Le este README en outros idiomas.
Este paquete permíteche instalar CloudLog de xeito rápido e doado nun servidor YunoHost.
Se non usas YunoHost, le a documentación para saber como instalalo.
Cloudlog is an open-source PHP & MySQL based amateur radio logging application, allowing you to log contacts via a web browser on any device and platform.
This is an ideal general-purpose logging application, supporting HF to Microwave, it can even interface with your radio via CAT, sync logs from WSJT-X & if you are a satellite operator integrates with SatPC32.
Versión proporcionada: 2.6.17~ynh1
- Web oficial da app: https://www.cloudlog.co.uk
- Repositorio de orixe do código: https://github.com/magicbug/Cloudlog
- Tenda YunoHost: https://apps.yunohost.org/app/cloudlog
- Informar dun problema: https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/cloudlog_ynh/issues
Envía a túa colaboración á rama testing
Para probar a rama testing
, procede deste xeito:
sudo yunohost app install https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/cloudlog_ynh/tree/testing --debug
sudo yunohost app upgrade cloudlog -u https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/cloudlog_ynh/tree/testing --debug
Máis info sobre o empaquetado da app: https://yunohost.org/packaging_apps