Releases: TheOtherRolesAU/TheOtherRoles
The Other Roles v4.3.4
- Updated BepInEx dependency to 671
- Fixed compatibility to Submerged (not thouroughly tested)
- Fixed a bug where the death reason of a guessed shifter was incorrectly displayed as "shifted xy"
- Make it possible to disable the Mod-Updater [details](see #gcerror), to circumvent a crash at startup with a GC-Error
- Fixed the hats in Freeplay partially
last version for auto updater: 4.3.3
The Other Roles v4.3.3
- Updated to Among Us version 2023.07.12
- Fixed an issue where the swap icon of a swapper guesser would be in front of the witch icon on a spelled player
- Fixed an issue where haunting was impossible in vanilla Hide'n'Seek
- Fixed an issue where the settings for the Trapper would not appear in the in-game settings shower
- Fixed a bug where the Arsonists win would show "killed by" on dead players in the summary screen
- Fixed a bug where placing a garlic would convert a random player into a horse for the rest of the round
- Changed the Eraser Guesser: Jackal and Sidekick are no longer guessable after being fake-erased
version for auto updater: 4.3.3
The Other Roles v4.3.2
- Added new option to Thief: Can Guess To Steal Role
- Added new option to Guesser Mode: Force Thief Guesser
- Added the death reason to the additional infos for ghosts
- Added the possibility to copy and paste the settings for the current preset to / from the clipboard (buttons)
- Added a feature to the swapper: The swap resets if one of the target players is guessed or disconnects
- Fixed the Security Guard Mobile Cams and the Hacker Vitals Panel when playing on LevelImposter maps (don't rename the panels for now, please)
- Fixed several bugs in Vanilla Hide'n'Seek
- Fixed an issue where Crewmate "Fill" did not work correcty if min neutrals was set bigger than max neutrals
- Fixed a bug where the colorblind-text of the ninja remained visible when using the ninja-ability
- Fixed a bug where the bomb could explode in a meeting due to desync and bad timing
- Fixed a bug where the host Eraser could guess erased players
NOTE: To use the Modded NA (MNA) server in the future, a manual update is required
version for auto updater: 4.3.1
The Other Roles v4.3.1
Update to Among Us 2023.3.28
Added new options (Information mode - Chat/Map/Both, Roles - Evil Killing / Evil) to the snitch and fixed bugs affecting the snitch
Changed the maximum amount per modifier to 15 (where applicable)
Changed the colorblind text and player name to be behind certain objects again (rock on Polus etc.)
Fixed a bug where a sidekicked bomber would not lose the bomber role
Fixed a bug where enabled vanilla roles would be assigned even if "block vanilla roles" was turned on
Fixed several Bugs in both Hide N Seek modes (should be playable again)
Fixed a bug where Trickster JackInTheBoxes could sometimes not be used if they were placed behind objects
Fixed a bug where the cosmetics of an invisible Ninja became visible when the camouflage ended
Fixed a bug where the mini would show a "jump" in age at the end of a meeting due to the time spent in cutscenes
Fixed a bug where the mayor would always have the mobile emergency button, no matter which setting was selected
version for auto updater: 4.3.1
The Other Roles v4.3.0
Updated to Among Us version 2023.2.28
Added a new role: Bomber
Added more information for ghosts
Added the option to change between cameras (Polus & Airship)
Added a new feature in settings: Fill Crewmate Roles
Added a new option: Cams Switch To Night Vision If Lights Are Off
Added a new option: Finish Tasks Before Haunting Or Zooming Out
Added a new option to Mayor: Mayor Can Choose Single Vote
Added a button to see the game settings while ingame (F1-Key)
Added a new ability to Portalmaker: Port to any of the portals from anywhere
Added a new option to Medium: Chance That The Answer Contains Additional Information
Changed the question pattern for the Medium
Changed the role: Lighter
Changed the role: Snitch
Fixed a bug where entering a custom server manually did not work anymore (+ nicer UI for entering a custom server)
Fixed a bug where a witch-spelled prosecutor would not win if their target was voted
version for auto updater: 4.3.0
The Other Roles v4.2.1
- Updated to Among Us version 2022.12.14
- Added a new option for random maps: Use Random Map Setting Presets, see random maps
- Added the possibility to play the Vanilla Hide 'n' Seek mode
- Added the possibility to filter for another faction when haunting players: Evil (Impostors + Neutral)
- Changed the way option presets work: They now include all vanilla options (e.g. amount of tasks, movement speed etc.)
- Changed the animation of the TOR Hunter to the Seeker animation of vanilla
- Fixed a bug where the prosecutor did not promote to pursuer when the target shifted an evil role and died.
- Fixed a bug where the prosecutor did not promote to pursuer when the target is Witch exiled
- Removed Horse Mode (for now)
version for auto updater: 4.2.1
The Other Roles v4.2.0
- Added a new Guesser-Gamemode
- Added a new Hide 'n Seek-Gamemode | Thanks to Oberbayer
- Added a new role for Hide 'n Seek-Gamemode: Hunter
- Added a new role for Hide 'n Seek-Gamemode: Hunted
- Added a new role: Thief
- Added a new role: Trapper
- Added a new modifier: Chameleon
- Added a new feature to hide the "Colorblind"-Text when hiding behind obstacles
- Added a new role: Prosecutor (in the Lawyer settings) | Thanks to Scoom
- Added a new option to the Mini Modifier: "Mini Grows Up In Meeting"
- Added a new server: Modded Asia (MAS) | Thanks to miniduikboot
- Added support for joining public TOR lobbies using the "Find Game"-Button on Modded Servers (only!) | Thanks to miniduikboot
- Changed Shifter to be a Modifier instead of being a role
- Changed Eraser to only erase the role and not the Modifier
- Changed that neutral roles doesn't have to do tasks anymore to get the overview when they died before their client
- Changed "Play On Random Map". You can now set percentages for each map (like you can do for roles)
- Fixed a bug where the trail color of the player with the "Bloody"-Modifier sometimes had the wrong color when they got killed
- Fixed a bug where the Ninja could target the Spy, but not the Impostor
- Fixed a bug where the countdown wasn't displayed for all player when starting a game
- Fixed bugs in Freeplay (hats were always adaptive when testing & Meetingscreen fixed)
- Fixed a bug where Crewmate/Impostor wasn't displayed correctly in Endscreen
- Fixed a bug where Crewmate/Impostor wasn't displayed correctly in Meetingscreen
- Fixed a bug where Lawyer didn't get promoted to Pursuer when client died
- Updated to Among Us version 2022.10.25
version for auto updater: 4.2.0
The Other Roles 4.1.7
note: manual update required
Updated to Among Us version 2022.8.24
The Other Roles 4.1.6
- Added Sound Effects: Most buttons / role funcionalities now have a sound!
- Added a mod option: Enable Sound Effects
- Added an option: Hide After Death Modifiers: Modifiers which will have an effect after your death will be hidden while the player is alive so they cant be claimed / called
- Added lobby timer sync, so that each player can see when the lobby will close on Vanilla Servers
- Added a credits screen to the main menu
- Re-Added the player's last position to the map in meetings
- Changed the custom region ui
- Fixed a bug where the Spy's Name appearing in white to the impostors in the intro cutscene
- Fixed a bug where the zoom function for ghosts would zoom in too far
- Fixed a bug where custom color names did not work (TOR is now compatible with colorblind mode)
- Fixed a bug where the ninjas color name did not become invisible in colorblind mode
- Fixed a bug where Morphling & Camouflager did not work correctly for skins with adaptive color
- Fixed a bug where the first kill shield was given to the wrong lover
- Fixed a bug where Pursuer appeared in the GuesserUI even when Lawyer was disabled
- Fixed a bug where a guessed Guesser could still guess if they had the guesser ui open
- Fixed a bug where the role assignment did not work properly (fingers crossed)
The Other Roles 4.1.5
- Updated to Among Us version 2022.6.21
- Added Custom servers (Modded EU & Modded NA). Thanks to miniduikboot & GD
- Changed that the Guesser can only guess roles > 0%
- Changed min/max default values
- Fixed a bug where the Lighter's vision did not work properly
- Fixed a bug where a Mini Ninja revealed themself
- Fixed a bug where a Mini Ninja's cooldown did not work properly
- Fixed a bug where a camouflaged Ninja revealed themself
- Fixed a bug where a Vampire reported the Bait multiple times
- Fixed a bug where a last second guess locked the Meeting
- Fixed a bug where the version handshake did not work properly
- Fixed a bug where players with Anti TP were stuck on Airship
- Removed streamer mode