This application is a product of countless hours of development, testing, and refining to offer you the best experience. It's entirely open-source and free to use. However, maintaining and improving the application incurs costs for development, hosting, and more.
If you've found this application useful, you can support its ongoing development in various ways. Your generosity helps to keep this project alive and continually updated.
You can treat me to a cup of coffee in USD or a slice of pizza in RUB to show your support. Even small contributions go a long way and are greatly appreciated!
You can leave a message for publication so everyone can see who supports the project, or if you want to remain anonymous, you can write it that way.
Not able to contribute financially? You can also contribute by:
- Reporting bugs and issues.
- Suggesting new features or improvements.
- Spreading the word about the application.
Your involvement makes this application better for everyone!
If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to get in touch:
- Author: Wladislav Radchenko
- Email:
- Project: GitHub Repository
- Application website:
Thank you for your support!