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Stripe Rails Example Application

Integrated example application using Stripe's Charges API.


In order to run this application you will need the following:

  • ruby (version 2.2+)

    • We recommend you use rvm to manage your ruby versions
    • If you are using windows you can find a ruby installer here
  • node.js (latest LTS)


Firstly pull down the repo.

$ git clone

Next enter the directory and install the applications dependencies using bundler

$ gem install bundler
$ bundle install

Running the application

Now that we have the application installed and our api keys setup we can start using the application. firstly lets run the tests to make everything is in order.

$ rails test

Your tests should have ran successfully. now to run the application use the following command.

$ rails server

Your application should now be running locally.

API Keys

In order to work with Stripe we need to provide our Publishable api key. This is the key Stripe uses to create tokens.

Open charges.js and replace 'YOUR-PUBLISHABLE-KEY' with the key stripe gave you.

// app/assets/javascripts/charges.js

Developing with Testing Pays

In order to work with Testing Pays you need to provide your API Key. You can find that in the instructions or in your team page. Open stripe_handler_module Insert your API key in place of "YOUR-API-KEY-HERE".

# app/controllers/concerns/stripe_handler_module.rb

# Set the stripe API key when we include the module
included do
  Stripe.api_key = "YOUR-API-KEY-HERE" # Testing Pays key

This application points to the Testing Pays Stripe charges API sim when running in both development and testing modes. This is set in the testing_pays initializer.

# config/initializers/testing_pays.rb
if Rails.env.development? || Rails.env.test?
  module Stripe
    @api_base = "{ENV["TESTING_PAYS_KEY"]}/realex/v1/auth"

Unit Testing with Testing Pays

Testing Pays makes testing many types of responses easy. In order to get a particular response simply pass in the associated response mapping. E.g.

amount: 91  # => rate_limit_error
amount: 80  # => card_expired
amount: 0   # => success

For a full list of response mappings see the response mappings table.

# test/controllers/charges_controller_test.rb

require 'test_helper'
require 'minitest/mock'

class ChargesControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase

  test "should create a successful charge with status code of 200" do
    post :create, params: {
      amount: 200,
      stripeToken: 1234567890

    assert_response 200
    assert_match "success", JSON.parse(response.body)["status"]

  test "should create a successful charge with address_zip_check of fail" do
    post :create, params: {
      amount: 200.10,
      stripeToken: 1234567890

    json_result = JSON.parse(response.body)
    assert_response 200
    assert_match "success", json_result["status"]
    assert_match "pass", json_result['source']['address_line1_check']
    assert_match "pass", json_result['source']['cvc_check']
    assert_match "fail", json_result['source']['address_zip_check']

  test "should required parameter is missing with status code of 400" do
    post :create, params: {
      amount: 200.80,
      stripeToken: 1234567890
    assert_response 400
    json_result = JSON.parse(response.body)
    assert_match "invalid_request_error", json_result["type"]
    assert_match "amount", json_result["param"]

  test "should render type card_error with status code of 402 and code of expired_card" do
    post :create, params: {
      amount: 200.81,
      stripeToken: 1234567890

    assert_response 402
    json_result = JSON.parse(response.body)

    assert_not_nil json_result["type"]
    assert_match "card_error", json_result["type"]
    assert_match "expired_card", json_result["code"]

  test "should render type card_error with status code of 402 and code of card_declined" do
    post :create, params: {
      amount: 200.82,
      stripeToken: 1234567890

    assert_response 402
    json_result = JSON.parse(response.body)

    assert_not_nil json_result["type"]
    assert_match "card_error", json_result["type"]
    assert_match "card_declined", json_result["code"]

  test "should render type card_error with status code of 402 and code of missing" do
    post :create, params: {
      amount: 200.83,
      stripeToken: 1234567890

    assert_response 402
    json_result = JSON.parse(response.body)

    assert_not_nil json_result["type"]
    assert_match "card_error", json_result["type"]
    assert_match "missing", json_result["code"]

  test "should render type card_error with status code of 402 and code of processing" do
    post :create, params: {
      amount: 200.84,
      stripeToken: 1234567890

    assert_response 402
    json_result = JSON.parse(response.body)

    assert_not_nil json_result["type"]
    assert_match "card_error", json_result["type"]
    assert_match "processing", json_result["code"]

  test "should render type api_connection_error with status code of 400" do
    post :create, params: {
      amount: 200.85,
      stripeToken: 1234567890

    assert_response 400
    json_result = JSON.parse(response.body)

    assert_not_nil json_result["type"]
    assert_match "api_connection_error", json_result["type"]

  test "should render type authentication_error with status code of 401" do
    post :create, params: {
      amount: 200.86,
      stripeToken: 1234567890

    assert_response 401
    json_result = JSON.parse(response.body)

    assert_not_nil json_result["type"]
    assert_match "authentication_error", json_result["type"]

  test "should render type conflict with status code of 409" do
    post :create, params: {
      amount: 200.87,
      stripeToken: 1234567890

    assert_response 409
    json_result = JSON.parse(response.body)

    assert_not_nil json_result["type"]
    assert_match "conflict", json_result["type"]

  test "should render type too_many_requests with status code of 429" do
    post :create, params: {
      amount: 200.88,
      stripeToken: 1234567890

    assert_response 429
    json_result = JSON.parse(response.body)

    assert_not_nil json_result["type"]
    assert_match "too_many_requests", json_result["type"]

  test "should render type api_error with status code of 400" do
    post :create, params: {
      amount: 200.89,
      stripeToken: 1234567890

    assert_response 400
    json_result = JSON.parse(response.body)

    assert_not_nil json_result["type"]
    assert_match "api_error", json_result["type"]

  test "should render type authentication_error with status code of 400" do
    post :create, params: {
      amount: 200.90,
      stripeToken: 1234567890

    assert_response 400
    json_result = JSON.parse(response.body)

    assert_not_nil json_result["type"]
    assert_match "authentication_error", json_result["type"]

  test "should render type rate_limit_error with status code of 429" do
    post :create, params: {
      amount: 200.91,
      stripeToken: 1234567890

    assert_response 429
    json_result = JSON.parse(response.body)

    assert_not_nil json_result["type"]
    assert_match "rate_limit_error", json_result["type"]

  test "should render type server_error with status code of 500" do
    post :create, params: {
      amount: 200.92,
      stripeToken: 1234567890

    assert_response 500
    json_result = JSON.parse(response.body)

    assert_not_nil json_result["type"]
    assert_match "server_error", json_result["type"]

  test "should render type server_error with status code of 502" do
    post :create, params: {
      amount: 200.93,
      stripeToken: 1234567890

    assert_response 502
    json_result = JSON.parse(response.body)

    assert_not_nil json_result["type"]
    assert_match "server_error", json_result["type"]

  test "should render type server_error with status code of 503" do
    post :create, params: {
      amount: 200.94,
      stripeToken: 1234567890

    assert_response 503
    json_result = JSON.parse(response.body)

    assert_not_nil json_result["type"]
    assert_match "server_error", json_result["type"]

  test "should render type server_error with status code of 504" do
    post :create, params: {
      amount: 200.95,
      stripeToken: 1234567890

    assert_response 504
    json_result = JSON.parse(response.body)

    assert_not_nil json_result["type"]
    assert_match "server_error", json_result["type"]

  test "should render timeout" do
    assert_raises(Timeout::Error) do
      Timeout::timeout(3) do
          post :create, params: {
            amount: 200.96,
            stripeToken: 1234567890
