These are given in the following format Started : Completed
(Please note this list may be missing the odd feature, there's alot of them to keep track of)
- ☒ ☒ Render Custom Bogey Styles In World
- ☒ ☒ Render Custom Bogey Styles In Contraptions
- ☒ ☒ Create API For Adding Custom Bogey Styles In Other Mods
- ☒ ☒ Store Bogey Style Upon Assembly
- ☒ ☒ Read Bogey Style From Sever
- ☒ ☒ Read Bogey Style From Saved Data
- ☒ ☒ Sync Bogey Styles Between Server and Client
- ☒ ☒ Cycle Styles With Wrench
- ☒ ☐ Style Selection Interface/Menu
- ☒ ☐ Configurable Turn De-railment
- ☒ ☐ Configurable Bogey Acceleration
- ☒ ☒ Configurable Speed Limits/Modifications
- ☒ ☒ Bogey Rotation
- ☒ ☒ GUI Bogey Renderer
- ☒ ☒ Developer Wiki
- ☒ ☒ Disable Default Bogey Components (e.g Shaft)
- ☒ ☒ Unlinked/"Disabled" Bogeys
- ☒ ☒ Config For Different For Features
- ☒ ☒ Paintable / Dyeable Bogeys Interface
- ☒ ☒ Fuel Requirements For Train To Run
- ☒ ☒ Water Requirements For Train to Run
- ☒ ☒ More bogey sizes
- ☒ ☐ Interface for styles to specify utilised sizes
- ☒ ☒ Ponder scene explaining bogey styling (probably needs an update)
- ☒ ☐ Configurable HUD elements about water / fuel levels
These are given in the following format Modeled : Textured : Implemented
Styles marked with ? are features under consideration and could be added.
If you have any requests please contact us and ask.
- ☒ ☒ ☒ Two Axel Trailor (Small)
- ☒ ☒ ☒ Four Wheel Driver (Large)
- ☒ ☐ ☐ ? Encased Four Wheel Driver (Large)
- ☒ ☒ ☒ Four Wheel Trailer (Small)
- ☒ ☐ ☐ Six Wheel (Small)
- ☒ ☒ ☒ Six Wheel (Large)
- ☒ ☐ ☐ Flywheel Scale Driver (Large)
(Some planned styles are missing, we need to put together a co-ordinated list)
- ☐ ☐ ☐ Eight Wheel (Small) - Note this may be moved to the core mod
- ☒ ☐ ☐ Eight Wheel Driver (Large) - Note this may be moved to the core mod
- ☐ ☐ ☐ Ten Wheel (Small)
- ☒ ☐ ☐ Ten Wheel Driver (Large)
- ☐ ☐ ☐ ? Twelve Wheel (Small)
- ☐ ☐ ☐ ? Twelve Wheel Driver (Large)
- ☐ ☐ ☐ ? Todo
- ☒ ☐ ☐ ? The 'Monstrocity Bogey' (Large)
- ☒ ☐ ☐ ? Cattle Catchers
- ☐ ☐ ☐ ? Eleven Wheel (Small)
- ☐ ☐ ☐ ? Eleven Wheel Driver (Large)