The Real-Time Chat Application is a web app built using the MERN stack, enhanced with for real-time messaging, Zustand for state management, and TailwindCSS + Daisy UI for a modern UI/UX experience.
Preview Video Demo for a detailed walkthrough.
The application supports:
✅ User authentication
✅ Online/offline status tracking
✅ Multimedia message sharing
- ⚛️ React (Vite)
- 🌍 React Router
- 📦 Zustand (State Management)
- 🎨 TailwindCSS & Daisy UI
- 🔗 Axios
- 💬
- 🔧 Lucide-react (Icons)
- 🖥️ Node.js & Express
- 🗄️ MongoDB Atlas (Database)
- 🏗️ Mongoose (ODM)
- 🔑 JWT (Authentication)
- ☁️ Cloudinary (Media Uploads)
- 📡 (Real-time messaging)
- 🔐 JWT-based authentication
- ✅ Secure user login & signup
- 🍪 Cookie-based session handling
- ⚡ Instant messaging with
- 🟢 Online/offline user status
- 🔄 Message history with infinite scrolling
- 🖼️ Text & image message support
- ✨ Beautiful UI with TailwindCSS + Daisy UI
- 🎭 30+ customizable themes
- 📌 Sidebar with online/offline user filtering
- 🖼️ Editable profile picture
- 📧 View account details (email, member since, status)
- 🚪 Logout functionality
- 🔧 Modular structure (controllers, middleware, models)
- 🔒 Secure API routes for authentication & messaging
- ☁️ Cloudinary integration for media uploads
- 📦 Component-based design for scalability
- 📄 Pages: Home, Login, Signup, Profile, Settings
- 🌐 API interactions using Axios