The plugin allows you to quickly and easily send email through SendGrid using javascript.
The plugin defines a global sendgrid
object, which defines the method necessary for sending email via SendGrid web api.
Although the object is in the global scope, it is not available until after the deviceready
document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);
function onDeviceReady() {
You need to create an account. Once completed use the folloiwng from cordova CLI to install the plugin:
cordova plugin add url --variable API_USER="SendGrid Username" --variable API_KEY=SendGrid Password
If you are using telerik AppBuilder then checkout the for details on how to install it.
- sendgrid.send
Create a new SendGrid email object, and customize the paratmers of your message.
var email = {
"to" : "",
"from" : "",
"subject" : "Checkout this Awesome Plugin",
"html" : "<h1> My first emial through SendGrid </h1>",
"text" : "My first email through SendGrid"
Send it and additionally handle the callbacks for details:
sendgrid.send(email, function(result){
// TODO: add your logic
}, function(error){
// TODO: gracefully handle error.
The plugin also supports image attachment. If you have camera plugin installed then you can directly feed the captured uri in the following way:{
var email = {
"to" : "",
"from" : "",
"subject" : "Mail from the SendGrid plugin (HTML)",
"text" : "This is the backup text for non-HTML mailclients",
"files" : [result],
"html" : "<p>Grabbed this <strong>boldly</strong> from the DOM:</p> " + document.getElementById('emailcontent').innerHTML
function (msg) {
alert("SUCCESS: " + JSON.stringify(msg))
function (msg) {
alert("ERROR: " + JSON.stringify(msg))
}, function(error){
// Handle Error
destinationType: Camera.DestinationType.FILE_URI
- iOS
- Android
For more information, please refer to the SendGrid Web API Overview.