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Failed push #49

Answered by Albert-Alvarez
juliameca asked this question in Q&A
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In principle, there is no problem to merge a branch with itself. That seams (form your first post) that you have started to work from a PC that didn't have the local repository updated with the last changes in the remote repository (maybe you edited something from another PC or from the website directly). When you try to push, Git told you that you missed some updates from the remote repository, and you need to incorporate them to your local repository before push. The terminal told you what command to use (git pull). When you do so, a merge commit is performed to incorporate the missed updates from the remote repository.

For me, it looks fine 😉

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Answer selected by Albert-Alvarez
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Git Git and Github
2 participants
Converted from issue

This discussion was converted from issue #49 on June 26, 2021 17:36.