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Cardano EZ-Installer

A quick and easy way to install cardano-node, and cardano-cli using Nix.


  • This installer can only be used with Unix-like operating systems (Linux, MacOS, WSL). Windows is not supported.

  • See the Minimum System Requirements for the particular release of cardano-node you're installing on the releases page (the release the installer uses is set with the NODE_RELEASE variable in the .env file).

  • The nix package manager is required for installation. Instructions for installing and configuring Nix are provided below.

  • This installer configures cardano-node and cardano-cli to work with the following terminal shells:

    • bash (Linux & MacOS)
    • zsh (MacOS)

    The installer configures the node and cli to work with MacOS in both login and interactive shells.

    If you wish to use a different shell you'll need to manually configure the necessary aliases and CARDANO_NODE_SOCKET_PATH export in the associated dotfile.

  1. Install nix
  • If you're setting up Nix on your system for the first time, try Determinate Systems' Zero-to-Nix in lieu of the official installer, as it provides an easier tool for installing and uninstalling Nix.
  • Alternatively, you may follow the instructions for multi-user installation for your OS at This approach will require some additional configuration and it will be harder to uninstall Nix should you need to. It is only recommended if you've previously installed Nix on your system, as it will detect and repair a previous installation as needed.
  • When you are finished installing Nix, close the terminal session and open a fresh one.
  1. Configure nix.conf
  • Edit /etc/nix/nix.conf: this requires root access to edit. Use a terminal-based editor like nano (i.e.):

    sudo nano /etc/nix/nix.conf
  • Modify the file following the instructions below:

    # Sample /etc/nix/nix.conf
    # Step 2a: Add this line to enable Flakes if missing (if you used the Zero-to-Nix installer this should already be added)
    experimental-features = nix-command flakes
    # Step 2b: Add your username to trusted-users (also include 'root' to prevent overriding default setting)
    trusted-users = root your-username

    🚨 IMPORTANT! You must restart the nix-daemon to apply the changes


    sudo systemctl restart nix-daemon


    sudo launchctl stop org.nixos.nix-daemon
    sudo launchctl start org.nixos.nix-daemon
  1. Clone and configure
  • Clone this repository on your system.

  • Open cardano-ez-installer/.env in any text editor and adjust the environment variables according to your preference.

    By default the installer is configured to save the necessary files to ~/cardano and ~/cardano-src directories.

      # .env
      export NODE_RELEASE="8.0.0" # Replace with newer version and re-run the script to update your installation
      export CARDANO_SRC_PATH="$HOME/cardano-src" # Where cardano-node source files will be saved
      export CARDANO_PATH="$HOME/cardano" # Where node database and config files will be saved
  1. Run cardano-ez-installer
  • Open a terminal window and enter the cardano-ez-installer directory.
  • Run ./ to start the installation.
  • The installation may take a long time, especially with a fresh install, so be patient! If the installer is taking a while on a particular step but you don't see any errors, assume that the installation is proceeding successfully.
  • If you encounter any errors during the installation process, return to the README and follow the instructions to resolve them. Then run ./ again.
  1. Start your node
  • Once the installation completes, you can start cardano-node from a new terminal window using any of the following aliases:

    • preprod-node for preprod testnet
    • preview-node for preview testnet
    • main-node for mainnet
  • When you are finished using the node, make sure to properly close the node connection by typing CTRL + c in the terminal session where it's running.

    NOTE: If you close the terminal without doing this, the socket will remain open and you won't be able to start the node again unless you manually kill the associated process or restart your system!

Using cardano-cli

Cardano CLI Guru is a companion project that provides numerous conveniences for working with cardano-cli, including:

  • Many pre-written utility scripts to easily execute common cardano-cli commands
  • Management of local environment variables via direnv, making it easy to switch networks and manage file inputs/outputs without polluting your dotfiles (like ~/.bashrc) with additional variables
  • A guided tutorial to teach you how to construct and submit various types of transactions

If you don't want to use the Guru, you can follow the instructions below to use cardano-cli. This will require setting the CARDANO_NODE_NETWORK_ID environment variable manually, as well as writing more verbose commands.

  1. Start the node using the alias for the network you're working with.
  • Allow the node a little time to boot up and start synchronizing before proceeding.

  • It's normal for the node to encounter occasional errors, which it will recover from and continue running. To tell if your node is working properly, look for Chain extended log entries with the following format:

    Chain extended, new tip: c472036b83c119b875e3fc230435b741598677ffa45ea3ad8ad9cda3f70a872d at slot 12227931
  1. Open a new terminal window. You'll need to set the CARDANO_NODE_NETWORK_ID variable in this terminal session to tell cardano-cli which network you're using.
  • For preprod testnet:

  • For preview testnet:

  • For mainnet:


    NOTE: If you intend to primarily use a single network and don't want to set this variable every time you use cardano-cli, you can export this variable in the appropriate dotfile (~/.bashrc for Linux, ~/.bash_profile/~/.zprofile for MacOS in login shell sessions, ~/.bashrc/~/.zshrc for MacOS in interactive shell sessions), for example:

    # ~./bashrc
    # add this to use preprod testnet:
  • Once the CARDANO_NODE_NETWORK_ID variable is set, you'll be able to run any cardano-cli command and interact with your running node.

  1. Run the cardano-cli query tip command and wait for sync.
  • This will confirm that your node and cardano-cli are working properly and show the synchronization progress.

  • You should see output informing you of the current slot number and the percentage that your node is synced.

    $ cardano-cli query tip
        "block": 546242,
        "epoch": 141,
        "era": "Babbage",
        "hash": "7ee471e26ed927ae463d386cdd322fd7f3afb18d0fef462255ce2a2f221d7112",
        "slot": 12227857,
        "syncProgress": "100.00"
  • Once your node is 100% synced you can begin using other cardano-cli commands to interact with the blockchain.

NOTE: when you're finished, remember to close the node connection by typing CTRL + c in the terminal session where it's running.

**Updating cardano-node, and cardano-cli **

Updating cardano-node, and cardano-cli is simple.

To update cardano-node and cardano-cli:

  • Change the version number for the NODE_RELEASE variable in .env.
  • Run ./ to update.


This section is under construction...

Additional issues and solutions will be documented here as they're encountered during public testing.