- carregar do cache mesmo quando online no app open se houver cache
- se precisar carregar, pelo menos abre com o hardcoded para a splash ficar menos tempo visivel
- substituir mapa
- bug do mapa - investigar
- app travou 2 vezes: troian
- icone de lista parece menu, mudar
- chevron pode ser do lado direito e para baixo
- zebrar os dias
- pontinho na tamenav nos horarios que vc tem escolhas
- timenav bug: scroll para cima esconde
- list view is the app index
- add to calendar link on the expanded session item in the list working
- starts with the empty list, fetch the XML online and populates the list
- Bootsrap sass: https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap-sass/tree/master/vendor/assets/stylesheets
- the script tag loading cordova.js doesn't need to exist in the web distribution
- 08/04 - Initial prototype; anything that creates a work flow for users; feasibility analysis is done and plan for tests/builds. User can see real agenda, user can add agenda item to his calendar. No off-line storage, no background check service enabled.
- 15/04 - MVP - critical features are in; devices range is increased/defined, aiming to seek potential user problems out of testing. Offline is measured; Background service is being tested; Subscription user story is fully implemented.
- 22/04 - Release 1; with wider set of users, under tests;
- 29/04 - Release 2 (FISL-cobrand); with wider community;
- 06/05 - Release 3;(Launch team);