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Anomaly Detection via Reverse Distillation from One-Class Embedding

This is the implementation of the Reverse Distillation paper.

Model Type: Segmentation


Reverse Distillation model consists of three networks. The first is a pre-trained feature extractor (E). The next two are the one-class bottleneck embedding (OCBE) and the student decoder network (D). The backbone E is a ResNet model pre-trained on ImageNet dataset. During the forward pass, features from three ResNet block are extracted. These features are encoded by concatenating the three feature maps using the multi-scale feature fusion block of OCBE and passed to the decoder D. The decoder network is symmetrical to the feature extractor but reversed. During training, outputs from these symmetrical blocks are forced to be similar to the corresponding feature extractor layers by using cosine distance as the loss metric.

During testing, a similar step is followed but this time the cosine distance between the feature maps is used to indicate the presence of anomalies. The distance maps from all the three layers are up-sampled to the image size and added (or multiplied) to produce the final feature map. Gaussian blur is applied to the output map to make it smoother. Finally, the anomaly map is generated by applying min-max normalization on the output map.


Anomaly Detection via Reverse Distillation from One-Class Embedding Architecture


python tools/ --model reverse_distillation


All results gathered with seed 42.

Note: Early Stopping (with patience 3) was enabled during training.

Image-Level AUC

ResNet 18 Wide ResNet 50
Bottle 0.998 0.992
Cable 0.982 0.583
Capsule 0.864 0.78
Carpet 0.996 0.539
Grid 0.941 0.975
Hazelnut 0.978 0.817
Leather 0.878 1
Metal_nut 0.999 0.929
Pill 0.944 0.553
Screw 0.778 0.86
Tile 0.833 0.513
Toothbrush 0.967 0.7
Transistor 0.928 0.829
Wood 0.989 0.993
Zipper 0.968 0.787
Average 0.936 0.79

Pixel-Level AUC

ResNet 18 Wide ResNet 50
Bottle 0.981 0.985
Cable 0.965 0.794
Capsule 0.983 0.986
Carpet 0.989 0.99
Grid 0.964 0.99
Hazelnut 0.988 0.983
Leather 0.984 0.995
Metal_nut 0.971 0.979
Pill 0.975 0.977
Screw 0.987 0.989
Tile 0.867 0.953
Toothbrush 0.99 0.979
Transistor 0.84 0.853
Wood 0.939 0.958
Zipper 0.988 0.959
Average 0.961 0.958

Image F1 Score

ResNet 18 Wide ResNet 50
Bottle 0.95 0.959
Cable 0.911 0.76
Capsule 0.933 0.905
Carpet 0.965 0.864
Grid 0.964 0.945
Hazelnut 0.909 0.901
Leather 0.896 0.989
Metal_nut 0.995 0.939
Pill 0.931 0.922
Screw 0.88 0.891
Tile 0.88 0.836
Toothbrush 0.933 0.833
Transistor 0.769 0.744
Wood 0.966 0.948
Zipper 0.944 0.926
Average 0.922 0.891

Sample Results

Sample Result 1

Sample Result 2

Sample Result 3