Name | Type | Description | Notes |
id | int | Primary ID. | [optional] |
created_by_employee_id | int | Employee who created the agreement. | [optional] |
subscription_type_id | int | Subscription type this agreement is for. | [optional] |
subject_to_terms_id | int | Additional terms this agreement includes. | [optional] |
is_available_for_agreement | bool | Is this agreement available for agreeing? | [optional] [default to false] |
monthly_price | \Ageras\Api\AmountResource | [optional] | |
agreement_terms | string | Free form text describing the agreement. | [optional] |
accepted_at | string | When the agreement was accepted. | [optional] |
accepted_by_partner_user_id | int | Partner user who accepted the agreement. | [optional] |
created_at | string | Date agreement was created. | [optional] |