- Minimum 3-node Kubernetes cluster
- Portworx installed on the Kubernetes cluster
- Torpedo currently requires root username/password to access the physical nodes.
To run torpedo with ssh node driver run the following script:
$ TORPEDO_SSH_PASSWORD=[your_root_password] deployments/deploy-ssh.sh
To run torpedo under AWS environment with aws node driver run the following script:
$ deployments/deploy-aws.sh
Make sure you change image: portworx/torpedo:latest
to your torpedo docker image.
The above command starts Torpedo by deploying a k8s Pod
in your kubernetes cluster. It also specified Portworx (pxd
) as the volume driver and ssh
as the node driver to.
You can look at status of torpedo by viewing logs using: kubectl logs -f torpedo
First expose KUBECONFIG to torpedo can talk to the k8s API.
export KUBECONFIG=<location_of_k8s_cluster_kubeconfig_file>
It is highly suggested to run your new test against a single app
For example:
ginkgo --focus SetupTeardown -v bin/basic.test -- -spec-dir `pwd`/drivers/scheduler/k8s/specs --app-list elasticsearch
This will run the basic test against just elastic search
To run all tests: ginkgo -v bin/*.test -- -spec-dir `pwd`/drivers/scheduler/k8s/specs
To run just the reboot tests: ginkgo -v bin/reboot.test -- -spec-dir `pwd`/drivers/scheduler/k8s/specs
To dry-run all tests: ginkgo -dryRun -v bin/*.test -- -spec-dir `pwd`/drivers/scheduler/k8s/specs
NOTE: perform the steps below if cluster was created using eksctl or any tool, other than dedicated eks jenkins job
(if cluster was not provisioned with spawn)
Provision a cluster of nodes n+1 (more than you need)
Create a "master" node. Torpedo contains a test which reboots all px nodes, hence it needs to be alive. We don't have a master node on EKS, so we just
it :- Pick a node
- disable PX on it
- taint
kubectl get nodes '--output=jsonpath={.items[0].metadata.name}' kubectl label node <node_name> px/enabled=false kubectl taint node <node_name> apps=false:NoSchedule
Install PX in a usual way
Add the following parameters to the
script at the very beginning of the file
#KUBECONFIG=/tmp/kubeconfig # if you don't specify the config, torpedo will pick up the system config
TORPEDO_IMG=portworx/torpedo:master # override with your image if needed
- In the same file search for the test list and disable tests you don't need by removing
Add your test to the