All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Login system linked with an account DB
- Sample accounts for testing
- Add Motherboard
- Browse List of Motherboards
- readme
- roadmap
- Add Graphics Card, Processor, PSU
- Browse Lists of Graphics Cards, Processors, PSUs
- Comboboxes for easier and more user friendly component adding
- readme
- Pictures of the Forms
- Add RAM, Computer Case, HDD, SSD menus
- Browse a variety of newly added components for the respective RAM, Computer Case, HDD, SSD
- used_components file
- readme
- roadmap
- Setup Creation
- Setup Browsing
- Processor filtering based on with Motherboard Socket
- The queries for data obtaining used for the setup creation
- Setup removal
- Some of the pictures used in the readme
- The password icon
- Unnecessary and unused pictures.