MMOCR is an open-source toolbox based on PyTorch and mmdetection for text detection, text recognition, and the corresponding downstream tasks including key information extraction. It is a part of the OpenMMLab project.
Please refer to for installation.
model | task | OnnxRuntime | TensorRT | NCNN | PPLNN | OpenVINO | model config file(example) |
DBNet | text-detection | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | $PATH_TO_MMOCR/configs/textdet/dbnet/ |
CRNN | text-recognition | Y | Y | Y | Y | N | $PATH_TO_MMOCR/configs/textrecog/crnn/ |
SAR | text-recognition | Y | N | N | N | N | $PATH_TO_MMOCR/configs/textrecog/sar/ |
Note that ncnn, pplnn, and OpenVINO only support the configs of DBNet18 for DBNet.