From 4dbc33e6f9e19d6777e095d3ffa2867161ca0e98 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Skif-off The next parameters sets the file size format: GETFILEOWNER – displays the owner of the file. GETFILELINKTO – displays the path and file, that is, what is linked with this symlink. GETFILETYPE – file type (as in Windows Explorer or MIME-type). GETFILECOMMENT – file or directory description (comment) from descript.ion (see details here). GETFILECOMMENT – file or directory description (comment) from descript.ion (see details here). This field can also be used inside archives (if the archive format supports saving file descriptions and the corresponding external archiver is configured to receive them). GETFILECOMPRESSEDSIZE – compressed file size (real size if using NTFS compression). Move – allows to move lines (which equates to reordering the columns). Click twice in the Move box and you will see a type of spinner appear, clicking on the upper part moves the line up (column moves left). Command line history – Commands that were used at the command line. File mask history – Double Commander saves a general history of used file masks for several tools: find files, filters in directory synchronization and archive unpacking, commands for selecting and deselecting a group of files. The maximum number of entries in history is limited to 50. Note about the history of visited directories: During the session, Double Commander stores up to 255 visited directories in memory (however, when the program is closed, only the last 50 entries will be saved). You can change the number of history entries in the popup menu when calling the cm_DirHistory command (default value is 30, see the The maximum number of entries in history is limited to 50 by default (see the Note about the history of visited directories: During the session, Double Commander stores up to 255 visited directories in memory, however, when the program is closed, the number of saved entries will be limited to the Note: Search templates are not related to the history and are saved separately (in the doublecmd.xml configuration file). To manage the list of templates, you can use the file search tool. You can choose how the list of settings sections will look: "View" actions with the {!DC-VIEWER} macro will be taken into account for quick viewing, other macros and commands will be ignored. {!TERMSTAYOPEN} and {!TERMANDCLOSE} have been added for unification and the ability to use the variables %t0 and %t1, {!SHELL} has been kept for backwards compatibility. As a command, you can use the internal commands of Double Commander. The parameters of the internal commands are specified one per line, so you can specify only one here. Also, using the internal command cm_ExecuteScript, you can run Lua scripts, in this case you can get the names of the selected files using cm_CopyFullNamesToClip or cm_SaveSelectionToFile. As a command, you can use the internal commands of Double Commander. The parameters of the internal commands are specified one per line, so you can specify only one here. Also, using the internal command cm_ExecuteScript, you can run Lua scripts, in this case you can get the names of the selected files using internal commands (cm_CopyFullNamesToClip or cm_SaveSelectionToFile) or the DC.ExpandVar(Alpha version) function. Parameters – command parameters including variables: any variable from "percent" variables. The list of the following parameters will vary depending on the type of file operation and operating system family. Verify – If enabled, Double Commander will compare the source file and the copied file in the target directory: a byte-by-byte comparison (Windows) or BLAKE2 checksums (Linux and others). Double Commander will try to minimize the disk cache effects (if the file system does not support direct input/output, the program will report the verification failure). Keep in mind, this function significantly reduces the speed of the operation. Not available in macOS. Verify – If enabled, Double Commander will compare the source file and the copied file in the target directory: a byte-by-byte comparison (Windows) or BLAKE2 checksums (Linux and others). Double Commander will try to minimize the disk cache effects (if the file system does not support direct input/output, the program will report the verification failure). Keep in mind, this function significantly reduces the speed of the operation. In macOS, this feature is available experimentally.(Alpha version) Check free space – Before copying the file, Double Commander will check if there is enough free disk space in the target directory. Reserve space – If enabled, Double Commander will use pre-allocation of disk space, this will reduce the chances of file fragmentation. Also this is a faster way to create files. In Windows, Double Commander always reserves space. Does not work in Linux on partitions with FAT32 file system. Follow links – If enabled, Double Commander will consider symbolic links to folders as regular folders and copy their contents; instead of file links, the target files of this links will be copied. The indeterminate checkbox state (three-state): the program will ask each time what it should do. First, packages gvfs, gvfs-backends and gvfs-fuse should be installed.
Keep in mind that some distributions have not packages gvfs-backends and gvfs-fuse,
because they are part of package gvfs, or it can be several packages with names gvfs-backends-* or gvfs-*. Now insert GVfs path in the address bar: click by right mouse button at address bar to edit it (or call internal command cm_EditPath). Now insert GVfs path in the address bar: click by right mouse button at address bar to edit it (or call internal command cm_EditPath). Alternatively, you can use the internal command cm_MapNetworkDrive.(Alpha version) For example, access to2.6. Network
Windows only: copy names with UNC path.
diff --git a/doc/en/configuration.html b/doc/en/configuration.html
index 20c8c456..24915d0f 100644
--- a/doc/en/configuration.html
+++ b/doc/en/configuration.html
@@ -524,15 +524,14 @@
This command allows to connect network devices, the behavior depends on the operating system:
+ 2. Configuration
minute (leading zero) 06 second 2
- second (leading zero) 02
- milliseconds * 1
+ milliseconds (leading zero) * 001
+ milliseconds 1 milliseconds (leading zero) 001 short time format 9:06 long time format 9:06:02 use 12 hour clock and display am and pm accordingly (also AM/PM, a/m or A/M); for example, t AM/PM
9:06 am insert date separator / insert time separator :
- literal text; for example, yyyy "AD"
2021 AD * Windows only 2. Configuration
2. Configuration
attribute in the <DirHistory> tag), but when using the Tree View Menu, all available history will be shown.MaxStringItems
attribute in the <History> tag).MaxStringItems
value. You can change the number of history entries in the popup menu when calling the cm_DirHistory command (default value is 30, see the Count
attribute in the <DirHistory> tag), but when using the Tree View Menu, all available history will be shown.
@@ -1073,7 +1072,7 @@
2. Configuration
3. Options to change manually
from <FileOperations>The default action when drag & drop files with the mouse: copying (
+ True
) or moving (False
) files. True
by default.
from <FileOperations>Warn if target path is longer than maximum length for a path (some programs will not be able to access a file/directory with such a long name). In Windows this value (MAX_PATH) is defined as 260 characters.
@@ -189,6 +194,28 @@ True
by default.3. Options to change manually
from <FileOperations>
+ Enables sound notifications when file operations are finished. Possible contents of the
+ <Sounds>
tag in full:
+<Sounds Duration="10">
+ <Copy>C:\Windows\Media\Alarm01.wav</Copy>
+ <Move>C:\Windows\Media\Alarm01.wav</Move>
+ <Wipe>C:\Windows\Media\Alarm01.wav</Wipe>
+ <Delete>C:\Windows\Media\Alarm01.wav</Delete>
+ <Split>C:\Windows\Media\Alarm01.wav</Split>
+ <Combine>C:\Windows\Media\Alarm01.wav</Combine>
+ Duration
is the minimum time (in seconds) that a file operation should last (0 – always on, -1 disables sound notifications).
+ File operations: copy, move, wipe, delete files, split file and combine files. If a sound notification is not needed for some operation, just remove (or do not add) the corresponding line. Environment variables are supported.
+ Supported audio formats:
+ - Windows (the sndPlaySoundW function from the Windows API): .wav.
+ - macOS (the Core Audio API): .aac, .adts, .ac3, .caf, .mp3, .m4a and .mp4 (with AAC or ALAC), .wav.
+ - Linux and other Unix-like systems: Double Commander can use the GStreamer library (primarily, or the SDL2 library ( GStreamer supports most popular audio formats, with SDL2 we can use only .wav. In Haiku, only SDL2 can be used.
from <FileOperations><Options>
@@ -337,12 +364,16 @@ 3. Options to change manually
from <History>The
+ MaxStringItems
attribute allows to specify the maximum number of entries in the saved history. Default value is 50.
@@ -487,7 +518,7 @@
from <History><DirHistory>
- The
attribute allows to specify the number of entries from the list of visited directories that will be displayed in the popup menu (the cm_DirHistory command).
- When using the Tree View Menu, the attribute value will be ignored.
- Default value is 30.
+ The Count
attribute allows to specify the number of entries from the list of visited directories that will be displayed in the popup menu (the cm_DirHistory command). Default value is 30.
+ When using the Tree View Menu, the attribute value will be ignored.
3. Options to change manually
from <SyncDirs><FileMask>
Synchronize directories: by default, Double Commander saves the last used file mask as the mask for the next run of the synchronization tool (if it is not a search template),
- to disable this behavior, we can replace
diff --git a/doc/en/copymove.html b/doc/en/copymove.html
index d2ef8758..dfd57ede 100644
--- a/doc/en/copymove.html
+++ b/doc/en/copymove.html
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ True
with False
(<FileMask Save="False">
) and specify our own <FileMask>
value ("*" by default, i.e. all files).
+ to disable this behavior, we can replace True
with False
(<FileMask Save="False">
) and specify the preferred file mask or "*" (i.e. all files) in the <FileMask>
1. Copy/move dialog window
2. Issues related to GNU/Linux
3. Interface configuration
Copy (or move) your "mydctheme" folder to the "pixmaps" folder near doublecmd.exe, restart DC, go to "Configuration" in the main menu > Options... > Icons > Icon theme, choose your theme and restart DC again.
2. Installed version
Go to "Configuration" in the main menu > Options... > Configuration > Directories > Icon themes:, here you will see the list of possible directories.
- Don't use /usr/share/doublecmd/pixmaps, C:\Program Files\Double Commander\pixmaps or other system directory: this requires root/admin rights, also this would be a intervention to the packages manager's work in Linux or DC installer for Windows.
+ Don't use /usr/share/doublecmd/pixmaps, C:\Program Files\Double Commander\pixmaps or other system directory: this requires root/admin privileges, also this would be a intervention to the packages manager's work in Linux or DC installer for Windows.
DC usually suggests the following additional path (besides the "pixmaps" folder near doublecmd.exe):
2) Installed version
Go to "Configuration" in the main menu > Options... > Configuration > Directories > Highlight:, here you will see the list of possible directories.
- Don't use /usr/share/doublecmd/highlighters, C:\Program Files\Double Commander\highlighters or other system directory: this requires root/admin rights, also this would be a intervention to the packages manager's work in Linux or DC installer for Windows.
+ Don't use /usr/share/doublecmd/highlighters, C:\Program Files\Double Commander\highlighters or other system directory: this requires root/admin privileges, also this would be a intervention to the packages manager's work in Linux or DC installer for Windows.
DC usually suggests the following additional path (besides the "highlighters" folder near doublecmd.exe):
Create Directory (internal command cm_MakeDir) – creates a new subdirectory in the current directory. The file name (without extension) or directory name under the cursor will be offered, this is useful for creating multiple directories with similar names. You can also create several subdirectories in one operation, just separate the subdrectories with the directory separator (in Unix/Linux system it will be "/" and in Windows it will be "\").
The button with an arrow opens the history of the entered names. The button to the right of the input field allows to enable or disable auto-completion from the directory creation history.(Alpha version)
If Extended syntax is enabled, the <[]
template can be used to insert the current date/time: inside square brackets you can use date and time formatting characters and any characters allowed for filenames.
Create Shortcut (Windows only) – Double Commander creates a shortcut (Microsoft Windows .lnk file) to the file under the cursor and places it in the folder opened in the opposite panel.
@@ -179,6 +180,11 @@By selecting item Pack files (internal command cm_PackFiles) we call a standard dialog to pack files to the zip, tar and other archive formats: the list of supported formats depends on the added packer plugins and external archivers (see Archive handling).
If the list of available formats is too long and does not fit in the window, Double Commander will bring them into the drop-down menu (in this case, use the checkbox with the "=>" label).
+The action of the Configure button depends on the selected archiver:
+packer plugins (WCX): opens the plugin's own settings window (if selected plugin supports this feature);
external archivers: opens a window with an input field for additional archiver parameters. Double Commander automatically saves the entered parameter string, the button with an arrow will open the list of previously saved ones (see description of AskHistory).(Alpha version)
Also we can unpack files via Extract Files (internal command cm_ExtractFiles). The same dialog is called when you copy files from the archive.
In the Extract files matching file mask line, you can specify a mask, determining which files will be unpacked. The history of masks can be found in the drop-down list. @@ -208,7 +214,8 @@
Item Calculate check sum... (internal command cm_CheckSumCalc) is used to calculate the checksum to check files integrity. The following checksums are available: BLAKE2 (BLAKE2s, BLAKE2sp, BLAKE2b, BLAKE2bp), BLAKE3, CRC32, HAVAL, MD4, MD5, RIPEMD128, RIPEMD160, SFV, SHA, - SHA2 (digest sizes 224, 256, 384 or 512 bits), SHA3 (digest sizes 224, 256, 384 or 512 bits), Tiger/192.
+ SHA2 (digest sizes 224, 256, 384 or 512 bits), SHA3 (digest sizes 224, 256, 384 or 512 bits), Tiger/192, + XXH128(Alpha version) (XXH3 with 128 bit digest size).Save checksum file(s) to: – line specifies name and path to the calculated checksum.
Create separate checksum files for each file – if checksum calculates for multiple files, this option allows to create separate checksum files for each target file.
@@ -513,7 +520,7 @@Double Commander supports the ability to drag and drop files using the mouse (that is, with the left mouse button pressed) to the windows of external applications (for example, a text or graphics editor or viewer), to the toolbar and copying/moving files between directories. If the action is possible, the "+" symbol will be displayed near the mouse cursor.
When dragging a file to an empty place on the toolbar, a button with an external command will be created, the passed file will be used as a command. Dragging a file to a button is only possible if it is a button with an external command: the command will launched and the file will be passed to it as a launch parameter (keep in mind that in this case the parameters of the button command are ignored).
-For file copy or move (using the Ctrl or Shift key) operations, the following targets are possible: the opposite file panel, any folder in the active or inactive panel (the folder name will be highlighted with a frame), the directory of any open tab (just drop the files on the header of the desired tab). Use ".." to copy files to the parent directory. Double Commander can also copy files to an archive if adding files is supported.
+For file copy or move (using the Ctrl or Shift key) operations, the following targets are possible: the opposite file panel, any folder in the active or inactive panel (the folder name will be highlighted with a frame), the directory of any open tab (just drop the files on the header of the desired tab). Use ".." to copy files to the parent directory. Double Commander can also copy files to an archive if adding files is supported. You can enable or disable the confirmation dialog and choose the default action (see description of <DefaultDropEffect>).
Dragging using the right mouse button will show the menu with the following actions: Copy, Move, Create link (hard link), Create symlink and Cancel. If several files are selected, Double Commander will offer to create a link only for the first file in the list.
You can create a symbolic link using Ctrl+Shift.
When you drag files to the window of another application, Double Commander uses the system implementation of drag & drop. Using the Alt key, you can call an alternative action (for example, when dragging a file into the Windows Explorer window, a shortcut will be created instead of copying the file).
@@ -578,7 +585,8 @@Double Commander allows to rename files directly in the file panel. There are several ways to call this operation: the internal command cm_RenameOnly (F2 or Shift+F6 by default), the left mouse click or the corresponding item in the right mouse button menu.
By default, Double Commander will select the file name completely, but you can enable file name selecting without an extension. Also, repeated hotkey presses allow to select the file name in parts, the following characters are used as a separator: space, hyphen underscore and period. Folder names are always selected completely.
-To confirm the change in the name, use the Enter key or the rename confirmation button to the right of the edit field. To cancel unconfirmed changes (to exit editing mode), use the Esc key or the mouse click outside the edit field. You can use a mouse click outside the edit field to confirm the renaming (as in Windows Explorer), see the description of RenameConfirmMouse.
+To confirm the change in the name, use the Enter key or the rename confirmation button to the right of the edit field. To cancel unconfirmed changes (to exit editing mode), use the Esc key or the mouse click outside the edit field. You can use a mouse click outside the edit field to confirm the renaming (as in Windows Explorer), see the description of <RenameConfirmMouse>.
+Using the up and down arrows, you can rename several files sequentially: the new file name will be automatically saved when you go to edit the name of the next or previous file. To exit this mode, use the methods described above to confirm or cancel the operation.(Alpha version)
For group renaming files, the appropriate tool is available.
diff --git a/doc/en/images/imgDC/archiveimg3.png b/doc/en/images/imgDC/archiveimg3.png index 84840a6f78e8e94555751d8606537558c0377617..d030c8f4aeb861cf09396bedb039588b2f9b1c88 100644 GIT binary patch literal 37889 zcmZs?WmKEZ_XSFg3Z)b)loTlLF2QMWDXu|_dw}3x!6C)niaQi1K%rO&u0?|fcXzm< z@9%%_mpf}g){4wCb7tn8efB;RqO2&5{et8L1_lPUtc-*z2FAl<^q=Unhv;__qNaH< zFk%q05+Bvwr?=CdegMeB;!8)96yDYjYScs;gZDlpt z)a~Q{7XNK50G}Ahx`b?I(W?Y#Z2vw}tN?zw!uj>b*wxLo0%Q0>giL&4_wz4pj7FU1 z3s?Bwe0)yU&;Q!_rvs`xC-fLFFhm}pFz;U@0r&qg5ZM1-{(BDt^61}tP|w_k&4%Pd zYtwCKhLL3@M%B29(d3fFu*5Tm?{@w_xke7d6oL-&+l7O
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