- docs(guides): fix create-screen import typo (20134ab)
- refactor(docs): doc-prsr version update (241ade4)
- refactor(ui): modal component reimplement (97afa07)
- refactor(ui): modal-based components API refactor (6aea312)
- feat(docs): expand custom-mapping guide (54310b6)
- feat(ui): input - icon press handler (9e192ea)
- feat(ui): react-native-web adopt (59b4cb6)
- package: hold @eva-design/* packages on a minor version (d0fc72a)
- docs(readme): update design system link (46156b5)
- fix(docs): toggle docs fix (84246ef)
- fix(readme): missing tag add (3fd790c)
- fix(ui): add input api methods (f6395ed)
- fix(ui): checkbox - usage docs (5234f85)
- build(common): typescript common issues (fb4d6ff)
- build: fix typescript build errors (0d0a784)
- feat(ui): add custom warnings for incorrect component usage (981d5c8)
- Update toggle component doc and example (4fd7ea1)
- feat: add hover styles for white buttons (caacbc2)
- feat(docs): add contact us link (#455) (450ab18), closes #455
- feat(playground): bump expo to 33.0.6 (a7cb55f)
- docs: add algolia search (#457) (b9872ab), closes #457
- docs(dev): update DEV_DOCS.md (6dc56c2)
- docs(dev): update DEV_DOCS.md with Kitten Tricks guides (a3772c7)
- docs(guides): add design system guides (165247e)
- fix: double scroll (ad67cee)
- fix: prevent header disappearing when selecting version (6e38aff)
- fix: remove overflow in reviews (37393d6)
- fix: use capital k in kitten (f325111)
- fix(docs): fix dev-docs Kitten Tricks reference (91a1e60)
- fix(docs): fix dev-docs typos (1c83e23)
- fix(docs): ie fixes (39abc18)
- fix(docs): make menu button clickable (f0234bf)
- fix(docs): proper cross sections links (#452) (7bd9ec5), closes #452
- fix(docs): theme import typo (6445a4b)
- fix(top-navigation): add hit-slop to actions (ce984cf)
- refactor: prevent opening links in a new tab (ff770f2)
- refactor(docs): common refactor (67e84d2)
- refactor(docs): hoc docs and doc-app refactor (#389) (8718ee7), closes #389
- refactor(framework): adopt to eva mappings (b688ee8)
- refactor(framework): apply code style and token-groups (b5d8ce6)
- refactor(framework): update .spec configuration files (d0d610f)
- refactor(mapping): update toggle mapping (e71ca2c)
- refactor(playground): screen refactor (621875c)
- refactor(playground): update playground to use typescript (#246) (5c9b5d4), closes #246
- refactor(script): travis-ci scripts (cafe153)
- refactor(tab-set): code style fixes (ab640ed)
- refactor(tab-set): component structure separation (90000c2)
- refactor(tab-set): eslint warning fix (7afecca)
- refactor(tab-set): fix eslint warnings (94ecf78)
- refactor(tab-set): merge tabSet types (2ffcc23)
- refactor(tab-set): rename rkTabView component to rkTabSet & docs update (9c21cfb)
- refactor(tab-set): update examples (141254e)
- refactor(tab-set): update examples (f6fe72c)
- refactor(tab-set): update examples (9e402b0)
- refactor(tab-set): update examples (10e2022)
- refactor(test): button test mapping update (caf7a7e)
- refactor(theme): adopt to eva mapping structure. Closes #266 (47a4ed7), closes #266
- refactor(theme): optimize module imports (#225) (2c86a03), closes #225
- refactor(theme): remove unused exports (2e9e748)
- refactor(theme): simplify theme mapping config (#209) (37274c4), closes #209
- refactor(ui): apply checkbox mappings (a1f1255)
- refactor(ui): apply input mappings (db1161d)
- refactor(ui): apply list mappings (55fe0c9)
- refactor(ui): apply overflow-menu mappings (0b4388b)
- refactor(ui): apply popover mappings (130aa7a)
- refactor(ui): apply radio mappings (bdd4e5e)
- refactor(ui): apply tab mappings (ef61e17)
- refactor(ui): apply tooltip mappings (b6a191e)
- refactor(ui): apply top-navigation mappings (2601897)
- refactor(ui): avatar - apply mappings (7203d2b)
- refactor(ui): bottom-navigation - apply mappings (228114a)
- refactor(ui): button - apply mappings (a6f778c)
- refactor(ui): button - apply mappings (c6b253f)
- refactor(ui): button-group layout refactor (9b54310)
- refactor(ui): icons integration (#292) (fb5e93d), closes #292
- refactor(ui): modal component (8696132)
- refactor(ui): prop type names & style (664a823)
- refactor(ui): radio and checkbox mapping refactor (b67c4c2)
- refactor(ui): radio/checkbox hit-slopes add (#403) (56094b6), closes #403
- refactor(ui): radio/checkbox size variant remove (ecb6568)
- refactor(ui): tab-view enhancements (#363) (8d8e404), closes #363
- refactor(ui): toggle icon refactor (#310) (d88b048), closes #310
- build(common): add theme module (2f8df0f)
- build(common): bump eva version to 1.0.0 (281eb98)
- build(common): setup env configurations (#394) (361a62f), closes #394
- build(common): setup playground to watch eva changes (1e0b287)
- build(common): ui testing integration (7b45ad7)
- build(common): update eva dependencies (2d78525)
- build(common): update expo to sdk-33 (e914362)
- build(package): make package prod-compatible (47d9c15)
- build(playground): expo-31 upgrade (65cf7ef)
- build(playground): expo/react-native version bump (f1cccd6)
- build(test): configure jest with typescript (c6dc732)
- feat: enhancements (3b807ac)
- feat(calendar): component implementation (#153) (5daf561), closes #153
- feat(ci): integrates coveralls (#204) (0e38a4f), closes #204
- feat(ci): travis ci integration (#165) (2239e5e), closes #165
- feat(common): release pipeline add (a868b55)
- feat(docs): add documentation images (c53fa8c)
- feat(docs): components docs and application add (#386) (885fb81), closes #386
- feat(docs): docs landing add (48c11b2)
- feat(docs): update dependencies and theme (ac2662d)
- feat(framework): enhancements (fb8ae55)
- feat(framework): modal service (#245) (6efa3c5), closes #245
- feat(playground): add showcase settings (81ab976)
- feat(playground): home screen. Closes #203 (#205) (e6d030c), closes #203 #205
- feat(tab-set): add badge props (1b0b6c2)
- feat(tab-set): add tab indicator types (4a54318)
- feat(tab-set): add tabBar indicator to tabView (34d240e)
- feat(tab-set): add tabView component documentation (041e453)
- feat(tab-set): base implementation (a6526fd)
- feat(tab-set): scrollable tabBar (b085302)
- feat(tab-set): tab change event (11f315d)
- feat(tab-set): update documentation (66d3399)
- feat(theme): add simple implementation of provider/consumer (a38af67)
- feat(theme): consumer component props forward (c14a5f1)
- feat(theme): custom mapping (f1abf83)
- feat(theme): eva integration (#227) (4872a85), closes #227
- feat(theme): implementing ThemeProvider and withTheme (efaf224)
- feat(theme): referencing values (#398) (cbe5056), closes #398
- feat(theme): state mappings (#210) (14f0cf9), closes #210
- feat(theme): style consumer dispatch actions (#221) (cd60eb2), closes #221
- feat(theme): styled and theme components statics copy (07d4bcf)
- feat(theme): styles validation (51cdf68)
- feat(theme): themed-style component (#176) (34f560a), closes #176
- feat(theme): token integration (#191) (c97fa06), closes #191
- feat(ui): avatar component (d63df29)
- feat(ui): bottom tab navigator (8cbe4ec)
- feat(ui): button "textStyle" property add (#377) (2cbf39c), closes #377
- feat(ui): button component. Closes #260 (#268) (1ea28bd), closes #260 #268
- feat(ui): button group statuses (56aa6aa)
- feat(ui): button-group component. Closes #290 (6a6a0ad), closes #290
- feat(ui): checkbox - add text support (6b4d0f4)
- feat(ui): checkbox component (#238) (e8ce139), closes #238
- feat(ui): checkbox indeterminate (b1e6071)
- feat(ui): input component (74fac39)
- feat(ui): input labels (#361) (dc89874), closes #361
- feat(ui): layout component. closes #240 (553d043), closes #240
- feat(ui): list component (42dbbe6)
- feat(ui): overflow-menu (#306) (f396ba7), closes #306
- feat(ui): popover indicator style (50ef9fe)
- feat(ui): props for inline styling add (#379) (9e57594), closes #379
- feat(ui): radio - add text support (35c35f4)
- feat(ui): radio group component (#237) (bfabf75), closes #237
- feat(ui): Radio. Closes #201 (#212) (48c6cfe), closes #201 #212
- feat(ui): tab-view component (#243) (c981213), closes #243
- feat(ui): text component (2527260)
- feat(ui): toggle component. closes #235 (920105b), closes #235
- feat(ui): tooltip component. Closes #261 (#263) (9028953), closes #261 #263
- feat(ui): top navigation bar component (3421311)
- docs(common): add new helpful readme shields (55065cd)
- docs(common): fix DEV_DOCS, CODE_OF_CONDUCT, CONTRIBUTING (870d57d)
- docs(common): fix documentation typo at index (053c303)
- docs(common): update readme (59a780d)
- docs(guides): add getting-started and theme-system guides (96ef0dd)
- docs(readme): update README.md (910fb0c)
- docs(theme): add theme components documentation (#387) (c2e5be0), closes #387
- fix(ci): travis auth (#270) (bf65ddb), closes #270
- fix(docs): update dev and contributing guides (#169) (b0e1285), closes #169
- fix(framework): eva-adopt (2a9e315)
- fix(RkSwitch): Fix incorrect thumb animation in case if gesture was intercepted by parent view (1492f41)
- fix(tab-set): example screen component description (f9989bd)
- fix(tab-set): initial tab render when no selection is passed (be58950)
- fix(tab-set): tabBar styles (d5cce2f)
- fix(tab-view): update rkTabView docs (15216a4)
- fix(theme): mapping application order. Closes #218 (#220) (ca37382), closes #218 #220
- fix(theme): style HOCs component arg type (b18b8aa)
- fix(theme): style provider - reduce setState calls (1afbcfe)
- fix(theme): theme change fix (#399) (318c038), closes #399
- fix(ui): adopt to eva (#397) (1b90281), closes #397
- fix(ui): button layout issues (#375) (a2e61d4), closes #375
- fix(ui): button-group border-right fix (c32b8e2)
- fix(ui): common issues (d0835af)
- fix(ui): container component interactions (#367) (671ddd1), closes #367
- fix(ui): export tab-view children props (cb3ebae)
- fix(ui): input styles passing and applying fix (a5fafb1)
- fix(ui): list-item activeOpacity (fe33ffe)
- fix(ui): mapping find issues (a08f8f2)
- fix(ui): modal component/service/panel, popover fix (a0491cb)
- fix(ui): popover - crash when no styles (#380) (2c45eae), closes #380
- fix(ui): popover - scrollable container (766214c)
- fix(ui): popover - useless element render (903f766)
- fix(ui): popover margins offsets fix (#371) (1e3167b), closes #371
- fix(ui): popover position (d0effb9)
- fix(ui): top-navigation center align (a01cbd1)
- fix(ui): top-navigation style apply (9d94b38)
- fix(ui): top-navigation-bar fix (#392) (4410486), closes #392
- fix(ui): update input mappings (9aa396c)
- fix(ui): update text mappings (87b89c1)
- fix(ui): view-pager scroll event on Android (4655f48)
- fix(ui): view-pager swipe (2925e70)
- feat(tab-set/tab): add icon prop (c1ec7a3)
- refactor(mapping/theme): theme variables refactor (dcad574)
- package(common): update typing packages versions (#391) (735edd3), closes #391
- test(common): temporary configuration changes (059bf0c)
- test(theme): add style-provider change mappings/theme tests (d75cacb)
- test(theme): add theme consumer tests (830a566)
- chore(config): integrate with EditorConfig (4a14277)
- chore(next): initial solution structure (6b9825b)
- chore(next): solution clean-up (39e88bd)
- chore(tab-set): initial setup (f5b59ac)