This guide covers getting started with the blog-template
In this Getting Started, you need git
, docker
and docker-compose
- Windows: Download & install git.
- Mac: Install it with Homebrew, MacPorts or installer.
- Linux (Ubuntu):
sudo apt-get install git-core
- Windows / Mac
- Linux (Ubuntu)
Make sure the following commands are successful:
$ git
$ docker
$ docker-compose
Navigate to the cssjpn/blog-example page. Above the file list, click Use this template.
Select your organization from Owner menu, and type a name for your blog repository (ex. blog). Click Create repository from template.
# Move to your working directory
# Cloning a blog repository
$ git clone${YOUR_ORGANIZATION}/blog.git
$ cd blog
Blog theme (.css, .js, etc...) is configured as git submodule. This example is using jpazureid/hexo-theme-jpazure
# Initialize and Update themes
$ git submodule update -i
You can configure most settings here.
# edit config with your favorite editor
$ code _config.yml
$ vim _config.yml
Now you can start writing articles!
# Create new branch
$ git checkout -b add_article
# Create or Edit articles with your favorite editor
$ vim articles/information/
Do you want to preview your article? You can start a local-preview server using following command. This is at http://localhost:4000/
The server will reload files automatically if you make new changes. Please reload your browser.
# Run server
$ docker-compose up
blog_1 | INFO Start processing
blog_1 | INFO Hexo is running at http://localhost:4000 . Press Ctrl+C to stop.
To stop server, press Ctrl+C
and docker-compose down
# Stop server
^CGracefully stopping... (press Ctrl+C again to force)
Stopping example_blog_1 ... done
$ docker-compose down
In this tutorial, we use GitHub Actions to deploy GitHub Pages.
The repository already has a workflow for GitHub Pages (.github/workflows/upload-gh-pages.yml).
You can achieve publishing your blog easily with following steps.
# Commit changes
$ git add .
$ git commit -m 'Add article'
# Push 'add_article' branch to remote repository
$ git push origin add_article
remote: Resolving deltas: 100% (2/2), completed with 2 local objects.
remote: Create a pull request for 'add_article' on GitHub by visiting:
* [new branch] add_article -> add_article
You can open new Pull Request from${ORG_NAME}/blog/pull/new/${BRANCH_NAME}
When new changes is merged to main
branch, the workflow jobs will be triggered.
The jobs automatically builds blog pages and uploads generated files to gh-pages
You can check workflow runs at Actions
section on GitHub.{ORG_NAME}/blog/actions
Once the workflow is finished, the generated pages can be found in the gh-pages
branch of the repository.
To configure GitHub Pages, navigate Settings > Pages section. Select gh-pages
branch as source and click Save.
Now you can access your blog! 🎉
It could be takes few minutes. If you got 404 page, please try to access later.