- Updated README.md
- added check for at least iOS 9.0
- CB-10228:(iOS) AppendUserAgent not working with WKWebView
- CB-11997 Code review comments
- CB-11997 Add crash recovery for iOS 8
- CB-11917 - Remove pull request template checklist item: "iCLA has been submitted…"
- CB-11818 - Avoid retain cycle: WKUserContentController retains its message handler, to break it we cannot pass directly CDVWKWebViewEngine's instance
- CB-11832 Incremented plugin version.
- CB-11824 - Update tests to include objective-c tests
- CB-11554 - fixed unit tests
- CB-11815 (iOS) Fix hard-coded bridge name "cordova"
- CB-11554 - too 'brutal' app reload when title is empty
- CB-11074 - Ensure settings from
are taken into consideration - Add ability to set the deceleration rate for the scrollview to 'fast'
- CB-11496 - Add obj-c unit tests for
- CB-11496 - Create Obj-C unit-tests for
(fix linker error) - CB-11452 - Update README.md with latest news about
fix - CB-9888 (iOS) check & reload
- CB-11375 -
method ofCDVPlugin
is never called - Add pull request template.
- CB-10818 - Support the scroll deceleration speed preference.
- CB-10817 - Will now reload the
if a crash occurs
- CB-10636 Add
for plugins
- CB-10269 - Replace cordova exec only when present in wkwebview
- CB-10202 - Add README quirk about WKWebview does not work with the AllowInlineMediaPlayback preference
- CB-10190 - WKWebView engine is not releasing the user-agent lock
- CB-10146 - Add to README WKWebViewEngine quirks that will affect migration from UIWebView
- CB-10133 - DataClone DOM Exception 25 thrown for postMessage
- CB-10106 - added bridge proxy
- CB-10107 - nativeEvalAndFetch called for all bridges
- CB-10106 - iOS bridges need to take into account bridge changes
- CB-10073 - WKWebViewEngine should post CDVPluginResetNotification
- CB-10035 Updated RELEASENOTES to be newest to oldest
- CB-10002 - WKWebView should propagate shouldOverrideLoadWithRequest to plugins
- CB-9979 CB-9972 Change ATS link to new link
- CB-9636 - Plugin should detect at runtime iOS 8 and use of file:// url and present an error
- CB-8839 - WKWebView ignores DisallowOverscroll preference
- CB-8556 - fix handleOpenURL for WKWebViewEngine plugin
- CB-8666 - Update CDVWKWebViewEngine plugin to use 4.0.x branch code