A combobox with autocomplete tailored for bank accounts.
npm install --save @sb1/ffe-account-selector-react
Full documentation on account selector usage is available at https://design.sparebank1.no/komponenter/kontovelger/.
This package depends on @sb1/ffe-searchable-dropdown-react
Make sure you import the less-files.
For styling the account-selector use:
@import 'path/to/node_modules/@sb1/ffe-account-selector-react/less/ffe-account-selector';
If your project does not use Less, you can import the compiled styling:
@import '~@sb1/ffe-account-selector-react/css/ffe-account-selector.css';
To start a local development server, run the following from the designsystem root folder:
npm install
npm run build
npm start
Example implementations using the latest versions of all components are also available at https://sparebank1.github.io/designsystem.