- Improvement: unify field controller
- Bugfix: correctly apply format string to values from customfields and return values.
- Bugfix: Correctly return value for wbt_field_controller base fields
- Improvement: New get_values_array() function for customfields.
- New feature: Add possibility to show download button at bottom of table.
- Bugfix: Field property of field controller can be accessed directly without getter.
- Test: Add test to verify sortorder in infinite scroll environment
- New feature: Callbackfilter
- New feature: Introduce sortable classes to allow sort specific sql and caches
- Improvement: Possibility to turn off caching
- Tests: Add automatic tests for callback filtering and new standard sortable class
- Tests: Add phpunit test for testing standard filter
- Set minlength to 1 (to also consider input of "AI" in fulltextsearch).
- Bugfix: Avoid empty get_in_or_equal error in function instantiate_by_shortnames of wbt_field_controller_info.
- Bugfix: Hierarchical filter search in menu (#75).
- Bugfix: Make sure that field controller is only applied if the string is not yet localized and sorted with sortedarray.
- Bugfix: Make sure we use the correct language prefix for storing filter & such
- Improvement: Apply timezone offset for hourlist filter.
- Bugfix: Fixes for filters using wbt_field_controller.
- Bugfix: Fix README - table setting is called "addcheckboxes".
- Bugfix: Add fallback for field controller, so we always have at least the text controller.
- Improvement: Implement generic classes for customfields in wunderbyte table and get the string values to be shown in filter from field controller.
- Improvement: Do not show rows for empty or not found values.
- Improvement: Add field controllers for text and textarea and return text controller as fallback.
- Bugfix: Add missing import of wbt_field_controller_info.
- Bugfix: Correct searchfield SQL for elder moodle with mysql #68.
- Bugfix: Custom field dynamic needs its own field controller as customfield dynamic might not be installed.
- Bugfix: Datepicker filter correctly applying enddate & unset Datepicker correctly
- Improvement: change filterview template.
- Bugfix: hourlist filter.
- New feature: Add possibility to pass any template data.
- Bugfix: Correct id for filter checkbox & label.
- Bugfix: "Cannot read properties of null (reading 'childNodes')" JS error.
- Bugfix: Grunt JS.
- Improvement: Add support for Moodle 4.5.
- Bugfix: Correctly update URL from search (#67).
- Bugfix: Correctly apply filtercount to hierarchical filter Wunderbyte-GmbH/moodle-moodle-local_wunderbyte_table#243.
- Bugfix: Do not apply intrange filter when there is no string to explode. Wunderbyte-GmbH/Wunderbyte-GmbH#243.
- Bugfix: Fix grunt "file is stale" errors.
- Bugfix: Fix typo (dot instead of comma) breaking sortable columns and tests.
- Bugfix: Add missing data-type for wb_action_button.
- Improvement: Filterview flip arrows on collapse.
- Bugfix: Fix action button selector.
- Improvement: Change PNG to SVG in filterview template.
- Tests: Adjust behat scenarios.
- Improvement: Extend tests for filters
- Improvement: Scroll to upper margin on page switch
- Bugfix: Apply hierarchical filter
- Bugfix: Fix standardfilter, especially for explode
- Bugfix: Correctly count values for filters
- Bugfix: Strip leading zeros from intrange filter input
- Bugfix: standardfilter for ints (ids etc)
- Bugfix: Correctly count values for explode filter
- Bugfix: display filtercount label for standardfilter correctly
- Improvement: Added support for filterview mobile changes
- Bugfix: Fix wrong calculation of morethanonetable
- Bugfix: Fallback for empty variables in timespan filter
- Bugfix: Filter for json dataattributes
- Bugfix: Fallback empty calendar
- Bugfix: Avoid pipe if no filter/searchtext is selected
- Bugfix: Fallback for empty data in event
- Bugfix for filters addressing two columns
- Bugfix: fetch other data from event correctly
- Bugfix: Don't throw an error just because a column is not supported by the datepicker.
- Improvement: Support shownopagination
- Improvement: Add suppress functionality
- Bugfix: Avoid accessing missing key in array
- Improvement: filterview with two columns
- Bugfix: Apply filter to url for tables with search
- Bugfix: write searchtext into search field on reload via url
- New Feature: filtertype intrange
- Improvement: possibility to allow searchbutton in template
- Improvement: make filters able to break line
- Bugfix: Make sure that current filter state is also noticed by js. Support for hierarchical filters on url output
- Bugfix: Delete last href call to anchor, which led to jump in page
- New Feature: Show counter for checked filters directly on the label
- Improvement: Sort strings alphabetically.
- Bugfix: Revert changes for node replacement in init.js.
- Improvement: Add possibility to define message on submitbutton for dynamicform
- Improvement: Avoid scrolling when using pagination links.
- Improvement: Always explode multi entry strings, even when they are int values
- Improvement: Add possibility to return message on Form (Add message AND success value!)
- Improvement: Add show filter button functionality
- Improvement: New filterdesign.
- Improvement: Name attribute added to toggle filter button (accessibility).
- Bugfix: Fix hourlist filter for timezone (bugs with summer time / winter time remain).
- Bugfix: Fix MariaDB SQL errors with reserved keywords.
- Bugfix: Fix strings for AMOS.
- Bugfix: MariaDB does not allow alias in DELETE statement.
- Improvement: Update callback to purge caches and delete filter and sql hashes from DB when allowedittable is turned off or on.
- Improvement: Triggering reload on all tables will now reload all rows of an infinite table.
- Improvement: Show spinner when we trigger ajax call.
- Improvement: Add "apply filtersetting" to download table.
- Bugfix: Remove console logs that had null pointer problems.
- New feature: Now you can individually configure filters and settings for each Wunderbyte Table. (Setting has to be turned on in config settings of Wunderbyte Table.)
- Improvement: Lots of little improvements that were necessary to get new settings to work correctly.
- Improvement: New filter classes for better handling of filters
- Improvement: First steps to edit filter on the fly (experimental)
- Improvement: Add generic reordering of list items (experimental)
- Improvement: More explanation on how to integrate a form.
- Improvement: Add demo how to order by default for more than one columns.
- Bugfix: Fix string confusion (English, German) - closes #51.
- Bugfix: Namespace.
- Improvement: Show cards right next to each other (CSS fix).
- Bugfix: Add missing cache definitions.
- Improvement: Better layout (margins) for filter search.
- Improvement: Add correct context handling for table.
- Improvement: Make search in columns optional.
- Improvement: Make no context compatible with existing automated tests.
- Bugfix: Use SORT_ASC as default sort order when return_current_sortorder() returns null.
- Improvement: Better handling of pagination cache.
- Improvement: More efficient cache handling.
- Bugfix: Fix a behat scenario.
- Bugfix: Fix JSON for template.
- Bugfix: Revert "Improvement: Constructor may not be overriden".
- Improvement: Constructur can not be overriden anymore to prevent unwanted caching.
- Improvement: Filter default values can be set via strtotime function
- Improvement: Add debugging option via db
- Improvement: Add more fields to WB table for better debugging.
- Bugfix: Fix switch statement in edit filter.
- Improvement: New filter handling and new setting to store filter settings to DB. (#47)
- Bugfix: Correct display of filtered records on pages.
- Bugfix: Avoid error for not supported dbfamilies.
- Bugfix: Totalcount could throw error because of ambigious columnname.
- Bugfix: Set pages to correct values when infinite scroll is activated.
- Bugfix: Fix behat test.
- Bugfix: Automatic tests are running correctly
- Improvement: Filter generation in large tables is much faster and more efficient
- Improvement: Filters now show a count of hits
- Improvement: Hoursfilter: Full hours can be extracted from a unix timestamp in postgres, mysql & mariadb DBs
- Bugfix: Minlength implementation broke changing sites with textinput.
- Improvement: Add class wbtablefilter-columnname to each filter-div, so we can hide them with CSS.
- Bugfix: Fix some Github actions (mustache templates).
- Bugfix: Localize Demo strings in German #38
- Bugfix: Delete unneeded and conflicting CSS #34
- Improvement: Styling of search and sort icons.
- Bugfix: Normal size of sorting icon (A->Z).
- Improvement: Add Documentation about additional security "action_" methods.
- Improvement: Toggle search immediately after enter key pressed.
- Improvement: Update readme about search function enter key.
- Improvement: Large A->Z sort icon, hamburger icon for filters.
- Bugfix: Revert wrong "fixes" that actually broke the new security with "action_"-prefix.
- Bugfix: Add missing capability strings.
- Bugfix: Add "action_" to rownumberperpage function.
- Bugfix: Check "real" method names including "_action".
- Bugfix: Fix behat.
- Improvement: Additional security via "action_" prefix for methodnames that can be called via webservice actions.
- Bugfix: Notifications and debug error if uniqueid contains any symbols other than ASCII alphanumeric characters, underlines and spaces.
- Improvement: Better tests, some smaller improvement of UI.
- Improvement: Add privacy class
- Improvement: Add view and actionbutton events for logging
- Improvement: Add requirelogin and requirecapability for more security
- Improvement: Additional automatic tests
- Improvement: Added support for Moodle 4.3 and PHP 8.2.
- Improvement: Nicer strings for already set filters and language fix.
- Improvement: No unsanitized params in sql requests (#39).
- Bugfix: Restore possibility to show chosen filters and reset all filters.
- Bugfix: Fix search icon.
- Bugfix: Forget filter after reset.
- Bugfix: Fix click on reset button.
- Bugfix: Fix stale file.
- Bugfix: Fix for unscrollable page (and 4 failed behat test) under Moodle 4.3.
- Bugfix: More specific names in styles.css to avoid confusion (#34).
- Improvement: Actionbutton now transmitting data from table and title for modal.
- Improvement: Add readme about formname and title.
- Bugfix: Fix string in demo.php.
- Bugfix: Fix param definition in external services.
- Bugfix: Fix some namespaces.
- Bugfix: Remove "zoom" selector from styles.css because of unintended consequences in mod_zoom plugin.
- Bugfix: Do not show "&" in filters but show normal "&".
- Improvement: Re-enable filtering for "users" tab on demo page.
- Improvement: Use primary color for filter button.
- Improvement: Only show success notifications if there is a message.
- Improvement: Better alignment of search box.
- Improvement: Fix spaces between up and down sorting arrows.
- Bugfix: Fix sorting pseudo elements for older versions.
- Bugfix: Fix filter for escaped chars.
- Bugfix: Fix FontAwesome6 issues.
- Bugfix: Show search icon again and use primary text color for both search and sort icons.
- Bugfix: Fix timefilters to work with count labels
- New feature: GH-26 & GH-27 display current filter settings and delete on button click.
- Improvement: Hide search fields in 3/4 demo tables.
- Bugfix: GH-25 Bugfix: Sorting field only displayed when sorting columns selectable.
- Bugfix: GH-24 Fix for Moodle 4.2 FontAwesome sorting pseudo elements.
- Bugfix: Keep tables in modals scrollable after actionbutton execution.
- Bugfix: Prevent console error because of missing container element.
- Bugfix: Allow for multiple values, comma separated values via filter.
- Bugfix: Sorting not working without sort component.
- Bugfix: Fix infinitescroll.
- Bugfix: Fix bug where we didn't attach scroll to window.
- Bugfix: Fix PHPDocs.
- Improvement: Code quality improvements and linting.
- Bugfix: Fixes for github actions (behat, mustache etc.).
- Bugfix: Fix search icon for Moodle 4.2.
- New feature: Flexoverlap filter for timespan taking into account all kind of overlapping timespans.
- New feature: Search function within filters.
- Improvement: Display norecords message, when no records found in table.
- Improvement: Github actions green again.
- Improvement: Add aria label to actionbutton icon.
- Improvement: Correction in readme.
- Improvement: Add title to icon in column.
- Bugfix: str_replace causes exception if $match[0] not found.
- Improvement: Move buttons, pagination, rowcount to top of table.
- Bugfix: Missing cache definitions.
- Bugfix: Default sortorder on tableload now applying.
- Bugfix: Keep sortorder on change of sortcolumn.
- New feature: Fulltext search in specific column using column:value (or "Column one":"value set" etc.) in searchfield.
- Bugfix: Applying URL search also for lazy load table.
- Bugfix: Display timespan filter only if records contain values in column of filter.
- Bugfix: Infinitescroll triggered at the bottom of the table.
- Improvement: Behat test - adjust scenarios to support hidden by default filter panel on the "course" and "Infinite scroll" tabs.
- Improvement: GitHub Code Checker: fix linting.
- New feature: Possibility to hide filter buttons on initial load (filteronloadinactive).
- New feature: Displaying action buttons on top of table in case of infinite scroll.
- Bugfix: Infinitescroll now working on lazyout table.
- Bugfix: Datefilter query (Bug in 1.6.2.).
- Bugfix: Fix bugs regarding URL searchParams on page which uses filter.
- Bugfix: Fix bugs regarding labels for modals
- Bugfix: Fix problem with fulltextsearch when adding bigint columns.
- New feature: Filter for timespan, comparing two selected values (timespan) to two values of a record (i.e. startdate, enddate).
- New feature: Localized Filter
- New feature: Filter for columns with Unix timestamp.
- New feature: Applying filter, search and sort params via URL.
- New feature: Improved caching, especially for filters.
- Bugfix: Tableheadercheckbox selecting all checkboxes in multiple table.
- Bugfix: Infinitescroll.
- Bugfix: Checkbox in card display.
- New feature: Keeping last (current) sorting on reload.
- New feature: Sortorder button and sorting select synchronized with tableheader sorting.
- New feature: Keeping value for number of rows displayed in select on table reload.
- New feature: Tablehash-cash unique for each user and tableid.
- New feature: Displaying multiple tables in tabs on demo page.
- New feature: Added selection-mandatory property and function to actionbuttons to define if an actionbutton triggers action without elements selected.
- New feature: Actionbutton not triggering modal can treat data of selected elements and transmit multiple calls.
- Bugfix: Tableheader row display with z-index displaying on top level of table.
- Bugfix: Tableheader icons for sorting changed descending and ascending order.
- Bugfix: Tableheader highlighting default sortcolumn and sortorder.
- Bugfix: Tableheader click on columnname triggers sorting only for columnnames defined as sortable.
- New feature: change number of rows in pagination mode.
- New feature: Added new form functionality.
- New feature: Added new checkbox functionality.
- Bugfix: Fixed aria-label strings.
- Bugfix: Use a dot to concatenate (plus sign is JS notation).
- Bugfix: Fixed action buttons logic (added nomodal flag).
- Improvement: Use cache instead of encoded table to improve security and performance.
- Improvement: Renamed function to instantiate_from_tablecache_hash.
- Bugfix: Pagination fixed.
- Improvement: Allow value "0" as filter option (== null isstead of "empty" check).
- Bugfix: Fix JS error on reloadAllTables.
- Improvement: Better error message on sql error.
- Improvement: Show error when sql fails.
- Improvement: Icon in front of action button label via template.
- Improvement: Define baseurl only in test.php (not in download.php).
- Improvement: No automatic checkboxes during downloading.
- Bugfix: Fix warning on download if $jsonobject is empty.
- Improvement: Fix countlabel string.
- Improvement: add reloadAllTables function.
- Improvement: filter js less verbose.
- Improvement: Add special treatment for JSON objects (e.g. for teachers).
- Improvement: If there is nothing to filter, we don't show the filter.
- Improvement: Documentation for explode and JSON features for filters.
- Improvement: Make sure data-id is present in dom. We need it for a couple of operations.
- Improvement: Layout - smaller filter column.
- Improvement: Add a few identifiers for table & rows.
- Improvement: make actionbutton more robust.
- Improvement: add cardsort property to hide or unhide special sort element.
- Bugfix: fix filter with multiple tables on one page.
- Bugfix: fix row enumerations being correct as well as row ID.
- Bugfix: small fix to avoid overlapping footer.
- Bugfix: Fixed and improved sorting.
- Bugfix: fix filter for int & postgres.
- New feature: Add the "addcheckboxes functionality" with configurable action.
- Improvement: Improved layout and styling for filter.
- Improvement: Better CSS for cards view.
- Improvement: New export param 'shoppingcartisavailable' for templates - so shopping cart plugin is optional.
- Bugfix: Fixed bug with component of renderer (must be 'local_wunderbyte_table').
- Improvement: Improved layout and styling.
- Improvement: Code quality.
- Bugfix: Some changes due to deprecation waringing.
- Improvement: Some layout and design changes.
- Improvement: Improved styling of sorting buttons and layout.
- Bugfix: Fixed baseurl handling to fix download which didn't work in modal.
- Bugfix: Fixed lazyout on test.php.
- New feature: New possibility to turn infinite scroll on and off.
- New feature: New possibility to turn labels and code buttons on and off.
- Improvement: Better export (print) functionality.
- Improvement: Don't hide table on reload.
- Improvement: Sticky header and new sorting icons, new toggler.
- Improvement: Improved code quality (linting).
- Bugfix: Many minor bugfixes.
- New feature: New export (print) functionality.
- Bugfix: Sorting of non sql column caught now.
- Bugfix: Fix scrolling bug.
- Bugfix: Fix incorrectly implemented optional values, move to required.
- Bugfix: Fix issue #1, missing cached table string.
- Fix infinite scroll on some themes
- Work on templates and consistency
- Fix localized column headers
- Add possibility to show reload button
- Numeric filters can't have wildcards anymore
- Clarify container structure for generalical ajax reload (pages, infinite scroll, filtering) and support for multiple table formats in one project.
- Introduce fulltext search, filter and sort
- Improvement: Improved code quality
- Bugfix: Fix nolazyout function
- Improvement: No login required for using lazyloading of Wunderbyte Table