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Change Log -- Ray Tracing in One Weekend

v3.2.2 (2020-10-31)


  • Fix: Added fmin to book text for cos_theta of refract (#732)
  • Fix: Standardized naming for ray-t and time parameters (#746)
  • Fix: random_unit_vector() was incorrect (#697)
  • Fix: Synchronize text and copies of hittable.h
  • Fix: Synchronize copies of hittable_list.h, material.h, sphere.h
  • Change: refactor sphere::hit() method to reuse common blocks of code.
  • Change: Improved the explanation and calculation of sphere UV coordinates (#533)

In One Weekend

  • Fix: Catch cases where lambertian::scatter() yields degenerate scatter rays (#619)
  • Fix: Syntax error in listing 58 (Dielectric material class with reflection) (#768)
  • Fix: Correct wording for ray traversal text (#766)
  • Change: Wrote brief explanation waving away negative t values in initial normal sphere

The Next Week

  • Fix: Catch cases where lambertian::scatter() yields degenerate scatter rays (#619)

The Rest of Your Life

  • Fix: Missing override keyword for xz_rect::pdf_value() and xz_rect::random() methods (#748)
  • Fix: Synchronize book and source for cornell_box() function.
  • Fix: Introduction of light code was introduced out of sequence (#738, #740)
  • Fix: ray_color() was creating a new light for every ray bounce (#759)

v3.2.1 (2020-10-03)


  • Change: Refactored dielectric class for clarity
  • Fix: Update local Markdeep library (for offline reading) to v1.11. The prior version had incorrect content (#712)
  • Fix: Image texture destructor should call STBI_FREE instead of delete (#734)

In One Weekend

  • Delete: Remove premature cstdlib include; not needed until we use rand() (#687)
  • Fix: Replace old anti-alias result image with before-and-after image (#679)
  • Fix: Listing 29: Added missing rtweekend.h include (#691)
  • Fix: Undefined vup variable in camera definition (#686)
  • Fix: Listing 51: Add missing hittable.h, rtweekend.h includes (#693)
  • Fix: Listing 59: ["Full glass material"] Diverged from source
  • Fix: Fix error in citation section (#721)
  • Fix: Listings 33, 39: Add consistent function signature for trilinear_interp (#722)

The Next Week

  • Change: bvh_node no longer reorders the source vector of scene objects; uses local copy instead (#701)
  • Delete: Remove unused u,v,w variables in initial perlin::noise() function (#684)
  • Fix: Listing 5: Neglected to add ray time for metal and dielectric materials (#133)
  • Fix: Listing 15: In bvh.h, add missing hittable_list.h include (#690)
  • Fix: Listing 33, 34, 38: Change implicit casts to explicit ones (#692)
  • Fix: Listing 40: Change perlin.h in the caption to texture.h (#698)
  • Fix: Listing 70: Add missing bvh.h (#694)
  • Fix: Listing 70 and Change a fuzz value of a metal sphere to 1.0 which is the maximum value (#694)
  • Fix: Fix error in citation section (#721)

The Rest of Your Life

  • Fix: Fix errors in citation section (#721)
  • Fix: Area equation in section 3.3 Constructing a PDF and nearby text (#735)
  • Add: Listing 36: Add missing updates to dielectric class for updating specular in scatter record

v3.2.0 (2020-07-18)

We're still chasing that elusive stable project state where we're mostly done with large changes, yet we keep finding more and more to tweak and improve. Besides the usual batch of corrections and small improvements, for this change we plodded through the complete code progression for both books one and two (In One Weekend and The Next Week). This caught a lot of issues (to our dismay), and allowed us to generate a complete set of new render images for both books, to catch up with all of the changes we've been making. The end result is that readers should find a significantly better agreement between the book and their code as they progress, and their renders should also generally match.

Besides the new rendered images, we also much improved the image parameters, which were frequently missing from the previous version, leaving readers to guess at their values, or go to the code to try to figure out how we created some of the images. In general, our working renders are now 400 pixels wide, usually 16:9 aspect ratio. We now use an explicit aspect ratio and deduce the image height and other camera values, so you can tweak your render size just by changing the image width (instead of updating a bunch of dependent parameters).

One interesting late change we made was adding explicit C++ override labels to subclass methods. We did this mostly to aid code readers, but were surprised to find that it actually caught a pretty significant bug hiding in our code (see entry in common changes below).

You'll also see a new citation section at the end of the books, to encourage uniform citations out in the world, making it easier for people to refer to and track these books.

As is typical, though we roughly follow semantic versioning, we're considering this release a minor change instead of a major one. It's a common reflex, because people generally have a (misguided) aversion to bumping the major version a lot. We consider it minor because most of the changes are quite local, some classes get new constructors and any variances should be quite simple and easy to fix up. Still, one might consider this more properly a major version bump.

For our next larger-than-patch release, we're beginning a large revisit of book 3, Ray Tracing: The Rest of Your Life. There's a lot of work to do, and this will likely be a significant change and improvement. We're hoping that changes to books one and two will be small, but that's never worked out for us before. Ah, dreams.


  • Delete: vestigial vec3::write_color() method (now in color.h)
  • Change: All images and figures renamed to follow more logical convention, using the following pattern: {fig,img}-<book>.<sequence>-<title>.<filetype> (#495)
  • Change: main() function gets organized into image, world, camera, and render chunks
  • Change: Added header guards to the text of all three books whenever a new header file was introduced, consistent with source code (#645)
  • New: Added constructors that take color arguments in addition to the constructors taking shared_ptr<texture> arguments, simplifying calling code. Applies to checker_texture, constant_medium, diffuse_light, lambertian, and isotropic (#516, #644)
  • Change: Added override keywords throughout. This keyword marks a subclass method as one that is intended to override a superclass method. It makes the code a bit easier to understand, and ensures that your function is actually overriding the method you think it is. Which is good, because it already caught an existing bug in The Rest of Your Life source. This change includes commenting out the book 3 isotropic::scatter() method, which was accidentally ignored anyway. (#639, #669)
  • Fix: Found a bug in book 3 source isotropic::scatter() method. Commented out, using default (as it was previously). (#669)
  • New: each book gets a section of recommended citation examples (#500)

In One Weekend

  • Change: Updated all rendered images except for 1.13, 1.14 (#179, #547, #548, #549, #550, #551, #552, #553, #554, #555, #556, #557, #560, #561, #562, #563, #564, #565, #566)
  • Change: Standard working render width changed to 400 pixels
  • Change: Image 6 is now a before-and-after pair to illustrate antialiasing
  • Change: Listing 48: Refactored material and geometry declarations
  • Change: Listing 52: Refactored assignment of etai_over_etat
  • Change: Listing 56: Refactored material declarations
  • Change: Listing 61: Refactored material and geometry declarations
  • Fix: Corrected various missed change highlights in code listings
  • Fix: Listing 7: Added missing color.h, vec3.h includes
  • Fix: Listing 18: Add missing double t member of struct hit_record (#428)
  • Fix: Listing 24: Add missing color.h include
  • Fix: Listing 30: Add missing camera.h include
  • Fix: Listing 42: Don't need to include ray.h when using rtweekend.h
  • Fix: Listing 48: Add missing material.h include
  • Fix: Listing 51: refract() function was missing fabs() on sqrt() argument (#559)
  • Fix: Listing 61: Include updated cam declaration, show context w/highlighting
  • Fix: Listing 62: Highlight rename of camera::get_ray() parameters to s, t (#616)
  • Fix: Listing 63: Show reverted scene declarations
  • Fix: Listing 68: Show final scene render parameters with highlighting
  • Fix: Rewrote refracted ray perpendicular and parallel components for correctness (#526)
  • New: Listing 50: Show the updated material definitions

The Next Week

  • Delete: Deleted the section covering the old flip_face class, renumbered images as this eliminated the rendering with missing Cornell box faces (#270, #482, #661)
  • Delete: scenes 7 & 9 from the original (cornell_balls and cornell_final), as these were not covered in the book. Made the source and book consistent with each other. There are now a total of eight scenes for the second book (#653, #620)
  • Change: Listing 10: Separate out world & camera definitions in main (#646)
  • Change: Updated most rendered images for book 2: 2.01-2.03, 2.07-2.13, 2.15-2.22.
  • Change: Scenes get custom image parameters (#650)
  • Fix: Reduced code duplication in dielectric::scatter() function
  • Fix: "Intance" typo in Chapter 8.1 to "Instance" (#629)
  • Fix: Listing 7: Show reverted viewing parameters from book 1 final scene
  • Fix: Typo in listing caption for filename moving-sphere.h

The Rest of Your Life

  • Change: use vup for camera, as in other two books
  • Fix: world and camera setup in main(), and include full body in book listing (#646)
  • New: flip_face moved to book 3, where it's needed for the light source (#661)

v3.1.2 (2020-06-03)

In One Weekend

  • Fix: Correct typo: "Intance Translation" -> "Instance Translation"
  • Fix: Corrected geometry type when computing distance between two points, final scene (#609)

The Rest of Your Life

  • Fix: Missing closing parenthesis in listing 10 (#603)
  • Fix: Tiny improvements to the lambertian::scatter() development (#604)
  • Fix: Correct geometry type and unit vector method in ray_color(), listing 20 (#606)
  • Fix: Listing 26: alternate random_double() switched distribution, generator (#621)
  • Fix: Listing 28, 30: light_shape should have default material, not 0 (#607)
  • Fix: Listing 30: mixture_pdf needs shared_ptr arguments (#608)

v3.1.1 (2020-05-16)


  • Fix: Refactoring the camera code in v3.1.0 missed updating the viewport to match, resulting in distorted renders (#536)
  • Change: Camera code improvements to make it more robust when any particular value changes. Also, the code develops in a smoother series of iterations as the book progresses. (#536)

In One Weekend

  • Fix: Camera initialization with explicit up vector (#537)
  • Fix: Changed some text around the camera model and the camera defocus blur model (#536)
  • Change: The C++ <random> version of random_double() no longer depends on <functional> header.
  • Change: Refactored random_scene(). More named intermediate values, sync'ed with source. (#489)

The Next Week

  • Fix: Added clarification about updating lambertian variables from color to solid_color.
  • Fix: Corrected for-loop indices (they differed from the version in book 1) in random_scene().
  • Fix: Introduce "Texture Coordinates for Spheres" in Chapter 4 to support (u,v) coordinates in hit_record (#496)
  • Fix: Small correction: we now use std::sort instead of qsort (#490)
  • Change: Refactored random_scene(). More named intermediate values, sync'ed with version in In One Weekend and with source. Added highlight for update from last version in book 1. (#489)
  • Change: The C++ <random> version of random_double() no longer depends on <functional> header

v3.1.0 (2020-05-03)

This minor upgrade adds some fixes and changes that are a bit more than just patches. The text now has subchapter headings to help readers browse content and get a bit more context. We're introducing new type aliases point3 and color for vec3 to better indicate the underlying mathematical types of parameters and variables. Overall, a bunch of small improvements that we'd recommend adopting, but may warrant comparison with any current projects.


  • Fix: Include cmath in vec3.h (#501)
  • Fix: Scattered improvements to the text
  • New: Subchapters throughout all three books (#267)
  • New: Add explanation for padding aarect in the zero dimension (#488)
  • Change: Minor change to use new point3 and color type aliases for vec3 (#422)
  • Change: Renamed constant_texture to solid_color, add RGB constructor (#452)
  • Change: Moved vec3::write_color() method to utility function in color.h header (#502)
  • Change: Switch from ffmin/ffmax to standard fmin/fmax (#444, #491)
  • Change: Math notation to bold uppercase points, bold lowercase no-barb vectors (#412)
  • Change: Books use Markdeep's image class=pixel for rendered image fidelity (#498)

In One Weekend

  • Fix: Improve image size and aspect ratio calculation to make size changes easier
  • Fix: Added t parameter back into hit_record at correct place
  • Fix: image basic vectors off by one
  • Fix: Update image and size for first PPM image
  • Fix: Update image and size for blue-to-white gradient image
  • Fix: Update image and size for simple red sphere render
  • Fix: Update image and size for sphere with normal-vector coloring
  • Fix: Correct typo in "What's next?" list to rejoin split paragraph on "Lights." Adjust numbering in rest of list.
  • Change: Define image aspect ratio up front, then image height from that and the image width
  • Change: Default image sizes changed from 200x100 to 384x216
  • Change: First image size changed to 256x256

The Next Week

  • Change: Large rewrite of the image_texture class. Now handles image loading too. (#434)

v3.0.2 (2020-04-11)


  • Fix: code styling for source code both inline and in fenced blocks (#430)
  • Change: Every book source now includes from a single common acknowledgments document

In One Weekend

  • Fix: Correct typo: "consine" to "cosine"

The Next Week

  • Fix: shared_ptr dereference and simplify code in hittable_list::bounding_box() (#435)
  • Fix: Erroneous en-dash in code block. Replace –> with -> (#439)
  • Fix: Introduce u,v surface coordinates to hit_record (#441)
  • Fix: Add highlight to new hittable::bounding_box() method (#442)

The Rest of Your Life

  • Fix: unitialized variable in first version of
  • Fix: remove unreferenced variables in several sample programs
  • Fix: correct program computation of the integral of x^2 (#438)

v3.0.1 (2020-03-31)


  • Fix: Display rendered images as pixelated instead of smoothed (#179)
  • Delete: delete old README files specific to each book (#410)

In One Weekend

  • Fix: Remove duplicated text and reword on the camera up vector (#420)

v3.0.0 (2020-03-23)

With the migration to a web format accomplished in v2.0.0, we immediately began work on a new major release: v3.0.0. This release tackles the following key themes:

  • Establishing a common build system for the three projects. We chose CMake for its broad support for multiple platforms, as well as multiple build tools and IDEs. This change includes a reorganization of the project source files, and unifying a lot of code across projects.

  • A major upgrade of the project source code, addressing a number of large changes that we had deferred for later.

  • A number of larger changes to the book content, refining some approaches and ideas, and addressing some areas in the text that needed improvement.

Following this release, we expect to switch to a much more incremental approach, mostly with patch-level (fix) changes and some minor-level (addition) changes.

Common to All Project Source

  • Change: Default floating-point type changed from float to double (#150)
  • Change: Materials are now referenced with std::shared_ptr pointers
  • Change: Complete elimination of bare pointers and new/delete
  • Change: hittable_list uses std::vector plus std::shared_ptr pointers
  • Change: Header cleanup across the source code (#218, #220)
  • Change: Cleaned up standard C++ header use (#19)
  • Change: Improved random number generator utilities
  • Change: Replace MAXFLOAT with (portable) infinity (#195, #216)
  • Change: A lot of code cleanup, refactoring, renaming (#192)
  • Change: Disable compile warnings for external stb_image.h on Windows
  • Change: Replace pi with portable version (#207)
  • Change: ray_color() function now has max depth passed in, rather than hard-coding it (#143)
  • Change: Added random_in_unit_sphere(), random_unit_vector(), random_in_hemisphere() to vec3.h. Fixed places where we were using one but should have been using another. (#145)
  • Change: General rework of the vec3 header (#153, #156, #215)
  • Change: Clarify sphere intersection code, plus slight perf improvement (#113)
  • Change: ray::point_at_parameter() renamed to ray::at()
  • Change: Moved ffmin(), ffmax() from aabb.h to rtweekend.h
  • Change: Move low-level utility functions to more appropriate headers
  • Change: squared_length() renamed to length_squared()
  • Change: Update sphere::hit() function.
  • Change: Refraction variables renamed to match reflection variable names
  • Change: Simplify lambertian scatter direction calculation
  • New: CMake configuration & build
  • New: Added progress output for main programs (#139)
  • New: src/common directory for code shared across books
  • New: Common project-wide header: src/common/rtweekend.h
  • New: File constants.h with portable math constants (#151)
  • New: vec3::write_color - provides a robust output method for color data (#93)
  • New: degrees_to_radians() utility function (#217)
  • New: random_int(), random_double(), and vec3::random() utility functions
  • New: Added safety value when surface texture has null data
  • New: Main programs now define and handle parameterized background color
  • Fix: Diffuse PDF computation uses random point on sphere, rather than inside
  • Fix: Improve color [0,1] -> [0,255] mapping

Common to All Books

  • Change: Code in source and in book reformatted to a consistent 96-column line length (#219)
  • Change: Lots more highlighting of changed code in books to aid reading
  • Change: Math typesetting fixes throughout the books (#13)
  • Change: Books now use Markdeep's chapter indirection syntax
  • Change: Updated several output images to match code updates
  • Change: Books general styling improvements (#197)
  • Change: Refactored acknowledgements. These are now moved to and duplicated in each book
  • New: Added code listing captions, including source file name, for all books (#238)
  • New: Added captions to all figures (#238)
  • New: Local copy of markdeep.min.js for offline reading
  • Fix: Fixed various minor problems in the text

In One Weekend

  • Change: Reworked Lambertian reflection text (#155)
  • Change: Revised the figure for computing a random reflection vector (#142)
  • New: Clarified text around the ideal Lambertian distribution (#155)
  • New: Additional explanatory text to the dielectric chapter
  • New: Image for hemispherical rendering
  • New: Image for dealing with front and back faces (#326)
  • Fix: Update ray_color() code blocks to match current source (#391)

The Next Week

  • Change: Added proper handling of front vs back face intersection (#270)
  • New: "The Next Week" main program added swtich statement for different scenes
  • New: "The Next Week" main program now defines all image/camera parameters for each scene
  • Fix: Fixed bug in noise_texture::value() (#396)
  • Fix: Correct first Perlin noise() function in "The Next Week".
  • Fix: Fix OCR error in texture::value() function (#399)
  • Fix: Remove premature declaration of moving_sphere::bounding_box() (#405)

The Rest of Your Life

  • Change: Improved naming of auxilliary programs in The Rest of Your Life source
  • Fix: Delete unused variable p in main() (#317)
  • Delete: Several unused source files from src/TheRestOfYourLife

v2.0.0 (2019-10-07)

This major release marks an overhaul of the entire series, moving from a primarily PDF format to a web accessible format using Markdeep ( This represents a huge overhaul to the contents, particularly around source code blocks in the text, mathematical typesetting and source-code cleanup.


  • Change: Moved existing InOneWeekend, TheNextWeek, TheRestOfYourLife content to io repo
  • Change: Rewrote vec3.h cross function for clarity
  • New: General release to web
  • New: Created single monolithic repo
  • New: License change to CC0 in COPYING.txt
  • New:
  • New:
  • New: COPYING.txt
  • New:
  • New: links to all the three books
  • New: CSS for all books
  • New: CSS for the print variant of the books
  • Fix: All instances of hitable have become hittable
  • Fix: Replaced drand48() with portable random_double number generation
  • Delete: Deprecated existing InOneWeekend, TheNextWeek, TheRestOfYourLife repos

In One Weekend

  • Change: README files updated for top level, source, and books
  • Change: Text, Chapter 0 Overview has become Chapter 1, all subsequent chapters incremented
  • Change: Text, Syntax highlighting of source modifications
  • Change: Text, Chapter 3, Reorder include files in code blocks to match src conventions
  • Change: Text, Chapter 3, Consistent use of spaces in code blocks
  • Change: Text, Chapter 3, Reordered vec3 class functions to + - * /
  • Change: Text, Chapter 4, Reorder include files in code blocks to match src conventions
  • Change: Text, Chapter 6, Reorder include files in code blocks to match src conventions
  • Change: Text, Chapter 6, Consistent use of spaces in code blocks
  • Change: Text, Chapter 7, Consistent use of spaces in code blocks
  • Change: Text, Chapter 9, Consistent use of spaces in code blocks
  • Change: Text, Chapter 9, Put function signatures and { on the same line
  • Change: Text, Chapter 10, Consistent use of spaces in code blocks
  • Change: Text, Chapter 10, Put function signatures and { on the same line
  • Change: Text, Chapter 11, Consistent use of spaces in code blocks
  • Change: Text, Chapter 13, Put function signatures and { on the same line
  • New: Markdeep page created for entire body of text
  • New: Markdeep MathJax for formulae and equations for body of text
  • New:
  • Fix: Text, Chapter 7, Add #include "random.h" in code blocks
  • Fix: Text, Chapter 10, Added metal fuzziness parameter for initial dielectric
  • Fix: Text, Chapter 13, Added metal fuzziness parameter
  • Fix: Code, Removed extraneous ; from vec3::&operator[] signature
  • Delete: Code, vec3 p = r.point_at_parameter(2.0); in

The Next Week

  • Change: Text, Chapter 0 Overview has become Chapter 1, all subsequent chapters incremented
  • Change: Text, Syntax highlighting of source modifications
  • Change: Text, Chapter 2, Consistent use of spaces in code blocks
  • Change: Text, Chapter 3, Consistent use of spaces in code blocks
  • Change: Text, Chapter 4, Consistent use of spaces in code blocks
  • Change: Text, Chapter 5, Consistent use of spaces in code blocks
  • Change: Text, Chapter 5, added "texture" to "We can use that texture on some spheres"
  • Change: Text, Chapter 7, Consistent use of spaces in code blocks
  • Change: Text, Chapter 7, "This is yz and xz" changed to "This is xz and yz"
  • Change: Text, Chapter 8, Changed "And the changes to Cornell is" to "... Cornell are"
  • Change: Text, Chapter 9, Changed short if statements to two lines for Consistency
  • Change: Text, Chapter 10, Consistent use of spaces in code blocks
  • Change: Code and Text, Chapter 9, cleaned up implementation of constant_medium::hit
  • Change: Code and Text, Chapter 9, Rewrote debug functionality in constant_medium::hit
  • New:
  • New:, source
  • New: Markdeep page created for entire body of text
  • New: Markdeep MathJax created for formulae and equations for body of text
  • New: Earth map picture for use in rendering
  • Fix: Text, Chapter 2, The lambertian class definition now uses vec3 instead of texture
  • Fix: Text, Chapter 7, Changed cornell_box hittable array size to 5
  • Fix: Code and Text, Chapter 3, Changed List[0] to List[i] in hittable_list::bounding_box()
  • Fix: Code and Text, Chapter 3, Replaced fmax and fmin with ffmax and ffmin
  • Fix: Code, Add missing headers to constant_medium.h to fix g++ compiler error

The Rest of Your Life

  • Change: Text, Chapter 0 Overview has become Chapter 1, all subsequent chapters incremented
  • Change: Text, Syntax highlighting of source modifications
  • Change: Text, Chapter 2, Reorder include files in code blocks to match src conventions
  • Change: Text, Chapter 3, Reorder include files in code blocks to match src conventions
  • Change: Text, Chapter 6, Consistent use of spaces in code blocks
  • Change: Text, Chapter 6, Consistent use of spaces in code blocks
  • Change: Text, Chapter 8, Changed calculation of a axis to pseudocode
  • Change: Text, Chapter 8, Consistent use of spaces in code blocks
  • New:
  • New:, source
  • New: Markdeep page created for entire body of text
  • New: Markdeep MathJax created for formulae and equations for body of text
  • Fix: Text, Chapter order starting from chapter 2
  • Fix: Text, Renamed figures and images to match new chapter numbering
  • Fix: Text, Chapter 4, Rewrote formula for "Color" to "Color = A * color(direction"
  • Fix: Code and Text, Chapter 6, material::scattering_pdf now returns type float
  • Fix: Code and Text, Chapter 6, removal of factor of 2 to random_cosine_direction calculation

v1.123.0 (2018-08-26)

  • New: First GitHub release of Ray Tracing: The Rest of Your Life.

v1.54.0 (2018-08-26)

  • New: First GitHub release of Ray Tracing in One Weekend.

v1.42.0 (2018-08-26)

  • New: First GitHub release of Ray Tracing: The Next Week.