Releases: adrastia-oracle/adrastia-core
Releases · adrastia-oracle/adrastia-core
- Add ChainlinkOracleView: An oracle view contract that wraps around a Chainlink feed.
Aggregation strategies
- Add MinimumAggregator: An aggregation strategy that returns the minimum price and the total token and quote token liquidity.
- Add MaximumAggregator: An aggregation strategy that returns the maximum price and the total token and quote token liquidity.
- Add NotAnErc20: An ERC20 implementation meant to be used in Adrastia oracle contracts to provide custom quote token metadata.
- Add ChainlinkOracleView: An oracle view contract that wraps around a Chainlink feed.
Aggregation strategies
- Add MinimumAggregator: An aggregation strategy that returns the minimum price and the total token and quote token liquidity.
- Add MaximumAggregator: An aggregation strategy that returns the maximum price and the total token and quote token liquidity.
- Add AaveV3SBAccumulator and CometSBAccumulator
- Allows for calculations of time-weighted average total supply and borrow amounts for Aave V3 and Compound III (Comet) pools.
- Add AaveV3SBAccumulator and CometSBAccumulator
- Allows for calculations of time-weighted average total supply and borrow amounts for Aave V3 and Compound III (Comet) pools.
- Update IAccumulator
- Add updateDelay function: Returns the minimum delay between updates.
- Change signatures of changeThresholdSurpassed and updateThresholdSurpassed: Takes update data bytes instead of token addresses.
- Remove IAggregatedOracle: Replaced by IOracleAggregator
- Update IOracle: Removed the Updated event.
- Update ILiquidityAccumulator: The calculateLiquidity function is now a view function instead of pure.
- Update IPriceAccumulator: The calculatePrice function is now a view function instead of pure.
- Add IOracleAggregator interface in replace of IOracleAggregator (stored under contracts/oracles)
- Adds an Oracle struct that stores decimal information and the oracle address.
- The getOracles function now returns an array of Oracle structs for a given token. This function is no longer overloaded - the concept of general oracles and token-specific oracles has been hidden.
- Adds an aggregationStrategy function: It's possible to have a different aggregation strategy for each different token rather than a hardcoded strategy for every token.
- Adds a validationStrategy function: It's possible to have a different validation strategy for each different token rather than a hardcoded strategy for every token.
- Adds a minimumResponses function: It's possible to define a minimum number of underlying oracle responses for each different token rather than a hardcoded value for every token.
- Adds a maximumResponseAge function: It's possible to define a maximum response age of underlying oracle observations rather than a hardcoded value for every token.
- Add IAggregationStrategy (stored under contracts/strategies/aggregation): Allows aggregation logic to be delegated to implementation contracts.
- Add IAveragingStrategy (stored under contracts/strategies/averaging): Allows averaging logic to be delegated to implementation contracts.
- Add IValidationStrategy (stored under contracts/strategies/validation): Allows for observation validation logic (of aggregators) to be delegated to implementation contracts.
- Update ObservationLibrary
- Adds an ObservationMetadata struct: Includes the oracle address.
- Adds a MetaObservation struct: Combines ObservationMetadata and Observation.
- Add SortingLibrary: A library for sorting uint112 arrays.
- Update AbstractAccumulator
- Conforms to the updated IAccumulator interface.
- The updateThreshold function can now be easily overridden (override _updateThreshold).
- Update LiquidityAccumulator and PriceAccumulator
- Replace the hardcoded averaging strategy with delegation to an IAveragingStrategy interface implementation.
- Added timestamp verification to updates and updated the ValidationPerformed event to include the provided timestamp.
- Conforms to the updated IAccumulator interface.
- The minUpdateDelay function has been renamed to updateDelay to conform with the updated IAccumulator interface
- The maxUpdateDelay function has been removed (replaced) in favor of the existing heartbeat function.
- The heartbeat function can now be easily overridden (override _heartbeat).
- Remove GeometricPriceAccumulator, GeometricLiquidityAccumulator, HarmonicPriceAccumulator, HarmonicLiquidityAccumulator, and all subclasses, in favor of delegating to IAveragingStrategy interface implementations.
- Add OffchainPriceAccumulator and OffchainLiquidityAccumulator: Allows for offchain data-feeds.
- Add StaticPriceAccumulator and StaticLiquidityAccumulator: Allows accumulators to report constant values while remaining up-to-date without needing updates.
- Add lending protocol interest rate accumulators for Compound v2, Compound III (Comet), Aave v2, and Aave v3: Allows for calculations of time-weighted average interest rates.
- Add BalancerV2LiquidityAccumulator
- Add BalancerV2WeightedPriceAccumulator
- Add BalancerV2StablePriceAccumulator
- Add AlgebraPriceAccumulator
- Add AlgebraLiquidityAccumulator
- Add HistoricalOracle: An abstract implementation of IHistoricalOracle, pulled out of AggregatedOracle for improved readability and extension.
- Rename AggregatedOracle to PeriodicAggregatorOracle
- Add CurrentAggregatorOracle: An IOracleAggregator implementation that functions similarly to accumulators, updating based on price change percentages and heartbeats.
- Add PeriodicPriceAccumulationOracle: An oracle contract similar to PeriodicAccumulationOracle, but with liquidity as constants to save gas.
- Add AbstractAggregatorOracle: An abstract implementation of IOracleAggregator, pulled out of AggregatedOracle so that different aggregator contracts can share common logic.
- Fill buffer metadata space to allow for extension and future use.
- Add HistoricalAggregatorOracle: An abstract oracle that aggregates historical observations from another oracle that implements IHistoricalOracle.
- Add MedianFilteringOracle: An oracle that performs median filtering on the price and liquidity of another oracle that implements IHistoricalOracle.
- Add PriceVolatilityOracle: An oracle that calculates and stores the historical price volatility (using log returns) of another oracle implementing IHistoricalOracle, with the help of VolatilityOracleView.
- Add AggregationPerformed event to the oracle aggregators.
- Remove hardcoded minimum values for observations in the oracle aggregators. These checks are better served in validation strategies.
Oracle views
- Add AccumulatorOracleView: An oracle contract that delegates to the oracle functionality of underlying price and liquidity accumulators.
- Add VolatilityOracleView: A volatility oracle view contract that uses data from an IHistoricalOracle implementation to calculate metrics relating to historical price volatility.
Aggregation strategies
- Add AbstractAggregator: A common base for aggregation strategies.
- Add MedianAggregator: Aggregates observations to form a median price and total liquidity.
- Add MeanAggregator: Aggregates observations to form a mean price and total liquidity. It delegates the averaging logic to an IAveragingStrategy implementation.
- Add TokenWeightedMeanAggregator: Aggregates observations to form a token-weighted mean price and total liquidity.
- Add QuoteTokenWeightedMeanAggregator: Aggregates observations to form a quote token-weighted mean price and total liquidity. This is the same strategy that the old AggregatedOracle contract used.
Averaging strategies
- Add AbstractAveraging: A common base for averaging strategies.
- Add ArithmeticAveraging: Computes averages using the arithmetic mean.
- Add GeometricAveraging: Computes averages using the geometric mean.
- Add HarmonicAveraging: Computes averages using the harmonic mean.
- Add HarmonicAveragingWS80: Like HarmonicAveraging, but shifts weights to the left by 80 bits.
- Add HarmonicAveragingWS140: Like HarmonicAveraging, but shifts weights to the left by 140 bits.
- Add HarmonicAveragingWS192: Like HarmonicAveraging, but shifts weights to the left by 192 bits.
Validation strategies
- Add DefaultValidation: Validates observations against three conditions - minimum token liquidity value, minimum quote token liquidity, and liquidity distribution. It uses the same validation as the old AggregatedOracle contract.
Note: Delegation refers to the software engineering delegation pattern rather than the EVM's delegation functionality.
- Improve aggregator oracle validation and aggregation.
- Timestamps for the underlying oracle observations are included for use in validation and aggregation strategies.
- Aggregation results are now validated if a validation strategy is present.
- Modify Balancer accumulators to check for pause status instead of recovery mode.
- Mark various functions as virtual.
- Add AlgebraPriceAccumulator
- Add AlgebraLiquidityAccumulator
- Add AggregationPerformed event to the oracle aggregators.
- Fix PriceVolatilityOracle#needsUpdate bug: The fix recognizes that it takes amount+1 observations to perform an update.
- Remove hardcoded minimum values for observations in the oracle aggregators. These checks are better served in validation strategies.
- Add hardcoded minimum values for observations in DefaultValidation. These replace the checks in the oracle aggregators.
- Fix Balancer accumulators issue: not all pools support recovery mode.