- Rewrite in TypeScript
- Support non-object component nodes (e.g. strings and numbers)
- Support React v17.0 and v18.0
- Remove ReactDOM peer dependency
- Update repositories
- Merge upstream
- Fix dependencies + add lockfile
- Add support for custom tag syntax
- Drop deprecated React.createClass, React.DOM from test
- Bump to allow for React ^16.0.0
- Update to Babel 6 and bump node testing version to 5.11.1
- Bump to allow for React ^15.1.0, still supporting ^0.14.3
- Readme and package description edits.
- Add changelog and tweak readme.
- Main file should pull from the generated lib folder.
- Separate project into src and lib folders to enable transpilation on npm publish.
- Initial version, breaking module out of wp-calypso.