- <ActiveRight> from <Behaviours> |
+ |
The right panel will be active when Double Commander starts.
@@ -120,16 +125,16 @@
- <ConfirmQuit> from <Behaviours> |
+ |
Confirm closing Double Commander (True ) or not (False ). False by default. |
- |
+ from <Colors>: |
- <gBorderFrameWidth> from <Colors> |
+ |
We may configure DC so it will draw a rectangle around the active entry as we we cycle through them in a panel.
<gBorderFrameWidth> allows us to configure the width of the lines used to draw a rectangle around the current active entry.
@@ -139,20 +144,20 @@
- |
+ from <Editor>: |
- <FindWordAtCursor> from <Editor> |
+ |
Internal editor and differ tool: if nothing is selected, the search and replace dialog will use the word under the cursor (True ) or text from the search history (False ). True by default. |
- |
+ from <FileOperations>: |
- <AutoExtractOpenMask> from <FileOperations> |
+ |
Suppose we've "entered" into a compressed file and browsing its content in the active panel. The files with the specified extension of this setting will be automatically unpacked from the archive when we press Enter or double-click on them instead of showing the properties window.
Example: <AutoExtractOpenMask>*.txt;*.mp3;*.mp4</AutoExtractOpenMask>
@@ -160,17 +165,17 @@
- <DefaultDropEffect> from <FileOperations> |
+ |
The default action when drag & drop files with the mouse: copying (True ) or moving (False ) files. True by default. |
- <LongNameAlert> from <FileOperations> |
+ |
Warn if target path is longer than maximum length for a path (some programs will not be able to access a file/directory with such a long name). In Windows this value (MAX_PATH) is defined as 260 characters. True by default. |
- <NtfsHourTimeDelay> from <FileOperations> |
+ |
Ignore time difference of exactly one hour between entries when comparing their date and time.
This takes place when using internal commands cm_CompareDirectories or cm_SyncDirs.
@@ -195,7 +200,33 @@
- <CopyAttributes> from <FileOperations><Options> |
+ |
+ Enables sound notifications when file operations are finished. Possible contents of the <Sounds> tag in full:
+<Sounds Duration="10">
+ <Copy>C:\Windows\Media\Alarm01.wav</Copy>
+ <Move>C:\Windows\Media\Alarm01.wav</Move>
+ <Wipe>C:\Windows\Media\Alarm01.wav</Wipe>
+ <Delete>C:\Windows\Media\Alarm01.wav</Delete>
+ <Split>C:\Windows\Media\Alarm01.wav</Split>
+ <Combine>C:\Windows\Media\Alarm01.wav</Combine>
+ Duration is the minimum time (in seconds) that a file operation should last (0 – always on, -1 disables sound notifications).
+ File operations: copy, move, wipe, delete files, split file and combine files. If a sound notification is not needed for some operation, just remove (or do not add) the corresponding line. Environment variables are supported.
+ Supported audio formats:
+ - Windows (the sndPlaySoundW function from the Windows API): .wav.
+ - macOS (the Core Audio API): .aac, .adts, .ac3, .caf, .mp3, .m4a and .mp4 (with AAC or ALAC), .wav.
+ - Linux and other Unix-like systems: Double Commander can use the GStreamer library (primarily, libgstreamer-1.0.so.0) or the SDL2 library (libSDL2-2.0.so.0). GStreamer supports most popular audio formats, with SDL2 we can use only .wav. In Haiku, only SDL2 can be used.
+ |
+ from <FileOperations><Options>: |
+ |
Windows: if True , the attributes of the source file will be copied when copying/moving files; if False , the attributes of the source file will also be copied and Double Commander will set the "archive" attribute.
Linux and others: use the Copy attributes option in the copy/move dialog window.
@@ -204,7 +235,7 @@
- <CopyTime> from <FileOperations><Options> |
+ |
Windows: if True , the timestamps of the source file will be copied (creation date, modification date, last access date) when copying/moving files, otherwise, only the modification date will be copied and the current date will be used for others.
Linux and others: use the Copy date/time option in the copy/move dialog window.
@@ -213,7 +244,7 @@
- <CopyXattributes> from <FileOperations><Options> |
+ |
Copy filesystem extended attributes when copying/moving files or not.
Windows: if True , compressed and encrypted attributes will also be copied.
@@ -223,19 +254,20 @@
- |
+ from <FilesViews>: |
- <ExtraLineSpan> from <FilesViews> |
+ |
- This setting allows to add some extra pixels to the height allowed for each element displayed in the file panels. The value is interpreted directly in pixels. Default value is 2.
+ This setting allows to add some extra pixels to the height allowed for each element displayed in the file panels. The value is interpreted directly in pixels.
+ Default value is 2.
Example: <ExtraLineSpan>2</ExtraLineSpan>
- <FolderPrefix> and <FolderPostfix> from <FilesViews> |
+ |
By default DC shows square brackets around directory names (it's optional parameter in Files views > Files views extra), but we can use any symbols instead them.
Note: In XML some special symbols are reserved as part of markup and we can not use them as is. There are five predefined entities: < should write as < , > as > , & as & , ' as ' and " as " .
@@ -243,7 +275,7 @@
- <RenameConfirmMouse> from <FilesViews> |
+ |
This option changes the mouse click action when renaming a file under the cursor: if True , the mouse click outside the name edit field will confirm renaming the file (as in Windows Explorer), otherwise, the mouse click will work the same as the Esc key.
False by default.
@@ -252,7 +284,11 @@
- <AutoSaveWidth> from <FilesViews><ColumnsView> |
+ from <FilesViews><ColumnsView>: |
+ |
When we manually change the column width with the mouse help, by default DC changes it for both panels and saves a new value for the next launches.
If we want to disable this behavior and use new value only in the current session, we should replace True with False , i.e. use <AutoSaveWidth>False</AutoSaveWidth> .
@@ -260,13 +296,13 @@
- <LongInStatus> from <FilesViews><ColumnsView> |
+ |
If the columns view is set and there are no selected files, the status bar displays the file name under the cursor (True ) or the number of files (False , by default).
If True , the status bar will also show the number of files when the cursor is on the ".." item. For links, target objects will additionally be displayed. |
- <TitleStyle> from <FilesViews><ColumnsView> |
+ |
Changes the look of tabstop headers bar. Default value depends on your OS.
@@ -292,11 +328,11 @@
- |
+ from many tags <Fonts>: |
- <Quality> from many tags <Fonts> |
+ |
Determine what type of font rasterization that will be used. In other words, it determine the font quality.
There are many tags where it's applicable individually.
@@ -339,11 +375,16 @@
- |
+ from <History>: |
+ |
+ The MaxStringItems attribute allows to specify the maximum number of entries in the saved history. Default value is 50. |
- Attribute Count from <History><DirHistory> |
+ |
The Count attribute allows to specify the number of entries from the list of visited directories that will be displayed in the popup menu (the cm_DirHistory command). Default value is 30.
When using the Tree View Menu, the attribute value will be ignored.
@@ -351,11 +392,11 @@
- |
+ from <Icons>: |
- <CustomIcons> from <Icons> |
+ |
Windows only: this option will help to determine if the icons used for drives, folders or archives will be the default ones from the system or if it will be custom ones that we may set ourselves.
The CustomIcons option will be set to a single number representing the sum of the numbers from the following table depending on what are our preferences:
@@ -413,7 +454,7 @@
- <DiskAlpha> from <Icons> |
+ |
Option to set the transparency level of unmounted drive icons.
@@ -434,21 +475,21 @@
- <ToolSize> from <Icons> |
+ |
Size of toolbar icons in the internal editor, viewer and differ tool, supported values: 16, 24 or 32. |
- |
+ from <Layout>: |
- <ShowColonAfterDrive> from <Layout> |
+ |
Windows only: show colon after letters of disks in the drives button bar and in the drives list. False by default. |
- <UppercaseDriveLetter> from <Layout> |
+ |
Windows only: use uppercase letters in the drives button bar and in the drives list. False by default.
Note: This option does not change drive letters in previously saved history and settings (favorites, buttons and so on).
@@ -456,30 +497,35 @@
- |
+ from <Miscellaneous>: |
- <DecimalSeparator> from <Miscellaneous> |
+ |
The option allows to specify the preferred decimal separator character (i.e. separator for integer and fractional parts of a number) instead of the value from your regional settings. We can specify any character from the ASCII table with a code from U+0000 to U+007F (the use of printable characters is implied, i.e. from U+0020 to U+007E). |
- <DoubleClickEditPath> from <Miscellaneous> |
+ |
The option allows to choose the action of double-clicking on the the current directory bar: show directory hotlist (False , by default) or edit current path (True ). |
- <SystemItemProperties> from <Miscellaneous> |
+ |
Linux/FreeBSD: the True value allows to use the file properties dialog window of the file manager, which is specified as the default program in the desktop environment settings (if it possible), otherwise, Double Commander will use its own properties window. False by default. |
- |
+ from <SyncDirs>: |
- Attribute Save from <SyncDirs><Asymmetric> |
+ |
+ This setting allows to specify the preferred date and time format in the directory synchronization tool. Date and time formatting symbols are described here. Default value is yyyy.mm.dd hh:nn:ss . |
+ |
Synchronize directories: save or not asymmetric mode by default.
If we want to save state of mode then <Asymmetric Save="True">
@@ -488,7 +534,7 @@
- Attribute Save from <SyncDirs><FileMask> |
+ |
Synchronize directories: by default, Double Commander saves the last used file mask as the mask for the next run of the synchronization tool (if it is not a search template),
to disable this behavior, we can replace True with False (<FileMask Save="False"> ) and specify the preferred file mask or "*" (i.e. all files) in the <FileMask> value.
@@ -496,31 +542,25 @@
- <DateTimeFormat> from <SyncDirs> |
- This setting allows to specify the preferred date and time format in the directory synchronization tool. Date and time formatting symbols are described here. Default value is yyyy.mm.dd hh:nn:ss . |
+ from <Viewer>: |
- |
- <AutoCopy> from <Viewer> |
+ |
For the internal viewer, enables (True ) or disables (False ) automatic copying of the selected text to the clipboard. True by default. |
- <ExtraLineSpan> from <Viewer> |
+ |
- For the internal viewer, this setting allows to add some extra pixels to the height allowed for each line.
- The value is interpreted directly in pixels.
+ For the internal viewer, this setting allows to add some extra pixels to the height allowed for each line. The value is interpreted directly in pixels.
Default value is 0.
Example: <ExtraLineSpan>2</ExtraLineSpan>
- <ImageExifRotate> from <Viewer> |
+ |
Double Commander is able to recognize the EXIF metadata format that might be encoded into a JPEG image file.
Inside that metadata, there is an orientation flag that may be used to display the picture into the same orientation as it was taken like if was in portrait, landscape, upside-down, mirror, etc.
@@ -544,22 +584,21 @@
- <JpegQuality> from <Viewer> |
+ |
For the internal viewer, the quality value that Double Commander will use by default when saving to JPEG format (the commands Save and Save As...). 80 by default. |
- <LeftMargin> from <Viewer> |
+ |
- For the internal viewer, this option allows to add space between the left border of the window and the text border.
- The value is interpreted directly in pixels.
+ For the internal viewer, this option allows to add space between the left border of the window and the text border. The value is interpreted directly in pixels.
Default value is 4.
Example: <LeftMargin>4</LeftMargin>
- <MaxCodeSize> from <Viewer> |
+ |
For the internal viewer, limits the maximum file size for automatic choice of the code viewing mode (displaying text with syntax highlighting requires more resources than displaying plain text). The option value is ignored when we force the code viewing mode in the viewer window.
The size is specified in megabytes, the default value is 128.
@@ -567,7 +606,7 @@
- <MaxTextWidth> from <Viewer> |
+ |
For the internal viewer, configure the maximum number of characters to be displayed on one text line prior to wrap it up to the next one.
The valid range goes from 80 to 16384 and default value is 1024.
@@ -576,7 +615,7 @@
- <SynEditMask> from <Viewer> |
+ |
For the internal viewer, this option allows to manage the list of file extensions for code view mode (of course, within the available list).
We can specify file masks (separated by semicolons ";" without spaces) that will automatically open in this mode instead of plain text, or the name of a search template to exclude. We can also disable automatic opening of files in this mode by setting an empty string.
@@ -585,7 +624,7 @@
- <TabSpaces> from <Viewer> |
+ |
For the internal viewer, set the width of tab stops to use.
The valid range goes from 1 to 32 and default value is 8.
@@ -594,6 +633,69 @@
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diff --git a/doc/en/copymove.html b/doc/en/copymove.html
index d2ef8758..dfd57ede 100644
--- a/doc/en/copymove.html
+++ b/doc/en/copymove.html
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
The list of the following parameters will vary depending on the type of file operation and operating system family.
- Verify – If enabled, Double Commander will compare the source file and the copied file in the target directory: a byte-by-byte comparison (Windows) or BLAKE2 checksums (Linux and others). Double Commander will try to minimize the disk cache effects (if the file system does not support direct input/output, the program will report the verification failure). Keep in mind, this function significantly reduces the speed of the operation. Not available in macOS.
+ Verify – If enabled, Double Commander will compare the source file and the copied file in the target directory: a byte-by-byte comparison (Windows) or BLAKE2 checksums (Linux and others). Double Commander will try to minimize the disk cache effects (if the file system does not support direct input/output, the program will report the verification failure). Keep in mind, this function significantly reduces the speed of the operation. In macOS, this feature is available experimentally.(Alpha version)
Check free space – Before copying the file, Double Commander will check if there is enough free disk space in the target directory.
Reserve space – If enabled, Double Commander will use pre-allocation of disk space, this will reduce the chances of file fragmentation. Also this is a faster way to create files. In Windows, Double Commander always reserves space. Does not work in Linux on partitions with FAT32 file system.
Follow links – If enabled, Double Commander will consider symbolic links to folders as regular folders and copy their contents; instead of file links, the target files of this links will be copied. The indeterminate checkbox state (three-state): the program will ask each time what it should do.
diff --git a/doc/en/doublecmd.css b/doc/en/doublecmd.css
index 1bc43c7f..6d2c1a6f 100644
--- a/doc/en/doublecmd.css
+++ b/doc/en/doublecmd.css
@@ -90,7 +90,6 @@ td.categorycell { border: 1px #b0b0b0 solid; }
td.categorydesc { border: 1px #b0b0b0 solid; }
td.cmdcell { border: 1px #b0b0b0 solid; vertical-align: top; }
small.firstcolumnaleft { font-weight:normal }
div.cmdname {
@@ -133,6 +132,17 @@ div.categoryname {
font-weight: bold;
+div.subsection {
+ text-align: left;
+ font-weight: bold;
+ text-decoration: underline;
+ margin-bottom: 5px;
+ margin-top: 5px;
+td.subsection {
+ background-color: #ecf3f7;
body { font-size: 11pt; font-family: 'Arial', sans-serif; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; color: #000000; text-decoration: none; background-color: #e6e8ea; }
div.dchelpage { border-left: 1px solid black; border-right: 1px solid black; text-align: left; margin: auto; width: 895px; background-color: #fcfcfc; }
diff --git a/doc/en/faq.html b/doc/en/faq.html
index eeca37f5..ea52d890 100644
--- a/doc/en/faq.html
+++ b/doc/en/faq.html
@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ 2. Issues related to GNU/Linux
First, packages gvfs, gvfs-backends and gvfs-fuse should be installed.
Keep in mind that some distributions have not packages gvfs-backends and gvfs-fuse,
because they are part of package gvfs, or it can be several packages with names gvfs-backends-* or gvfs-*.
- Now insert GVfs path in the address bar: click by right mouse button at address bar to edit it (or call internal command cm_EditPath).
+ Now insert GVfs path in the address bar: click by right mouse button at address bar to edit it (or call internal command cm_EditPath). Alternatively, you can use the internal command cm_MapNetworkDrive.(Alpha version)
For example, access to
- FTP:
@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ 2. Issues related to GNU/Linux
- WebDAV:
For a list of supported protocols, see the GVfs documentation.
- Well, for access to FTP (for SSH+SCP too) and SMB you can use default WFX plugins FTP and Samba.
+ Well, for access to FTP (for SSH+SCP too) you can use the FTP plugin.
Q: Clicking on the tray icon displays a menu with "Restore" and "Exit" items instead of restoring the window (GTK2 only).
diff --git a/doc/en/help.html b/doc/en/help.html
index 0093c402..2c1f6933 100644
--- a/doc/en/help.html
+++ b/doc/en/help.html
@@ -59,8 +59,8 @@ Content
- • Selecting files
- • Drag & drop
- • Context menu
- - • Quick search/filter
- • Renaming files
+ - • Quick search/filter
- 2.9. Status bar
@@ -130,6 +130,7 @@
Create Directory (internal command cm_MakeDir) – creates a new subdirectory in the current directory. The file name (without extension) or directory name under the cursor will be offered, this is useful for creating multiple directories with similar names. You can also create several subdirectories in one operation, just separate the subdrectories with the directory separator (in Unix/Linux system it will be "/" and in Windows it will be "\").

+ The button with an arrow opens the history of the entered names. The button to the right of the input field allows to enable or disable auto-completion from the directory creation history.(Alpha version)
If Extended syntax is enabled, the <[] template can be used to insert the current date/time: inside square brackets you can use date and time formatting characters and any characters allowed for filenames.
Create Shortcut (Windows only) – Double Commander creates a shortcut (Microsoft Windows .lnk file) to the file under the cursor and places it in the folder opened in the opposite panel.
@@ -182,7 +183,7 @@
The action of the Configure button depends on the selected archiver:
packer plugins (WCX): opens the plugin's own settings window (if selected plugin supports this feature);
- external archivers: opens a window with an input field for additional archiver parameters.
+ external archivers: opens a window with an input field for additional archiver parameters (when using the %S variable). Double Commander automatically saves the entered parameter string, the button with an arrow will open the list of previously saved ones (see description of AskHistory).(Alpha version)
Also we can unpack files via Extract Files (internal command cm_ExtractFiles). The same dialog is called when you copy files from the archive.

@@ -213,12 +214,14 @@
Item Calculate check sum... (internal command cm_CheckSumCalc) is used to calculate the checksum to check files integrity. The following checksums are available:
- SHA2 (digest sizes 224, 256, 384 or 512 bits), SHA3 (digest sizes 224, 256, 384 or 512 bits), Tiger/192.
+ SHA2 (digest sizes 224, 256, 384 or 512 bits), SHA3 (digest sizes 224, 256, 384 or 512 bits), Tiger/192,
+ XXH128(Alpha version) (XXH3 with 128 bit digest size).

Save checksum file(s) to: – line specifies name and path to the calculated checksum.
Create separate checksum files for each file – if checksum calculates for multiple files, this option allows to create separate checksum files for each target file.
+ Create separate checksum file for each directory(Alpha version) – Double Commander will scan the selected folders or the folder under the cursor and create separate checksum files in each subdirectory. The program will not take into account the ignore list and the status of the Show system and hidden files option.
+ Open checksum file after job is completed – after the operation is completed, the checksum file will be opened in the file viewer.
File format – allows to specify the line ending type and directory separator instead of the commonly used values in Windows (CRLF and "\") and Unix-like systems (LF and "/").
- Choose your preferred checksum and – select algorithm which will calculate checksums.
Item Verify Checksum... (internal command cm_CheckSumVerify) will start verification the list of checksums from the checksum file under the cursor. Also you can run this command by double mouse clicking on the checksum file (or using the Enter key).
Double Commander can check files one by one: select the file, run this command, now enter its checksum (or paste from the clipboard) and select the algorithm.
@@ -281,7 +284,7 @@
Computer – contains a list of normal disks with a drive letter and devices that do not have a drive letter (for example, USB devices that are connected via the MTP protocol, i.e. smartphones, tablets or players). Windows only.
Linux – list of all Linux distributions that you added to WSL and their root file systems (Windows 10 and newer).
- Network – used to access shared network resources (Windows only).
+ Network – used to access shared network resources (Windows) or network resources using Gio (Linux).
Recycle Bin – used to access files deleted to trash.
(The list is sorted alphabetically and depends on the language settings of the system and the program.)
@@ -563,6 +566,14 @@
Keep in mind that not all file operations will work in every case. For example, if some archive format does not support deleting files, Double Commander will hide the Delete menu item.
+ Renaming files
+ Double Commander allows to rename files directly in the file panel. There are several ways to call this operation: the internal command cm_RenameOnly (F2 or Shift+F6 by default), the left mouse click or the corresponding item in the right mouse button menu.
+ By default, Double Commander will select the file name completely, but you can enable file name selecting without an extension. Also, repeated hotkey presses allow to select the file name in parts, the following characters are used as a separator: space, hyphen underscore and period. Folder names are always selected completely.
+ To confirm the change in the name, use the Enter key or the rename confirmation button to the right of the edit field. To cancel unconfirmed changes (to exit editing mode), use the Esc key or the mouse click outside the edit field. You can use a mouse click outside the edit field to confirm the renaming (as in Windows Explorer), see the description of <RenameConfirmMouse>.
+ Using the up and down arrows, you can rename several files sequentially: the new file name will be automatically saved when you go to edit the name of the next or previous file. To exit this mode, use the methods described above to confirm or cancel the operation.(Alpha version)
+ For group renaming files, the appropriate tool is available.
Quick search/filter
When using the quick search/filter tool, its panel is displayed at the bottom of the file panel. Quick search is used to search through the current contents of the file panel: the cursor will be moved to the nearest matching file and when using the up arrow and down arrow keys, the program will move the cursor in a circle only over files whose names match the conditions. Quick filter will hide all file names that do not match the conditions (to reset the filter, use the Esc key or the "X" button).

@@ -578,13 +589,6 @@
Double Commander supports pinyin (the pinyin.tbl file in the program directory will be used).
You can set the way of call the quick search/filter panel in the Keys settings section, or use the cm_QuickSearch and cm_QuickFilter commands.
All parameters that have been changed in the quick search panel will be kept for the next quick search/filter call (before closing the program), you can change it and the default values in the Quick search/filter settings section.
- Renaming files
- Double Commander allows to rename files directly in the file panel. There are several ways to call this operation: the internal command cm_RenameOnly (F2 or Shift+F6 by default), the left mouse click or the corresponding item in the right mouse button menu.
- By default, Double Commander will select the file name completely, but you can enable file name selecting without an extension. Also, repeated hotkey presses allow to select the file name in parts, the following characters are used as a separator: space, hyphen underscore and period. Folder names are always selected completely.
- To confirm the change in the name, use the Enter key or the rename confirmation button to the right of the edit field. To cancel unconfirmed changes (to exit editing mode), use the Esc key or the mouse click outside the edit field. You can use a mouse click outside the edit field to confirm the renaming (as in Windows Explorer), see the description of RenameConfirmMouse.
- For group renaming files, the appropriate tool is available.
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@@ -185,6 +185,35 @@
We may provide as many Param... as command may support.
+ |
+ DC.GoToFile(sFileName, bActive)
+ Opens the directory where sFileName is located and places the cursor on sFileName. To open a directory, use cm_ChangeDir or try to add the directory separator and ".." (without quotes) to sFileName.
+ bActive is an optional parameter: function can work in the active file panel (true ) or inactive one (false ). true by default.
+ |
+ |
+ Result = DC.GetPluginField(sFileName, sPlugin, iField, iUnit)
+ Allows to get data using the installed content plugin (WDX):
+ - sFileName : The full (absolute) filename.
+ - sPlugin : The plugin name, as it is saved in the corresponding settings section.
+ - iField : The plugin field index (counting from 0).
+ - iUnit : The unit index (counting from 0); specify 0 if it does not exist.
+ - Result : The return value: signed number (including time in Unix format), floating point number, boolean value, text string or
nil .
+ |
+ |
+ sResult = DC.ExpandVar(String)
+ Returns a string in which all variables are replaced with their values (excluding environment variables, use SysUtils.ExpandEnv for them).
+ |
In addition to internal commands, in scripts we can use the special command cm_ExecuteToolBarItem, this command allows to call toolbar buttons by their identifier (in the program, this function provides the use of hotkeys for toolbar buttons). The command is used similarly to ordinary internal commands (see examples below) and has the following parameters:
@@ -354,6 +383,14 @@
Returns true if sDirectory already exist or was created successfully. If it failed to create any of the parts, false is returned.
+ |
+ bResult = SysUtils.RemoveDirectory(sDirectory)
+ Will delete the directory with the name sDirectory. Returns true if successful, false otherwise.
+ Unlike os.remove, this function does not return a description in case of an error, but it can delete non-empty directories.
+ |
@@ -480,6 +517,14 @@
sSeparator and iMaskOptions (see above) are optional parameters.
+ |
+ sResult = SysUtils.ExpandEnv(String, bSpecial)
+ Returns a string in which all environment variables are replaced with their values for the current user.
+ bSpecial is an optional parameter: if true , pseudo environment variables will also be expanded (see details here). false by default.
+ |
@@ -487,6 +532,35 @@
Will return a filename to use as a temporary filename (in the system directory for the temporary files), similar to the os.tmpname function, but the file will be created in a subdirectory that is automatically deleted when Double Commander is closed. If the function could not create a unique name, it will return an empty string.
+ |
+ Result = SysUtils.GetFileProperty(sFileName, iValue)
+ Returns the file property corresponding to iValue:
+ 0 | File size in bytes |
+ 1 | String of attributes as in the file panel (for a detailed description of the string value, see here) |
+ 2 | Group of the file owner |
+ 3 | Owner of the file |
+ 4 | Modification date |
+ 5 | Creation date |
+ 6 | Last access date |
+ 7 | Status change date |
+ 8 | File type (as in Windows Explorer or MIME-type) |
+ 9 | Description (comment) from descript.ion (see details here) |
+ Returns a number (file size, timestamps) or a string (in other cases). In case of failure, function returns nil .
+ |
+ |
+ bResult = SysUtils.FileSetTime(sFileName, iModification, iCreation, iLastAccess)
+ Allows to set timestamps (Unix time format) for sFileName: modification date, creation date and last access date. Specify zero for those timestamps that should be ignored.
+ Returns true if successful, false otherwise.
+ |
@@ -1265,6 +1339,9 @@
+ DC.ExpandVar
+ DC.GetPluginField
+ DC.GoToFile
@@ -1274,6 +1351,7 @@
+ SysUtils.ExpandEnv
@@ -1281,10 +1359,12 @@
+ SysUtils.FileSetTime
+ SysUtils.GetFileProperty
@@ -1292,6 +1372,7 @@
+ SysUtils.RemoveDirectory
diff --git a/doc/en/multiarc.html b/doc/en/multiarc.html
index 396b3793..66f6b29f 100644
--- a/doc/en/multiarc.html
+++ b/doc/en/multiarc.html
@@ -51,7 +51,8 @@ Content
4.11. Configuring the "Create self extracting archive" action
4.12. Configuring the "ID's"
4.13. Debugging
- 4.14. Menu of the "Other" button
+ 4.14. Additional settings
+ 4.15. Menu of the "Other" button
5. Opening an archive file in an associated application
@@ -115,7 +116,7 @@
extract one file or a list of file from an archive file.
This will be done by doing Configuration Options Archiver as illustrated below:
All settings are stored in the multiarc.ini file.
Let's see in the following sections the versatile possibilities Double Commander offers us to properly integrate the usage of an external packer.
(back to top)
@@ -135,7 +136,7 @@
We then need to indicate us a significant description for the archiver, the exact location where is the executable of the archiver and then associated file extension, without the period, to that archiver.
If we have more than one possible, just add them with a single comma between each one, no space.
Note: Double Commander supports double extensions (for example, "tar.gz", "tar.xz" and so on), they must be placed in the beginning of the list of extensions (i.e. "tar.gz" before "gz").
(back to top)
@@ -157,11 +158,11 @@ 4.2. Variables to interface with external archiver
%F | The name of a single file to process. The archiver will be executed several times until all file names are exhausted. This variable should be used only if the destination archiver does not support filelists on the command line. |
%V | The volume size (for multivolume archive) |
%W | The password |
- %E<errorlevel> | Maximum acceptable command errorlevel. For example, %E2 indicates that errorlevels 0, 1 and 2 are acceptable. This variable may be specified in any place of command. If it is absent, only errorlevel 0 is considered as successful. |
- %O<modifier> | By default, multiarc convert archiver output from OEM encoding to UTF-8. Use this to override encoding. See below the possible encoding modifiers. Can be used with "List" action only. |
+ %E<errorlevel> | Maximum acceptable command errorlevel. For example, %E2 indicates that errorlevels 0, 1 and 2 are acceptable. This variable may be specified in any place of command. If it is absent, only errorlevel 0 is considered as successful. |
+ %O<modifier> | By default, Double Commander convert archiver output from OEM encoding to UTF-8. Use this to override encoding. See below the possible encoding modifiers. Can be used with "List" action only. |
%R | Target subdirectory IN archive |
{} | If some variable is enclosed in braces - it'll be added only if this variable will contain something non-empty |
- %S | Depends on modes, set in configuration dialog, MultiArc will ask user about additional command-line parameters should be passed in-place of %S |
+ %S | The variable specifies the position for additional command line parameters that we can add in the file packaging dialog |
Don't worry, we'll give example later to better understand.
(back to top)
@@ -173,13 +174,13 @@
Variable modifiers |
Modifier letter | What it stands for |
- F | include in FileList only files (can be used with %L and %l variables) |
+ F | include in FileList only files (can be used with %L and %l variables) |
Q | quote names with spaces |
q | quote all names |
W | use name only, without path |
P | use path only, without name |
- A | use the ANSI system encoding in Windows or the default system encoding in Unix-like systems (in GNU/Linux distributions it is usually UTF-8); can be used with %L and %O variables |
- U | use UTF-8 encoding; can be used with %L and %O variables |
+ A | use the ANSI system encoding in Windows or the default system encoding in Unix-like systems (in GNU/Linux distributions it is usually UTF-8); can be used with %L and %O variables |
+ U | use UTF-8 encoding; can be used with %L and %O variables |
Again don't worry, we'll have example later on.
(back to top)
@@ -202,9 +203,9 @@

We wrote %P v %AQ using the variable mentioned earlier with the Variable and Variable Modifier.
- %P will be substituted by our executable written earlier, so "E:\Program Files\WinRAR\Rar.exe".
- v will remain as is and is the "v" command or the "rar.exe" external archiver to view list of files.
- %A is the name of the archive, we add to it the Q to indicate we want Double Commander to quote the name if there is space in it.
+ - %P will be substituted by our executable written earlier, so "E:\Program Files\WinRAR\Rar.exe".
+ - v will remain as is and is the "v" command or the "rar.exe" external archiver to view list of files.
+ - %A is the name of the archive, we add to it the "Q" to indicate we want Double Commander to quote the name if there is space in it.
So all this is to invoke the external archiver with proper parameters.
This will be use when we use the internal command cm_OpenArchive.
@@ -229,7 +230,7 @@
Because we have dashed line before and after, it's pretty easy to set these two parameters with the dashed lines:

In the eventuality that an external archive would immediately output bar data with no extra lines, simply let the two fields empty.
- The caret ("^") is a there to indicate that the magic string needs absolutely to start the line, with nothing else.
+ The caret ("^") is a there to indicate that the magic string needs absolutely to start the line, with nothing else. Otherwise, the text can be located anywhere in the line.
If it would not be possible to be sure it starts the line, like for example if the external archiver would start the line with the date and time, and then a constant string, we would set the magic string to be the constant string but we would not add the caret which instruct to Double Commander that the string to search might be anywhere.
If the "Listing finish" string might be confused with a filename, it could stop processing the content of the archive too early.
That's why, when possible, it's good to specify that the string must start the line.
@@ -290,6 +291,7 @@
the date and times letters for the date and time of files;
series of "n", more than enough, for where is the actual filenames.
+ And all we still need to do is exclude 4 spaces at the beginning of the line, replacing them with "????".
So configured that way, if we select our previous "just.rar" archive into a panel, we press Enter to get into it like it would be a directory, we see the file content showing us what we did "basically" worked (if we ignore the last file...):

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@@ -311,7 +313,7 @@
| p+ | use all digits up to first non-digit character for the packed size |
$ | skip all spaces/tabstops until next character or end of line |
\ | data continues on next line (maximum 2 lines supported) |
- x | exactly 1 space, if there is a different character at this position, ignore the whole line |
+ x | exactly 1 space; if there is a different character at this position, ignore the whole line |
z=1024 | unpacked size multiplied with given value (here: 1024) |
p=1024 | packed size multiplied with given value (here: 1024) |
@@ -505,7 +507,33 @@
+ Several parameters that can be added or changed manually in the multiarc.ini configuration file directly or by exporting/importing archiver settings.
+ AskHistory0 ... AskHistory50
+ The values store additional archiver parameters that we have added in the file packaging dialog. We can manually change them, add new ones or delete unnecessary ones.
+ This is a convenient way to store several sets of parameters that are more suitable for different groups of files and tasks.
+ FallBackArchivers
+ Allows to specify several executable files of archivers separated by commas (full file names or names without path). If the executable file from the "Archiver" field is not found, the application will use the first one found from the FallBackArchivers value.
+ For an example, see using 7-Zip in multiarc.ini in the "default" folder.
+ IgnoreString0 ... IgnoreString50
+ This is a way to specify lines that Double Commander should ignore when parsing the archiver output.
+ If the value starts with the caret symbol ("^"), the text must be in the beginning of the ignored lines. Otherwise, the text can be located anywhere in the line.
+ SizeStripChars
+ It's rare, but the archiver can display file sizes with digit grouping (for example, "12,345" or "12 345" instead of "12345"). SizeStripChars allows to specify the character that should be removed.
+ If we need to specify several characters (for example, the value may depend on the regional settings of the operating system), they must be listed without a separator.
+ (back to top)
This menu contains several additional functions:
Auto Configure – Double Commander will check all executable files of archivers: if a file is found, the program will automatically add its full path and enable the archiver, otherwise the archiver will be disabled.
@@ -524,7 +552,7 @@
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index a7685a6b..def3a801 100644
--- a/doc/en/shortcuts.html
+++ b/doc/en/shortcuts.html
@@ -106,7 +106,11 @@ 2. Main window
Left/right arrows← |
Go to upper directory or go to selected directory (if Lynx like movement enabled and only in the full mode).
diff --git a/doc/en/syncdirs.html b/doc/en/syncdirs.html
index cc1152b1..78d23986 100644
--- a/doc/en/syncdirs.html
+++ b/doc/en/syncdirs.html
@@ -45,10 +45,11 @@ 2. Directory synchronization tool window
In the top of the window there are fields with the current directories of the left and right file panels. We can change them manually or by using the button to choose a directory.
Between them there is a field for filtering files by mask (symbol "*" means match any number of characters, symbol "?" means any one character). Files that do not match the mask will be ignored. We may put multiple file types here using a semicolon ";" without spaces between them. Also we can use search templates ( ), including search with content plugins. The default value is "*" (all files).
The button with an arrow opens the list of the used file masks (keep in mind that Double Commander saves a general history of file masks for several tools: find files, directory synchronization, archive unpacking, commands for selecting a group of files). By default, Double Commander saves (regardless of the state of the File mask history option) the last used file mask as the default mask for the next run of the synchronization tool (if it is not a search template), see Additional settings.
- Compare – starts comparing the chosen directories. The progress of the compare operation is displayed in the status bar. If necessary, the operation can be interrupted with the Esc key.
+ To exclude directories and symbolic links to directories, we can use the search template and the Exclude subdirectories field: we can specify folder names and relative or absolute paths.
+ Compare – starts comparing the chosen directories. If necessary, the operation can be interrupted with the Esc key.
- only selected (in main window) – If enabled, only files and directories that have been selected in the file panel will be compared.
+ only selected (in main window) – If enabled, only files and directories that have been selected in the file panel will be compared. It is enough to select files and directories only in one file panel.
asymmetric – This option is meant to create a backup: a copy of the contents of the left panel should be created in the right panel. Files that do not exist on the left side will be marked for deletion on the right side. Not available if a delete operation is not possible in the directory on the right (for example, it is an archive and its format does not support modification, or it is a CD/DVD).
Subdirs – allows recursive file search: Double Commander will check the contents of all subdirectories.
by content – If enabled, files with the same size and date will be compared by content (a byte-by-byte comparison). Not available if the second directory is in a virtual file system.
diff --git a/doc/en/viewer.html b/doc/en/viewer.html
index 3b1d6f01..b45f413f 100644
--- a/doc/en/viewer.html
+++ b/doc/en/viewer.html
@@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ 1. Introduction
Double Commander supports Windows Imaging Component (Windows Vista and newer): the Windows Imaging Component (WIC) provides an extensible framework for working with images. WIC includes several built-in codecs (BMP, DDS, GIF, ICO, JPEG, JPEG XR, PNG and TIFF), additionally available external codecs for free and proprietary RAW image formats, HEIF/HEIC, WebP. Double Commander will skip codecs for BMP, GIF, ICO, JPEG, PNG and TIFF, because these formats are already supported.
The built-in viewer supports saving to the following image formats: BMP, ICO, JPEG (we can choose the quality from 1 to 100; 80 by default, see <JpegQuality>), PNG (Double Commander will use the same color depth as in the original image) and PNM (Double Commander will use binary formats, the color depth will be set automatically: 1, 8 or 24 bits per pixel).
Note: When modifying an image, we must save all changes with the Save or Save As commands: Double Commander does not check the status of the file (changed or not) when closing the viewer window or when switching to another file.
+ For folders, the viewer will display the full name of the directory under the cursor, the number of subdirectories, files, and their total size (the result is similar to the action of the Calculate Occupied Space command).(Alpha version)
We can assign or change hotkeys for commands available in the viewer in the Keys > Hot Keys settings section (switch to the Viewer category). Hotkeys can be set separately for text mode and image viewing mode.
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diff --git a/doc/ru/cmds.html b/doc/ru/cmds.html
index a7f422e1..18f98abe 100644
--- a/doc/ru/cmds.html
+++ b/doc/ru/cmds.html
@@ -1108,6 +1108,18 @@ 2.6. Сеть
Только Windows: копировать в буфер имена с UNC-путём. |