- For the E-School (Thornton, Mec., Wilson), Nau/Gibson, Clark lecture halls, see The Source
- For Rice Hall, see Rice
- For Newcomb Hall spaces, Ern Commons, or larger events, see Event Planning Officer
- For any Library spaces such as Library conference rooms, see Library
So the first thing you've got to know about The Source is that it's terrible. So stick with it!
- Follow this link
- Click the blue Take me to The SOURCE button
- Wait, possibly forever
- Click Sign In in the top left corner (this will auth. with Netbadge)
- Wait again
- Okay, now the real fun begins...
The Source has two main ways to help you; either you:
- Know where you want your meeting but not when,
- Know when you want your meeting but now where
And it might be possible that you know both of these things! That's great! Just follow either path. Then again, it might be possible you know neither! Yikes! In that case, I would start with I Know My Location
- Click the "Locations" tab
- Search your location by Keyword (I suggest the name or pneumonic of the building: Thornton or THN)
- Feel free to explore the options in the search by clicking "More Search Options" next to the search bar
- Scroll down the list
- To see it's availability, click on the name of the location you're interested in
- Feel free to click "Details" underneath the name of the room (that is now a header) to see a picture of the room, but return to "Availability (Daily)" when you're done
- Once you're good to go, proceed to Create My Event below (in this wiki).
- Click "I know WHEN my event should take place -- help me find a location!"
- Fill out the information
- Yes, you must specify a maximum capacity and a general location (I know, I know, you clicked help me find a location)
- Click Show me what's available!
- If it says there are No Matching Locations, click "Do you want to check Matching Locations with a Larger Max Capacity?" until you find what you're looking for or are satisfied it won't work
- If at first you don't succeed, keep looking!
- Once you're good to go, proceed to Create My Event below (in this wiki).
- Great, you're almost there. Now click the "Event Wizard" tab in the top left
- Give it an Event Name, Event Type (this is usually Meeting), and Primary Organization for this Event (this is Student Game Developers)
- Give an expected headcount (make sure this is <= the count for the room; feel free to click Locations and check this) and short Event Description
- Provide the occurrence (for your firs time, I would recommend clicking No, but once you get the hang of it multi-dates aren't hard)
- Give the Event Start and End dates and times (I recommend saying no to both the questions here and just including that time if your Event Start and End times)
- Search for your location (again, I would search by building name)
- Find your location and click it
- Provide your phone number
- Read the Affirmation and click the "I agree" button
- Finally, click Save. After this, you're done.
You should get an email in a few days confirming it, and if you don't, you can email the administrator at adminr25@virginia.edu
If that doesn't work, you can email Cathy Dean at cld@virginia.edu or, preferably, go see her in her office in Thornton. Ask someone over there, it's always changing and is never easy to find...
- So you're going to go to the 5th Floor of Rice Hall and take a right out of the elevators. Then, the office is straight ahead. They're open during normal business hours (8AM - 5PM)
- Talk to a secretary there about reserving a room, and tell them it's for Student Game Developers
- They have some weird, stupid, and arbitrary rules about reservation times and lengths but you can convince them to ignore them if you're charisma is high enough.
So you have to be labeled as an Event Coordinator for SGD on our @UVA page and we only get to have two of these, so you're going to have to talk to an officer.
Make sure you're an Event Coordinator on our @UVA page. Then, just go by the 4th Floor of Newcomb hall. Follow the signs and talk to Tessa (she's in charge and she knows us).
- Make sure you get confirmation by email within 2 days or else go back and bug them because there's probably a problem.
- Make sure you figure out and get a copy of the room setup
- Go to LibCal
- Select the space you're looking for on the right
- Select the date on the new blade on the left
- Select the times on the right (with a maximum of 2 to 3 hours depending on location)
- Click "Submit Time slots"
- Authenticate with Netbadge
- Select your Status and School
- Finally, click "Submit my Booking"