Move to the target autoware directory and build the package
colcon build --packages-select freespace_planning_algorithms --symlink-install --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
Source the setup srcript
source install/setup.bash
Move to this directory and run
pip3 install .
Run the script
python3 generate_costmap.py --save_name [filename]
Then the GUI shows up
- Drag and drop to put an obstacle
- Drag and drop the same points again to remove the obstacle
- Push "Generate Costmap" button to save the costmap to
Close the window to finish it
Option | Type | Description | Defualt value |
--save_name |
string | file name to save the costmap | costmap_generated |
--height |
int | height of the costmap | 350 |
--width |
int | width of the costmap | 350 |
--resolution |
float | resolution of the costmap | 0.2 |
Search for goals on grid: discretized on x, y, yaw axes.
Run the script
python3 search_gridgoal.py --dir_name [save dir name]
or execute in parallel using eos run-many
run-many 'python3 search_gridgoal.py --dir_name [save dir name]' -n 10 -j 10
Then the trajectories for goals on grid are searched and saved
Option | Type | Description | Defualt e |
--dir_name |
string | directory name to save the results | default_dir |
--costmap |
string | costmap name for search, generated in previous section | costmap_default |
--x_resolution |
float | goal grid sersolution of the x axis [m] | 1.0 |
--y_resolution |
float | goal grid sersolution of the y axis [m] | 1.0 |
--yaw_discrete |
int | goal discretize number of yaw | 10 |
Run the script
python3 visualize_trajectories.py --dir_name [save dir name]
Then the two GUIs show up
- Viewer of the searched trajectories
- Viewer of the success or failure of the search
Close the windows to finish it
Option | Type | Description | Defualt e |
--dir_name |
string | directory name to save the results, generated in previous section | default_dir |