Your Ultimate Stock Analysis & Prediction Platform
FoxTrend is now fully operational and accessible to everyone!
- AWS Elastic Beanstalk: (valid till the month of May)
- Render: (takes 1-2 minutes to load)
[video demo]
FoxTrend is a comprehensive platform designed to provide detailed stock price information, predictions, and company insights for every company in existence, including cryptocurrencies. With an emphasis on data-driven decision-making, our platform enables users to track stock prices and forecast future trends with accuracy and ease. 📊💡
- 📈 Stock Price Display: Access stock prices and information for all companies, including cryptocurrencies.
- 🤖 Stock Price Prediction: Utilize advanced machine learning models to predict future stock prices.
- 🏢 Company Information: Retrieve detailed company information alongside stock prices and predictions.
- 📊 Interactive Charts: Visual representation of stock trends and predictions
- 🚗 Used Car Price Prediction: Smart market value estimation for vehicles
- 💳 Loan Approval Prediction: Intelligent loan approval probability assessment
- 🏠 Housing Price Prediction: Data-driven property price forecasting
Special thanks to our amazing collaborators who helped make FoxTrend possible:
- Abhinab Sharma - FullStack Developer
- Subha Archita - FullStack Developer
- Ayush Kumar Jha - FullStack Developer
Their dedication and expertise were instrumental in bringing FoxTrend to life! 🌟
Clone the repository to explore the initial codebase:
git clone
After cloning, initialize the project by running the following commands:
cd FoxTrend
npm init
npm i bcryptjs body-parser express express-session hbs passport passport-local node-cron csv-parser mongoose aws-sdk winston cluster
pip install -r requirements.txt
Ensure you configure the project with your own SQL password and MongoDB URL by updating the respective configuration files. Add your MongoDB key in key.js
and your SQL password in the relevant Java files.
- Frontend: HTML, CSS, JavaScript
- Backend: Node.js, Express
- Database: MongoDB, SQL
- Cloud: AWS Elastic Beanstalk, Render
- ML models & Data scraping: Python
- 💻 Desktop/Laptop
- 📧 Email:
- 💬 Issues: GitHub Issues
If you find FoxTrend helpful, consider buying me a coffee! It would motivate us to make more amazing projects in the future.
Thank you for your interest in FoxTrend! 🙏🚀