title | date | weight |
Metrics |
2019-01-03 03:58:19 UTC |
50 |
Agones controller exposes metrics via OpenCensus. OpenCensus is a single distribution of libraries that collect metrics and distributed traces from your services, we only use it for metrics but it will allow us to support multiple exporters in the future.
We choose to start with Prometheus as this is the most popular with Kubernetes but it is also compatible with Cloud Monitoring. If you need another exporter, check the list of supported exporters. It should be pretty straightforward to register a new one. (GitHub PRs are more than welcome.)
We plan to support multiple exporters in the future via environment variables and helm flags.
If you are running a Prometheus instance you just need to ensure that metrics and kubernetes service discovery are enabled. (helm chart values agones.metrics.prometheusEnabled
and agones.metrics.prometheusServiceDiscovery
). This will automatically add annotations required by Prometheus to discover Agones metrics and start collecting them. (see example)
If your Prometheus metrics collection agent requires that you scrape from the pods directly(such as with Google Cloud Managed Prometheus), then the metrics ports for the controller and allocator will both be named http
and exposed on 8080
. In the case of the allocator, the port name and number can be overriden with the agones.allocator.serviceMetrics.http.portName
and agones.allocator.serviceMetrics.http.port
helm chart values.
If you have Prometheus operator installed in your cluster, just enable ServiceMonitor installation in values:
enabled: true
Google Cloud Managed Service for Prometheus is a fully managed multi-cloud solution for Prometheus. If you wish to use Managed Prometheus with Agones, follow the Google Cloud Managed Service for Prometheus installation steps.
We support the OpenCensus Stackdriver exporter. In order to use it you should enable Cloud Monitoring API in Google Cloud Console. Follow the Google Cloud Monitoring installation steps to see your metrics in Cloud Monitoring.
Name | Description | Type |
agones_gameservers_count | The number of gameservers per fleet and status | gauge |
agones_gameserver_allocations_duration_seconds | The distribution of gameserver allocation requests latencies | histogram |
agones_gameservers_total | The total of gameservers per fleet and status | counter |
agones_gameserver_player_connected_total | The total number of players connected to gameservers (Only available when [player tracking]({{< relref "player-tracking.md" >}}) is enabled) | gauge |
agones_gameserver_player_capacity_total | The available capacity for players on gameservers (Only available when [player tracking]({{< relref "player-tracking.md" >}}) is enabled) | gauge |
agones_fleets_replicas_count | The number of replicas per fleet (total, desired, ready, reserved, allocated) | gauge |
agones_fleet_autoscalers_able_to_scale | The fleet autoscaler can access the fleet to scale | gauge |
agones_fleet_autoscalers_buffer_limits | The limits of buffer based fleet autoscalers (min, max) | gauge |
agones_fleet_autoscalers_buffer_size | The buffer size of fleet autoscalers (count or percentage) | gauge |
agones_fleet_autoscalers_current_replicas_count | The current replicas count as seen by autoscalers | gauge |
agones_fleet_autoscalers_desired_replicas_count | The desired replicas count as seen by autoscalers | gauge |
agones_fleet_autoscalers_limited | The fleet autoscaler is capped (1) | gauge |
agones_gameservers_node_count | The distribution of gameservers per node | histogram |
agones_nodes_count | The count of nodes empty and with gameservers | gauge |
agones_gameservers_state_duration | The distribution of gameserver state duration in seconds. Note: this metric could have some missing samples by design. Do not use the _total counter as the real value for state changes. |
histogram |
agones_k8s_client_http_request_total | The total of HTTP requests to the Kubernetes API by status code | counter |
agones_k8s_client_http_request_duration_seconds | The distribution of HTTP requests latencies to the Kubernetes API by status code | histogram |
agones_k8s_client_cache_list_total | The total number of list operations for client-go caches | counter |
agones_k8s_client_cache_list_duration_seconds | Duration of a Kubernetes list API call in seconds | histogram |
agones_k8s_client_cache_list_items | Count of items in a list from the Kubernetes API | histogram |
agones_k8s_client_cache_watches_total | The total number of watch operations for client-go caches | counter |
agones_k8s_client_cache_last_resource_version | Last resource version from the Kubernetes API | gauge |
agones_k8s_client_workqueue_depth | Current depth of the work queue | gauge |
agones_k8s_client_workqueue_latency_seconds | How long an item stays in the work queue | histogram |
agones_k8s_client_workqueue_items_total | Total number of items added to the work queue | counter |
agones_k8s_client_workqueue_work_duration_seconds | How long processing an item from the work queue takes | histogram |
agones_k8s_client_workqueue_retries_total | Total number of items retried to the work queue | counter |
agones_k8s_client_workqueue_longest_running_processor | How long the longest running workqueue processor has been running in microseconds | gauge |
agones_k8s_client_workqueue_unfinished_work_seconds | How long unfinished work has been sitting in the workqueue in seconds | gauge |
{{% alpha title="Reset Metric Export on Fleet / Autoscaler deletion" gate="ResetMetricsOnDelete" %}}
When a Fleet or FleetAutoscaler is deleted from the system, Agones will automatically clear metrics that utilise their name as a label from the exported metrics, so the metrics exported do not continuously grow in size over the lifecycle of the Agones installation.
We provide a set of useful Grafana dashboards to monitor Agones workload, they are located under the {{< ghlink href="/build/grafana" branch="main" >}}grafana folder{{< /ghlink >}}:
{{< ghlink href="/build/grafana/dashboard-autoscalers.yaml" branch="main" >}}Agones Autoscalers{{< /ghlink >}} allows you to monitor your current autoscalers replicas request as well as fleet replicas allocation and readyness statuses. You can only select one autoscaler at the time using the provided dropdown.
{{< ghlink href="/build/grafana/dashboard-gameservers.yaml" branch="main" >}}Agones GameServers{{< /ghlink >}} displays your current game servers workload status (allocations, game servers statuses, fleets replicas) with optional fleet name filtering.
{{< ghlink href="/build/grafana/dashboard-allocations.yaml" branch="main" >}}Agones GameServer Allocations{{< /ghlink >}} displays Agones gameservers allocations rates and counts per fleet.
{{< ghlink href="/build/grafana/dashboard-allocator-usage.yaml" branch="main" >}}Agones Allocator Resource{{< /ghlink >}} displays Agones Allocators CPU, memory usage and also some useful Golang runtime metrics.
{{< ghlink href="/build/grafana/dashboard-status.yaml" branch="main" >}}Agones Status{{< /ghlink >}} displays Agones controller health status.
{{< ghlink href="/build/grafana/dashboard-controller-usage.yaml" branch="main" >}}Agones Controller Resource Usage{{< /ghlink >}} displays Agones Controller CPU and memory usage and also some Golang runtime metrics.
{{< ghlink href="/build/grafana/dashboard-goclient-requests.yaml" branch="main" >}}Agones Controller go-client requests{{< /ghlink >}} displays Agones Controller Kubernetes API consumption.
{{< ghlink href="/build/grafana/dashboard-goclient-caches.yaml" branch="main" >}}Agones Controller go-client caches{{< /ghlink >}} displays Agones Controller Kubernetes Watches/Lists operations used.
{{< ghlink href="/build/grafana/dashboard-goclient-workqueues.yaml" branch="main" >}}Agones Controller go-client workqueues{{< /ghlink >}} displays Agones Controller workqueue processing time and rates.
{{< ghlink href="/build/grafana/dashboard-apiserver-requests.yaml" branch="main" >}}Agones Controller API Server requests{{< /ghlink >}} displays your current API server request rate, errors rate and request latencies with optional CustomResourceDefinition filtering by Types: fleets, gameserversets, gameservers, gameserverallocations.
Dashboard screenshots :
{{< alert title="Note" color="info">}} You can import our dashboards by copying the json content from {{< ghlink href="/build/grafana" branch="main" >}}each config map{{< /ghlink >}} into your own instance of Grafana (+ > Create > Import > Or paste json) or follow the installation guide. {{< /alert >}}
When operating a live multiplayer game you will need to observe performances, resource usage and availability to learn more about your system. This guide will explain how you can setup Prometheus and Grafana into your own Kubernetes cluster to monitor your Agones workload.
Before attemping this guide you should make sure you have kubectl and helm installed and configured to reach your kubernetes cluster.
Prometheus is an open source monitoring solution, we will use it to store Agones controller metrics and query back the data.
Let's install Prometheus using the Prometheus Community Kubernetes Helm Charts repository.
helm repo add prometheus-community https://prometheus-community.github.io/helm-charts
helm repo update
helm upgrade --install --wait prom prometheus-community/prometheus --namespace metrics --create-namespace \
--set server.global.scrape_interval=30s \
--set server.persistentVolume.enabled=true \
--set server.persistentVolume.size=64Gi \
-f ./build/prometheus.yaml
For resiliency it is recommended to run Prometheus on a dedicated node which is separate from nodes where Game Servers
are scheduled. If you use the above command, with our {{< ghlink href="/build/prometheus.yaml" branch="main" >}}prometheus.yaml{{< /ghlink >}} to set up Prometheus, it will schedule Prometheus pods on nodes
tainted with agones.dev/agones-metrics=true:NoExecute
and labeled with agones.dev/agones-metrics=true
if available.
As an example, to set up a dedicated node pool for Prometheus on GKE, run the following command before installing Prometheus. Alternatively you can taint and label nodes manually.
gcloud container node-pools create agones-metrics --cluster=... --zone=... \
--node-taints agones.dev/agones-metrics=true:NoExecute \
--node-labels agones.dev/agones-metrics=true \
By default we will disable the push gateway (we don't need it for Agones) and other exporters.
The helm chart supports nodeSelector, affinity and toleration, you can use them to schedule Prometheus deployments on an isolated node(s) to have an homogeneous game servers workload.
This will install a Prometheus Server in your current cluster with Persistent Volume Claim (Deactivated for Minikube and Kind) for storing and querying time series, it will automatically start collecting metrics from Agones Controller.
Finally, to access Prometheus metrics, rules and alerts explorer use
kubectl port-forward deployments/prom-prometheus-server 9090 -n metrics
Now you can access the prometheus dashboard http://localhost:9090.
On the landing page you can start exploring metrics by creating queries. You can also verify what targets Prometheus currently monitors (Header Status > Targets), you should see Agones controller pod in the kubernetes-pods
{{< alert title="Note" color="info">}} Metrics will be first registered when you will start using Agones. {{< /alert >}}
Now let's install some Grafana dashboards.
Grafana is a open source time series analytics platform which supports Prometheus data source. We can also easily import pre-built dashboards.
First we will install Agones dashboard as config maps in our cluster.
kubectl apply -f ./build/grafana/
Now we can install the
Grafana Community Kubernetes Helm Charts from
their repository. (Replace <your-admin-password>
with the admin password of your choice)
helm repo add grafana https://grafana.github.io/helm-charts
helm repo update
helm upgrade --install --wait grafana grafana/grafana --namespace metrics \
--set adminPassword=<your-admin-password> -f ./build/grafana.yaml
This will install Grafana with our prepopulated dashboards and prometheus datasource previously installed
Finally to access dashboards run
kubectl port-forward deployments/grafana 3000 -n metrics
Open a web browser to http://localhost:3000, you should see Agones dashboards after login as admin.
To collect Agones metrics using Managed Prometheus:
Follow the instructions to enable managed collection for a GKE cluster or non-GKE cluster.
Configure Managed Prometheus to scrape Agones by creating a
kubectl apply -n agones-system -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/googleforgames/agones/{{< release-branch >}}/build/prometheus-google-managed.yaml
- Confirm that you can see Prometheus metrics in Cloud Monitoring. If that's all you need, you can stop here.
To install Grafana using a Managed Prometheus backend:
- Complete the Before you begin. To align with the Agones Grafana installation, we'll be installing in the
namespace, which you'll need to create.- If your cluster has Workload Identity enabled, which is enabled on GKE Autopilot by default, follow Configure a service account for Workload Identity to ensure that you have appropriately authorized the default Kubernetes service account in the
- If your cluster has Workload Identity enabled, which is enabled on GKE Autopilot by default, follow Configure a service account for Workload Identity to ensure that you have appropriately authorized the default Kubernetes service account in the
- Install the Standalone Prometheus frontend UI in the
namespace - this will act as your authentication proxy for PromQL queries. - Install Grafana as above, using
-f ./build/grafana-frontend.yaml
instead of-f ./build/grafana.yaml
In order to use Google Cloud Monitoring you must enable the Monitoring API in the Google Cloud Console. The Cloud Monitoring exporter uses a strategy called Application Default Credentials (ADC) to find your application's credentials. Details can be found in Setting Up Authentication for Server to Server Production Applications.
You need to grant all the necessary permissions to the users (see Access Control Guide). The predefined role Monitoring Metric Writer contains those permissions. Use the following command to assign the role to your default service account.
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding [PROJECT_ID] --member serviceAccount:[PROJECT_NUMBER]-compute@developer.gserviceaccount.com --role roles/monitoring.metricWriter
{{< alert title="Note" color="info">}} Cloud Operations for GKE (including Cloud Monitoring) is enabled by default on GKE clusters, however you can follow this guide if it is currently disabled in your GKE cluster. {{< /alert >}}
Before proceeding, ensure you have created a metrics node pool as mentioned in the Google Cloud [installation guide]({{< ref "/docs/Installation/Creating Cluster/gke.md" >}}).
The default metrics exporter installed with Agones is Prometheus. If you are using the [Helm installation]({{< ref "/docs/Installation/Install Agones/helm.md" >}}), you can install or upgrade Agones to use Cloud Monitoring, using the following chart parameters:
helm upgrade --install --wait --set agones.metrics.stackdriverEnabled=true --set agones.metrics.prometheusEnabled=false --set agones.metrics.prometheusServiceDiscovery=false my-release-name agones/agones --namespace=agones-system
{{< alert title="Note" color="info">}} If you are using the [YAML installation]({{< ref "/docs/Installation/Install Agones/yaml.md" >}}), follow the instructions on the page to change the above parameters by using helm to generate a custom YAML file locally. {{< /alert >}}
With this configuration only the Cloud Monitoring exporter would be used instead of Prometheus exporter.
If you would like to enable Cloud Monitoring in conjunction with Workload Identity, there are a few extra steps you need to follow:
When setting up the Google service account following the instructions for Authenticating to Google Cloud, create two IAM policy bindings, one for
and one forserviceAccount:PROJECT_ID.svc.id.goog[agones-system/agones-allocator]
. -
Pass parameters to helm when installing Agones to add annotations to the
Kubernetes service accounts:
helm install my-release --namespace agones-system --create-namespace agones/agones --set agones.metrics.stackdriverEnabled=true --set agones.metrics.prometheusEnabled=false --set agones.metrics.prometheusServiceDiscovery=false --set agones.serviceaccount.allocator.annotations."iam\.gke\.io/gcp-service-account"="GSA_NAME@PROJECT_ID\.iam\.gserviceaccount\.com" --set agones.serviceaccount.controller.annotations."iam\.gke\.io/gcp-service-account"="GSA_NAME@PROJECT_ID\.iam\.gserviceaccount\.com"
To verify that metrics are being sent to Cloud Monitoring, create a Fleet or a Gameserver and look for the metrics to show up in the Cloud Monitoring dashboard. Navigate to the Metrics explorer and search for metrics with the prefix agones/
. Select a metric and look for data to be plotted in the graph to the right.
An example of a custom dashboard is:
Currently there exists only manual way of configuring Cloud Monitoring Dashboard. So it is up to you to set an Alignment Period (minimal is 1 minute), GroupBy, Filter parameters and other graph settings.
If you can't see Agones metrics you should have a look at the controller logs for connection errors. Also ensure that your cluster has the necessary credentials to interact with Cloud Monitoring. You can configure stackdriverProjectID
manually, if the automatic discovery is not working.
Permissions problem example from controller logs:
Failed to export to Stackdriver: rpc error: code = PermissionDenied desc = Permission monitoring.metricDescriptors.create denied (or the resource may not exist).
If you receive this error, ensure your service account has the role or corresponding permissions mentioned above.