin way. Maximum numbers of servers in the list is 8. Default port number is 1812.
radius_client add server port 1612
radius_client add src ip <ip address>
Add ip address to the list of source ip addresses that will be used by the TheRouter's RADIUS client to send RADIUS requests. A source ip address must be assigned to a VIF.
radius_client add src ip
radius_client set secret "secret"
Set the RADIUS client secret.
radius_client set secret "1234abcd"
coa server set secret "secret"
Set the RADIUS CoA server secret.
coa server set secret "abcd1234"
radius_client set accounting secret "secret"
Set the RADIUS accounting client secret.
radius_client set accounting secret "1234abcd"
radius_client add accounting server <ip address> [port <port number>]
Add RADIUS accounting server to the list of servers. RADIUS requests will be sent to servers in the round-robin way. Maximum numbers of servers in the list is 8. Default port number is 1813.
radius_client add accounting server port 1813
1 - enable radius accounting, 0 - disable rodius accounting Note that "vif_stat" sysctl variable should be set to 1, otherwise accounting request's packets and bytes counters will contains zero values.
1 - enable sending interim accounting-requests, 0 - disable
Time in seconds, determines how often to send interim requests.
This is the list of TheRouter VAS:
VENDOR TheRouter 12345
ATTRIBUTE therouter_ingress_cir 1 integer
ATTRIBUTE therouter_engress_cir 2 integer
ATTRIBUTE therouter_ipv4_addr 3 integer
ATTRIBUTE therouter_ipv4_mask 4 integer
ATTRIBUTE therouter_outer_vid 5 integer
ATTRIBUTE therouter_inner_vid 6 integer
ATTRIBUTE therouter_ip_unnumbered 7 integer
ATTRIBUTE therouter_port_id 8 integer
ATTRIBUTE therouter_ipv4_gw 9 integer
ATTRIBUTE therouter_pbr 10 integer
ATTRIBUTE therouter_install_subsc_route 17 integer
ATTRIBUTE therouter_subsc_ttl 18 integer
ATTRIBUTE therouter_subsc_static_arp 19 integer
ATTRIBUTE therouter_subsc_proxy_arp 20 integer
ATTRIBUTE therouter_subsc_rp_filter 21 integer
Ingress CIR (commited information rate) - kbit/s It's used to limit bandwith availabe for any type of subscriber. Ingress direction means the direction from the subscriber to TheRouter interface.
Egress CIR (commited information rate) - kbit/s It's used to limit bandwith availabe for any type of subscriber. Egress direction means the direction from the TheRouter to the subscriber.
subscriber's session time to live in seconds.
Value 1 of this attribute instructs TheRouter to intstall subscriber ipv4 address /32 prefix into the main routing table.
Value 1 of this attribute instructs TheRouter to intstall the static arp record for L2 subscriber.
The attribute with value 1 instructs TheRouter to enable proxy arp on dynamic VIF (vlan per subscriber).
Note that to enable proxy arp for L2 subscribers the proxy arp flag should be used in VIF configuration command when the L2 subscriber's parent interface is created.
The attribute with value 1 instructs TheRouter to enable reverse path filter on dynamic VIF (vlan per subscriber)
Note that to enable reverse path filter for L2 subscribers the rpf flag should be used in VIF configuration command when the L2 subscriber's parent interface is created.
Description is available here
Maximum number of concurrent ipoe subscribers. Variable can be used only in the startup configuration file section.
1 - on, 0 - off.
When enabled the_router will add/remove linux kernel /32 routes for ipoe subscriber's ip addresses. Linux kernel routes are installed to 'lo' interface in the namespace therouter is running in. This option allows to announce subscriber's /32 prefixes by using "redisribute kernel" command in FRR/Quagga bgpd or ospfd daemons.
1 - on, 0 - off.
Initiate L2 connected subscriber sessions by unclassified egress packets.
1 - on, 0 - off.
Initiate L2 connected subscriber sessions by unclassified ingress packets.
1 - on, 0 - off.
Initiate L2 connected subscriber sessions by DHCP ACK messages going through TheRouter's DHCP Relay subsystem.
1 - on, 0 - off.
Update expiration/TTL time of L2 subscriber by ingress packets. On by default.
1 - on, 0 - off.
Update expiration/TTL time of L2 subscriber by egress packets. On by default.
1 - on, 0 - off.
When enabled TheRouter will filter ARP requests at VIFs with flag l2_subsc and reply only to requests received from authorized L2 subscribers. TheRouter will be trying to find a match of ARP source ip and ARP source hardware address to IP and MAC address pair of an L2 subscriber, also it will check that ARP request has been received from the VIF the matching subscriber is connected to. If no matches are found, the request will be ignored.
sysctl set dhcp_relay_enabled 1
dhcp_relay <ipv4_address>
dhcp_relay opt82 mode <mode>
where mode is one of the following values:
- rewrite_off - turn off option82 rewrite/insert function
- rewrite_if_doesnt_exist - insert remote_id and circuit_id suboptions only if the request doesn't already contain dhcp option82
- rewrite - rewrite or insert both remote_id and circuit_id DHCP option82 suboptions
- rewrite_circuit_id - rewrite or insert only the circuit_id DHCP option82 suboption
- rewrite_remote_id - rewrite or insert only the remote_id DHCP option82 suboption
dhcp_relay giaddr <ipv4>
Set global dhcp realy giaddr address. When defined TheRouter will use it instead of picking up an ip address with minimum value from the interface where dhcp request was received.
dhcp_relay opt82 remote_id "tr_h4"
TheRouter writes 6 bytes of data into the circuit_id option.
This data include the following properties of the interface a dhcp request was received on:
- 2 bytes - port_id
- 2 bytes - svlan_id
- 2 bytes - cvlan_id
dhcp_relay_opt82_curcuit_id_plain_text is a systcl boolean variable. Valid values 0 and 1. When enabled therouter uses the plain text format for circuit_id suboption.
Some commands could be applied to a set of interfaces or create a set of interfaces. Those type of commands are called 'range' commands in TheRouter terms.
Syntax of the range commands is symilar to the syntax of corresponing commands that operate with only one VIF only with a exceptions that range commands have additional range parameter.
The main purpuse of the range commands is create multiple interfaces with the same parameters but different vlan numbers.
vif add name <name> port <port_num> type <type> range svid <vlan_range> cvid <vlan_range> [flags <flag1,flag2...>] [mtu <mtu>]
Where 'vlan_range' is a vlan number, or a vlan range, for example
svid 4 cvid 100 200
would create 101 VIFs from vlan number 4.100 to 4.200
svid 4 5 cvid 100 200
would create 202 VIFs from vlan number 4.100 to 5.200. The rest of parameters are the same as for the simple 'vif add' command.
vif add name vlanr port 0 type qinq range svid 2079 cvid 2500 2800 flags l2_subs
vif del range svid <vlan_range> cvid <vlan_range> name <name>
ip addr add svid <vlan_range> cvid <vlan_range> <net>/<mask> name <name>
ip addr del svid <vlan_range> cvid <vlan_range> <net>/<mask> name <name>
vif acl add svid <vlan_range> cvid <vlan_range> name <name> dir <direction> aclid <acl_id> prio <prio>
vif acl del svid <vlan_range> cvid <vlan_range> name <name> dir <direction> aclid <acl_id>
vif acl modify svid <vlan_range> cvid <vlan_range> name <name> dir <direction> aclid <acl_id> prio <prio>