All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See Conventional Commits for commit guidelines.
23.0.25 (2024-02-27)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
23.0.24 (2024-02-26)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
23.0.23 (2024-02-26)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
23.0.22 (2024-02-26)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
23.0.21 (2024-02-23)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
23.0.20 (2024-02-22)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
23.0.19 (2024-02-14)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
23.0.18 (2024-02-13)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
23.0.17 (2024-02-13)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
23.0.16 (2024-02-12)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
23.0.15 (2024-02-07)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
23.0.14 (2024-02-05)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
23.0.13 (2024-02-05)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
23.0.12 (2024-01-29)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
23.0.11 (2024-01-21)
- ffe-account-selector-react: Legg til skjermleser tester (fbe057d)
23.0.10 (2024-01-16)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
23.0.9 (2023-12-13)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
23.0.8 (2023-11-27)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
23.0.7 (2023-11-10)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
23.0.6 (2023-11-07)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
23.0.5 (2023-11-06)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
23.0.4 (2023-11-03)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
23.0.3 (2023-11-02)
- ffe-account-selector-react: oppdater symbol implementasjon (2ce61e5)
23.0.2 (2023-10-19)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
23.0.1 (2023-10-13)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
23.0.0 (2023-10-13)
- ffe-account-selector-react: bytter ut ffe-icons med ffe-symbols (84868c9)
- ffe-account-selector-react: ikoner hentes nå inn via en ny pakke og med en ny implementasjon
22.1.1 (2023-10-11)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
22.1.0 (2023-09-15)
- ffe-account-selector-react: add :host for shadow dom support (cefa37e)
22.0.2 (2023-09-01)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
22.0.1 (2023-09-01)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
22.0.0 (2023-08-31)
- chore(ffe-account-selector-react)!: remove AccountSelectorHighCapacity (c8190b9)
- AccountSelectorHighCapacity is no longer exported. Use AccountSelectorMulti or BaseSelector with prop highCapacity=true
21.3.16 (2023-07-24)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
21.3.15 (2023-07-21)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
21.3.14 (2023-07-20)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
21.3.13 (2023-07-04)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
21.3.12 (2023-07-03)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
21.3.11 (2023-06-28)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
21.3.10 (2023-06-26)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
21.3.9 (2023-06-22)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
21.3.8 (2023-06-05)
- ffe-account-selector-react: fikser padding-issue i __selection-status (bd9677c)
21.3.7 (2023-06-02)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
21.3.6 (2023-05-24)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
21.3.5 (2023-04-28)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
21.3.4 (2023-04-27)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
21.3.3 (2023-04-27)
- ffe-account-selector-react: use react.componentsprops instead of react.htmlprops (5ff895c)
21.3.2 (2023-04-18)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
21.3.1 (2023-04-11)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
21.3.0 (2023-03-14)
- ffe-account-selector-react: lagt til mulighet for å skjule AccountDetails (fb3a0ee)
21.2.0 (2023-03-07)
- ffe-account-selector-react: Lagt til postListElement (458b98d)
21.1.4 (2023-02-28)
- ffe-account-selector-react: bytt til oneOfType for balance (3ca716e)
21.1.3 (2023-02-24)
- ffe-account-selector-react: retter setting av className på BaseAccountSelector (95574c5)
21.1.2 (2023-02-23)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
21.1.1 (2023-02-20)
- ffe-account-selector-react: Oppdatert typeof sjekker (178cb48)
21.1.0 (2023-02-20)
- ffe-account-selector-react: Tillat string som verdi for balance (e2d65c0)
21.0.4 (2023-02-08)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
21.0.3 (2023-01-19)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
21.0.2 (2023-01-17)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
21.0.1 (2023-01-06)
- ffe-account-selector-react: fix types (2548612)
21.0.0 (2023-01-05)
- ffe-account-selector-react: remove high capacity prop (0c66d68)
- ffe-account-selector-react: use AccountSelectorHighCapacity for high capacity
20.0.4 (2023-01-03)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
20.0.3 (2022-12-20)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
20.0.2 (2022-12-19)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
20.0.1 (2022-12-16)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
20.0.0 (2022-12-05)
- ffe-account-selector-react: update internal dependencies (139236a)
- ffe-account-selector-react: Makes the styling package @sb1/ffe-form a required dependency and removes it as peer dependency.
19.1.2 (2022-11-29)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
19.1.1 (2022-11-28)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
19.1.0 (2022-11-16)
- ffe-account-selector-react: legger til theming av accountselector (9e01514)
19.0.52 (2022-11-15)
19.0.51 (2022-11-09)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
19.0.50 (2022-11-03)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
19.0.49 (2022-11-02)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
19.0.48 (2022-10-31)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
19.0.47 (2022-10-28)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
19.0.46 (2022-10-25)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
19.0.45 (2022-10-21)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
19.0.44 (2022-10-20)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
19.0.43 (2022-10-18)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
19.0.42 (2022-10-04)
- ffe-account-selector-react: bytter ut utfaset farge (3d30c20)
19.0.41 (2022-09-28)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
19.0.40 (2022-09-28)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
19.0.39 (2022-09-12)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
19.0.38 (2022-09-09)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
19.0.37 (2022-09-01)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
19.0.36 (2022-08-31)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
19.0.35 (2022-08-18)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
19.0.34 (2022-08-18)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
19.0.33 (2022-08-09)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
19.0.32 (2022-08-08)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
19.0.31 (2022-08-05)
- ffe-account-selector-react: erstatt ffe-farge-baer-wcag med ffe-farge-baer (c68046c)
19.0.30 (2022-08-02)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
19.0.29 (2022-07-13)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
19.0.28 (2022-07-11)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
19.0.27 (2022-06-14)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
19.0.26 (2022-06-13)
- ffe-account-selector-react: make Account type in account selector generic (ec80110)
19.0.25 (2022-06-07)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
19.0.24 (2022-06-02)
- ffe-account-selector-react: fix declaration for AccountSelector (fb24af9)
19.0.23 (2022-05-31)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
19.0.22 (2022-05-30)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
19.0.21 (2022-05-20)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
19.0.20 (2022-05-19)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
19.0.19 (2022-05-09)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
19.0.18 (2022-04-21)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
19.0.17 (2022-04-13)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
19.0.16 (2022-03-31)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
19.0.15 (2022-03-21)
- ffe-account-selector-react: legger til default font (e0d81c4)
19.0.14 (2022-03-11)
19.0.13 (2022-03-09)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
19.0.12 (2022-03-08)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
19.0.11 (2022-03-04)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
19.0.10 (2022-03-02)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
19.0.9 (2022-02-28)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
19.0.8 (2022-02-23)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
19.0.7 (2022-02-18)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
19.0.6 (2022-02-10)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
19.0.5 (2022-01-27)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
19.0.4 (2022-01-27)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
19.0.3 (2022-01-25)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
19.0.2 (2022-01-24)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
19.0.1 (2022-01-18)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
19.0.0 (2022-01-14)
- ffe-account-selector-react: change labelId to labelledById (f184abe)
- ffe-account-selector-react: Change labelId to labelledById, and make it optional.
18.5.5 (2022-01-05)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
18.5.4 (2021-12-17)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
18.5.3 (2021-12-14)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
18.5.2 (2021-12-10)
18.5.1 (2021-11-30)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
18.5.0 (2021-11-26)
- ffe-account-selector-react: Fix missing color for top line of suggestion (2a64f91)
18.4.1 (2021-11-25)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
18.4.0 (2021-11-23)
- ffe-account-selector-react: refactor multi- and single account selector (2f4b90d)
18.3.1 (2021-11-19)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
18.3.0 (2021-11-19)
- ffe-account-selector-react: slightly tweak colors (e8e7164)
18.2.10 (2021-11-11)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
18.2.9 (2021-11-10)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
18.2.8 (2021-11-04)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
18.2.7 (2021-11-02)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
18.2.6 (2021-11-01)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
18.2.5 (2021-11-01)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
18.2.4 (2021-10-29)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
18.2.3 (2021-10-21)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
18.2.2 (2021-10-20)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
18.2.1 (2021-10-19)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
18.2.0 (2021-10-13)
- ffe-account-selector-react: add open and close prop to account-selector (33898df)
18.1.4 (2021-10-08)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
18.1.3 (2021-10-07)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
18.1.2 (2021-10-06)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
18.1.1 (2021-10-05)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
18.1.0 (2021-09-24)
- ffe-account-selector-react: Remove clear button from dropdown (e54955f)
18.0.2 (2021-09-17)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
18.0.1 (2021-09-10)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
18.0.0 (2021-09-06)
- ffe-account-selector-react: oppdaterte farger iht ny profil (616d05b)
- ffe-account-selector-react: visuelle endringer i komponenten kan medføre regresjonsfeil
17.0.0 (2021-09-06)
- ffe-account-selector-react: oppdaterte farger iht ny profil (616d05b)
- ffe-account-selector-react: visuelle endringer i komponenten kan medføre regresjonsfeil
16.3.6 (2021-08-11)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
16.3.5 (2021-07-16)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
16.3.4 (2021-07-14)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
16.3.3 (2021-07-07)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
16.3.2 (2021-07-07)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
16.3.1 (2021-07-06)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
16.3.0 (2021-07-05)
- ffe-account-selector-react: Add possibility to use a highCapacity account selector (ffe2b41)
16.2.12 (2021-07-01)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
16.2.11 (2021-06-28)
- ffe-account-selector-react: Set inputValue when account is selected (2056aef)
16.2.10 (2021-06-24)
- ffe-account-selector-react: Add selectedAccount not found in accounts list to accounts list (88d049c)
16.2.9 (2021-06-23)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
16.2.8 (2021-06-21)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
16.2.7 (2021-06-17)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
16.2.6 (2021-06-14)
- ffe-account-selector-react: Remove onBlur functionality (bd84aaf)
16.2.5 (2021-06-09)
- ffe-account-selector-react: Empty dropdownList in noMatch if inputValue is not set (5b4f28e)
16.2.4 (2021-06-08)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
16.2.3 (2021-06-08)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
16.2.2 (2021-06-02)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
16.2.1 (2021-06-01)
- ffe-account-selector-react: Do not set account to inputValue if account is chosen from dropdown (a290b5f)
16.2.0 (2021-05-31)
- ffe-account-selector-react: Show account number in input field when customAccount is allowed (607529f)
16.1.0 (2021-05-27)
- ffe-account-selector-react: Update and (51ac7c3)
16.0.0 (2021-05-25)
- ffe-account-selector-react: Make AccountSelector use SearchableDropdown under the hood (f3ef452)
- ffe-account-selector-react: Make
under the hood
This means many of the props and some of the details of the functionality of
have changed.
Reusing SearchableDropdown in AccountSelector
means we don't have to reinvent the wheel.
Note: The highCapacity
prop has been removed as windowing is now enabled by default.
To get styling you will now have to import the less file from ffe-searchable-dropdown
@import 'path/to/node_modules/@sb1/ffe-searchable-dropdown-react/less/searchable-dropdown';
remains the same as before.
New props:
export interface AccountSelectorProps<T> {
accounts: Array<Account>;
className?: string;
id: string;
locale: string;
noMatches?: NoMatch<T>;
inputProps?: React.InputHTMLAttributes<HTMLInputElement>;
onAccountSelected: (account: Account) => void;
onReset: () => void;
selectedAccount?: Account;
showBalance?: boolean;
formatAccountNumber?: boolean;
labelId: string;
allowCustomAccount?: boolean;
listElementBody?: (
props: ListElementBodyProps<T>,
) => React.FC<HTMLDivElement>;
saveSpaceForDetails?: boolean;
ariaInvalid: boolean;
Old props:
export interface AccountSelectorProps {
accounts?: Array<Account>;
className?: string;
id: string;
locale: string;
noMatches?: string;
onAccountSelected: (account: Account) => void;
onChange: (value: string) => void;
selectedAccount?: Account;
showBalance?: boolean;
value: string;
readOnly?: boolean;
highCapacity?: boolean;
15.0.10 (2021-03-15)
- ffe-account-selector-react: broadens version of peer dependencies (e25ea2c)
15.0.9 (2021-03-03)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
15.0.8 (2021-02-11)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
15.0.7 (2021-02-05)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
15.0.6 (2021-02-04)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
15.0.5 (2021-02-03)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
15.0.4 (2021-02-03)
- packages/ffe-account-selector-react/package.json to reduce vulnerabilities (cbb2758)
15.0.3 (2021-02-02)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
15.0.2 (2021-02-02)
- ffe-account-selector-react: reduce vulnerabilities (b04783d)
15.0.1 (2021-01-27)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
15.0.0 (2021-01-11)
- ffe-account-selector-react: bump less (ed49b6c)
- ffe-account-selector-react: Requires less ^4.0.0. Fixes deprecated mixin syntax.
14.0.0 (2020-11-20)
- ffe-account-selector-react: change text values to rem (6cf76f4)
- ffe-account-selector-react: This fix changes all font-size and line-height values from px to rem, this is to solve an issue with zooming in iOS.
13.2.19 (2020-11-19)
- ffe-account-selector-react: fix typo in .d.ts file (6aa35e2)
13.2.18 (2020-11-18)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
13.2.17 (2020-10-08)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
13.2.16 (2020-10-02)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
13.2.15 (2020-09-23)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
13.2.14 (2020-09-15)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
13.2.13 (2020-08-31)
- ffe-account-selector-react: ts-interface locale should not be list (da7e183)
13.2.12 (2020-08-28)
- ffe-account-selector-react: fixes types (f16e021)
13.2.11 (2020-08-27)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
13.2.10 (2020-08-07)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
13.2.9 (2020-08-04)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
13.2.8 (2020-07-31)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
13.2.7 (2020-07-30)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
13.2.6 (2020-06-29)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
13.2.5 (2020-06-24)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
13.2.4 (2020-05-27)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
13.2.3 (2020-05-19)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
13.2.2 (2020-05-06)
- ffe-account-selector-react: converted to functional components (d0d6139)
13.2.1 (2020-04-30)
13.2.0 (2020-04-29)
- ffe-account-selector-react: optimize suggestion list render (93f2189)
13.1.13 (2020-03-31)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
13.1.12 (2020-03-18)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
13.1.11 (2020-03-17)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
13.1.10 (2020-03-16)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
13.1.9 (2020-03-13)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
13.1.8 (2020-03-10)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
13.1.7 (2020-03-06)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
13.1.6 (2020-02-26)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
13.1.5 (2020-02-26)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
13.1.4 (2020-02-26)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
13.1.3 (2020-02-25)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
13.1.2 (2020-02-10)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
13.1.1 (2020-01-24)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
13.1.0 (2020-01-20)
- ffe-account-selector-react: Added types for Account-selector components (b3df76c)
13.0.2 (2020-01-16)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
13.0.1 (2020-01-16)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
13.0.0 (2019-12-18)
- ffe-account-selector-react: replace hardcoded spacing with vars (2a6c194)
- ffe-account-selector-react: support for dark-mode (5af5ebe)
- ffe-account-selector-react: This commit is likely to cause small visual regressions caused by slightly altered margin and padding values.
12.0.9 (2019-11-28)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
12.0.8 (2019-11-25)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
12.0.7 (2019-11-20)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
12.0.6 (2019-11-12)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
12.0.5 (2019-11-07)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
12.0.4 (2019-10-28)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
12.0.3 (2019-10-16)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
12.0.2 (2019-10-03)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
12.0.1 (2019-09-02)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
12.0.0 (2019-08-30)
- ffe-account-selector-react: remove deprecated lifecycle (88d6543)
- ffe-account-selector-react: This commit removes the deprecated lifecycle method
from theInputField
component. The component used this lifecycle to keep thevalue
prop and the internalvalue
state in sync. However this is a bad pattern, as there is no reason for this component to keep an internal state of the field value. The component should be used as a controlled component, where the consumer is responsible for keeping and providing the value. If you do this already, you'll be fine with. However, if you've simply been listening for changes throughonChange
, and not keeping your own state, this change will break your UI.
11.0.3 (2019-08-30)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
11.0.2 (2019-08-28)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
11.0.1 (2019-08-28)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
11.0.0 (2019-08-27)
- bump React to 16.9 to allow for using hooks etc (e3901f1)
- peerDep of React is raised to 16.9. While this in itself isn't a breaking change, it allows for the use of hooks in later releases. Such changes would just be a minor version, or even a patch, but without this major version bump it would result in a runtime error for consumers.
10.0.24 (2019-08-21)
- ffe-account-selector-react: fixed broken margin (3c03223)
10.0.23 (2019-08-14)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
10.0.22 (2019-08-12)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
10.0.21 (2019-06-27)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
10.0.20 (2019-06-26)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
10.0.19 (2019-05-21)
- ffe-account-selector-react: ffe-form compat (2b01828)
10.0.18 (2019-05-15)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
10.0.17 (2019-05-14)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
10.0.16 (2019-05-10)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
10.0.15 (2019-04-26)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
10.0.14 (2019-04-25)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
10.0.13 (2019-04-24)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
10.0.12 (2019-04-23)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
10.0.11 (2019-04-08)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
10.0.10 (2019-03-25)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
10.0.9 (2019-02-19)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
10.0.8 (2019-02-18)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
10.0.7 (2019-01-29)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
10.0.6 (2018-12-19)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
10.0.5 (2018-12-18)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
10.0.4 (2018-12-11)
- Build tree shakeable packages (fb4a9ea)
10.0.3 (2018-12-06)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
10.0.2 (2018-12-05)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
10.0.1 (2018-12-04)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
10.0.0 (2018-11-30)
- ffe-account-selector-react: New dependencies (53df20f)
- ffe-account-selector-react: This package relied on
which has been merged intoffe-form-react
As a result, you need to update your dependencies to use this version. Replace the dependency on ffe-checkbox-react
with ffe-form-react
Make sure you're at least on version 4.3.0
of ffe-form-react
No further action should be required to update this version.
9.1.20 (2018-11-26)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
9.1.19 (2018-11-16)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
9.1.18 (2018-11-13)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
9.1.17 (2018-11-09)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
9.1.16 (2018-10-25)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
9.1.15 (2018-10-17)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
9.1.14 (2018-10-10)
- ffe-account-selector-react: Suggestions will now correctly lose focus (137459a)
9.1.13 (2018-10-02)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
9.1.12 (2018-08-09)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
9.1.11 (2018-06-14)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
9.1.10 (2018-06-04)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
9.1.9 (2018-06-04)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
9.1.8 (2018-06-04)
- ffe-account-selector-react: changed button classes (ea0ff13)
9.1.7 (2018-05-31)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
9.1.6 (2018-05-29)
- ffe-account-selector-react: fixed accessibility errors (71da276)
- ffe-account-selector-react: used texts from the language files and locale prop (3de1493)
9.1.5 (2018-05-23)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
9.1.4 (2018-05-22)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
9.1.3 (2018-05-15)
- ffe-account-selector-react: Properly aligns reset and expand button (e668d69)
9.1.2 (2018-05-04)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
9.1.1 (2018-04-27)
- ffe-account-selector-react: Fixes reset and expand button spacing (e71e3e9)
9.1.0 (2018-04-23)
- ffe-account-selector-react: Adds expand/collapse button to input field (a655661)
9.0.9 (2018-04-18)
- ffe-account-selector-react: Adds support for filtering on account numbers with unicode spaces (bd97d83)
9.0.8 (2018-04-11)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
9.0.7 (2018-04-09)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
9.0.6 (2018-04-06)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
9.0.5 (2018-04-06)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
9.0.4 (2018-03-27)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
9.0.3 (2018-03-13)
Note: Version bump only for package @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
9.0.2 (2018-03-07)
- Correct peerDependencies after breaking change (aab59ce)
- ffe-account-selector-react: Provide default selectedAccounts (031ab9c)
- ffe-account-selector-react: Spaceless queries (aeebfa1)
9.0.1 (2018-03-02)
- Correct peerDependencies after breaking change (4318363)
- ffe-account-selector-react: Provide default selectedAccounts (10b01cc)
- ffe-account-selector-react: Spaceless queries (de91754)
- ffe-account-selector-react: Add ellipsis to account name (671dcce)
- ffe-account-selector-react: Explicit specify padding on "reset" button in account selector (07404b3)
- ffe-account-selector-react: fix build (6ba49d9)
- Treeshake ffe-icons (6bc9d6f)
- ffe-account-selector-react: hide reset button in readOnly mode (a416b42)
- ffe-account-selector-react: Reintroducing the missing decimals in account balance. (2b1956a)
- ffe-account-selector-react: added prop to disable input-field (cdfb23c)
- All packages have been renamed to add the @sb1 scope.
See links 1 and 2 to read more about package scopes.
Unfortunately this requires you update both your dependencies in
and all import
or require
statements in your code.
Also, you unfortunately have to upgrade all FFE packages at once due to
dependency between packages. If you are on the latest version prior to
this breaking change the upgrade should be a matter of updating
with new package names and versions, and updating your
To help find the proper package versions you can either browse to the
packages you need or check out the list of Git tags either on
Github 3 or by cloning the repository and running the git tag
command. All package versions get a tag in the format
Update your package.json
with the latest package version and add the
@sb1 scope to the package name:
- "ffe-core": "11.0.2",
+ "@sb1/ffe-core": "11.0.2",
Scoped packages all get put in a subdirectory in node_modules/
. In our
case packages will be put in the node_modules/@sb1/
directory. If your
build depends on file paths (for instance for copying fonts) you need to
update that path to include the scope.
The directory structure also means you have to update your imports, both in Less and in JavaScript.
Using less-plugin-npm-import
- @import 'npm://ffe-core/less/ffe';
+ @import 'npm://@sb1/ffe-core/less/ffe';
Using Webpack:
- @import '~ffe-core/less/ffe';
+ @import '~@sb1/ffe-core/less/ffe';
Using plain old paths:
- @import '../path/to/node_modules/ffe-core/less/ffe';
+ @import '../path/to/node_modules/@sb1/ffe-core/less/ffe';
JavaScript import
- import { ActionButton } from 'ffe-buttons-react';
+ import { ActionButton } from '@sb1/ffe-buttons-react';
JavaScript require
- const { ActionButton } = require('ffe-buttons-react').default;
+ const { ActionButton } = require('@sb1/ffe-buttons-react').default;
8.1.20 (2018-02-23)
Note: Version bump only for package ffe-account-selector-react
8.1.19 (2018-02-22)
Note: Version bump only for package ffe-account-selector-react
8.1.18 (2018-02-22)
Note: Version bump only for package ffe-account-selector-react
8.1.17 (2018-02-20)
Note: Version bump only for package ffe-account-selector-react
8.1.16 (2018-02-19)
- ffe-account-selector-react: hide reset button in readOnly mode
8.1.15 (2018-02-15)
Note: Version bump only for package ffe-account-selector-react
8.1.14 (2018-02-09)
Note: Version bump only for package ffe-account-selector-react
8.1.13 (2018-02-01)
Note: Version bump only for package ffe-account-selector-react
8.1.12 (2018-01-31)
- Treeshake ffe-icons
8.1.11 (2018-01-31)
Note: Version bump only for package ffe-account-selector-react
8.1.10 (2018-01-30)
- ffe-account-selector-react: Explicit specify padding on "reset" button in account selector
8.1.9 (2018-01-26)
- ffe-account-selector-react: Reintroducing the missing decimals in account balance.
8.1.8 (2018-01-25)
- ffe-account-selector-react: Add ellipsis to account name
8.1.7 (2018-01-22)
Note: Version bump only for package ffe-account-selector-react
8.1.6 (2018-01-22)
Note: Version bump only for package ffe-account-selector-react
8.1.5 (2018-01-19)
Note: Version bump only for package ffe-account-selector-react
8.1.4 (2018-01-19)
Note: Version bump only for package ffe-account-selector-react
8.1.3 (2018-01-18)
Note: Version bump only for package ffe-account-selector-react
8.1.2 (2018-01-17)
- ffe-account-selector-react: fix build
8.1.1 (2018-01-16)
Note: Version bump only for package ffe-account-selector-react
8.1.0 (2018-01-15)
- ffe-account-selector-react: added prop to disable input-field
8.0.4 (2018-01-10)
Note: Version bump only for package ffe-account-selector-react
8.0.3 (2018-01-10)
Note: Version bump only for package ffe-account-selector-react
8.0.2 (2018-01-10)
Note: Version bump only for package ffe-account-selector-react
- To monorepo.
- Replace
- No longer including raw JS in
- use the main entry through import or require. - Less can now be found under
, changed fromffe-account-selector-react/styles/account-selector
. This to be more like the other packages.
- Now possible to de-select all accounts. onSelectAll will be called with true or false to select/de-select all accounts.
- Bugfix: Removed
empty check, control balance visibility withshowBalance
- Updated to support React 16.
- Upgraded npm dependencies.
- Show correct currency for accounts with currencyCodes other than NOK.
- Fixed issue where iOS9 units may not receive click event
- Fixed bug where one selected account in multiple-account-selector was written in plural
- Open the suggestion-list when input-field is clicked, even when the input-field is already focused.
- Add prop 'onClick' for overriding the onClick callback.
- Add aria-label to reset-button to fix empty-button error.
- Move
from devDeps to dependencies.
- Add support for
- Remove less extension of
- Add classes
alongside allffe-account-suggestion__name
- Bugfix IE11
- New feature "select all". Set
to true to show an option for selecting all accounts. Will call "onSelectAll" when selected/deselected
- Bugfix: Moved
to peer-dependencies.
- Added property
. Shows a loading spinner in the suggestion list
- Added property
. Set to false to hide the balance of the accounts.
- Bugfix: Cursor no longer jumps to the end of field on input. Used solution proposed here:
- Bugfix: HOME and END events now puts cursor at home and end of input field when on no matching suggestions
- Default account filtering to false to fix behaviour when initializing with preselected account
- Enable account filtering on user input
- Disable account filtering when an account is selected
- Add workaround for IE11 and fast typing, which can cause characters to drop. Bugreport for issue, facebook/react#7027, suggests this will be fixed in React 16.
- Changed dependency version for ffe-checkbox-react
- Increased version range for ffe-form
- Added property shouldShowSuggestionsOnFocus on selector. Defaults to true.
- Removed custom event prevention to enable consistent behaviour across browsers
- Expand peerDep scope of
to include5.x
. - Remove peerDep on
- Support setting name of input-field as prop to AccountSelector. The property is not required
Bumped peer dependency version of ffe-core. No external API change, but this version requires a new major of ffe-core
- Renamed color names to stay in sync with refactoring in ffe-core@9.x
To migrate, update your app to ffe-core version 9.x
- Id prop required to promote good UU. Id of container set to
, id of input field set toid
- Default value for suggestions element when no matches found
- Bugfix: Blur event wrongfully prevented after reset from ESC
- Show suggestions on reset
- Bugfix: always give input focus after reset
Rewrite to replace nfe-account-selector-react
The origin of this package is the nfe-account-selector-react
. The main reason for the rewrite was difficulty in managing
focus in the nfe-account-selector-react
. This caused the onFocus and onBlur events to fire incorrectly. This package also aims
to provide better separation between the different selectors (currently AccountSelector and AccountSelectorMulti).
The external api is mostly unchanged with some exceptions.
This component no longer holds the selected object in its internal state. It's the consuming components responsibility to set the selected suggestion and the input field value. For example the component can be reset by passing the props:
value : "",
selectedAccount : null
Styling has also been changed where nfe-account-selector
has be renamed to account-selector
- Fix vertical alignment of dropdown and reset icons
- Bump dependency ffe-form to include 4.x
- Bugfix: Remove event listeners on unmount
- Bugfix: Prevent a possible form submission when clicking the "done" button on a multiselect
- Bugfix: IE11 freezes when navigating to the end of the dropdown using the keyboard
- Bugfix: onBlur called for click events when account selector not in focus
- Bugfix: Blur prop not called when dropdown is not showing and input field loses focus
- Bugfix: Input blur not working for Firefox =< 45.02 and IE =< 11 because of reliance on event.relatedTarget (
- Bugfix: onBlur prop called twice on input field blur
- Revert setTimeout on componentWillMount made in v3.0.4 causing unexpected behaviour
- Expose reset method in AccountSelector
- Same behaviour when tabbing and clicking away from input field
- Bugfix: input field not clearing on ESC press
- Bugfix: give input field focus after dropdown item clicked
- Bugfix: call onBlur prop when input field loses focus to another element than the dropdown list
- Fixes due to breaking changes in ffe-checkbox-react
- Fix misplaced checkboxes in AccountSelectorMulti.
- Upgrade peerDependencies to new major
- You can now use the classes nfe-general-selector-suggestion, &**name and &**details to get the approximate appearence of the regular account selector without checkboxes ie with multiple=false
- Bugfix: The noMatches-text no longer shows as clickable and white text on white background on hover.
- Bugfix: Silenced a react-warning regarding uncontrolled input turned controlled.
- Fix an esoteric bug that could cause the dropdown to display the wrong state if the value of the input was changed while the component was receiving a props-change
- Fix svg caret that was jumping up and down due to it's (slightly bigger) container being rotated instead of the actual icon itself
- Fix compatability with IE.
- Remove any implicit dependencies on polyfills by remomving array functions not supported in IE
- Fix bug which prevented multiselect "Done" button from working in IE
- Add missing onChange to multiselect
- Major underlying change in structure of code.
- Add ability to more easily create custom selectors
- Add a new multi-account selector
- Added support for ffe-form version 2.x.x and 3.x.x
- Bugfix: Bundle css from react-scrollbar instead of depending on it. Depending on relative dependencies does not work when using npm@3 og yarn.
- Bugfix: Give input field focus on reset button click
- Bugfix: Fixed various bugs related to race conditions between events
- Bugfix: make noMatches-field persist when clicked
- Bugfix: changed noMatches-text to be wrapped in
instead ofanchor
to avoid influences of external styles
- Bugfix: Input field no longer steals focus onBlur
- Added optional prop
- Do not call onChange when tabing out of the account-selector and the selected account has not changed
- Removed import of
You will now need to installffe-form
and importform.less
in your project's.less
- Added mixins.less containing
, which was removed fromffe-core
- Added
@import account-suggestions.less
, to simplify import in other projects
- Bumped dependency on
- Upgrade react dependencies to ^15.2.0 due to a bug with getNodeFromInstance in 15.1.0
- Throw on blur only when leaving component, not when selecting account from dropdown or pressing reset-button
- Bugfix: React warning when no selectedAccount or value props are given
- Bugfix: Missing X (reset) when selectedAccount or value are given
- UX: Focus will remain in the input when account is selected (except when tab is pressed)
- Added callback to onAccountSelected with null account when the input is reset by user
- Added optional prop onAccountSelected
- Bugfix: onBlur will no longer select the highlighted account if value doesn't match an account
- Bugfix: Select account on tab
- Fire onChange with null on AccountSelector reset
- Added optional prop onFocus
- Bugfix: Fixed various bugs related to filtered accounts becoming out of sync with AccountsSuggestions
- Bugfix: return account number instead of name onBlur
- Removed global Escape handler
- Removed onAccountSelected prop
- Added optional prop for onAccountSelected
- Bugfix: Format account balance according to locale
- Bugfix: Fixed onBlur firing onFocus
- Better separation of state and props
- Better prop validation
- Added support for inputfield placeholder
- Bugfix: Fixed error not allowing concurrent renders
- Added Id prop
- Added ariaInvalid to support validation errors
- Bugfix: Inline css styles
- Bugfix: Fix error in window handling in react-scrollarea.