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index 90886731..6a61ab97 100644
--- a/doc/en/configuration.html
+++ b/doc/en/configuration.html
@@ -325,10 +325,10 @@
Attributes in Unix/Linux (File Types) |
File Types letters | What it stands for |
- b | block |
- c | character |
+ b | block device |
+ c | character device |
d | directory |
- f | fifo |
+ f | named pipe (FIFO) |
l | symlink |
s | socket |
@@ -337,12 +337,12 @@
If attribute should not be set, it must be replaced with the "-" symbol, unnecessary attributes should be hidden: symbol "*" means match any number of characters, symbol "?" means any one character. For example, ?r* (Windows) or ?r-* (Linux) will find all read-only files and folders.
You can use a color from the list or specify yours using the ">>" button.
Do not forget to click "Apply" button after customization.
- Rules are applied strictly in reverse order: a rule higher in the list will overlap any rule below.
+ Double Commander checks the list from top to bottom until the first match: a rule higher in the list will overlap any rule below.
2.6. Keys

- Here you can set the action on pressing some keys in the active file panel: Letters, Alt+Letters, Ctrl+Alt+Letters. You can choose one of the following actions: do nothing, set focus to command line and enter command, run quick search or quick filter.
+ Here you can set the action on pressing some keys in the active file panel: Letters, Alt+Letters, Ctrl+Alt+Letters. You can choose one of the following actions: do nothing, set focus to command line and enter command, run quick search or quick filter.
Left, Right arrows change directory (Lynx-like movement) – right arrow opens directory or runs a program under cursor, left arrow opens parent directory.
@@ -469,7 +469,7 @@
The first parameter in the Formatting group is Date and time format. You can choose one of the existing templates from the drop-down list or set your own using date and time formatting characters.
Formatting characters are presented below (based on Free Pascal documentation). Some values depends on your regional settings!
- As example we will use 2021.01.24 09:06:02 (i.e. yyyy.mm.dd hh:mm:ss) and the USA region.
+ As example we will use 2021.01.24 09:06:02 (i.e. yyyy.mm.dd hh:mm:ss ) and the USA region.
Possible characters |
Characters | Description | Example |
@@ -641,7 +641,7 @@
Content plugins are designed to get properties of a file or information about its content (for example, EXIF or ID3 tags). You can use this data in the file search or multi-rename tool, column set, tooltips.
Also Double Commander supports content plugins written in the Lua language (scripts are added in the same way as ordinary plugins). Examples can be found in the program folder (plugins/wdx/scripts).
3. File system plugins (WFX)
- File system plugins uses their own file systems or provides access to other file systems and devices (local or remote). For example, FTP servers, Samba,mobile devises. Also it can be lists of files, running processes and services, or the Windows registry.
+ File system plugins uses their own file systems or provides access to other file systems and devices (local or remote). For example, FTP servers, network directories, mobile devises. Also it can be lists of files, running processes and services, or the Windows registry.
4. Lister plugins (WLX)
The built-in viewer displays plain text files, some image formats and console commands output, plugins allow to expand this list: electronic documents and databases, audio and video files, font files, content of archives, detailed information about some files, source code files with syntax highlighting.
Order matters: when choosing an appropriate plugin, Double Commander starts checking from top to bottom.
@@ -649,7 +649,7 @@
Search plugins are Double Commander's own plugin type, these plugins use console programs to find files (for example, Locate, Everything or Recoll). The DSX plugins interface allows to send them search parameter values from the "Standard" and "Advanced" tabs.
- Add – opens the file selection dialog. Alternatively, you can use the internal cm_AddPlugin command.
+ Add – opens the file selection dialog. Alternatively, you can use the internal command cm_AddPlugin.
Disable – allows to temporarily disable the selected plugin.
Remove – removes the selected plugin from the list (but not plugin file!).
@@ -769,7 +769,6 @@
2.13.1. Folder tabs > Favorite Tabs
- Favorite Tabs are saved sets of tabs that grouped according to criteria convenient for you (work, projects, hobbies, and so on), they allow to open all the necessary directories in tabs at once.
The list of saved tab sets is available in the "Favorites" menu and in the popup menu called by the cm_LoadFavoriteTabs command.
In this section you can manage them: change order, names, delete unnecessary, sort or group in a submenu.

@@ -934,7 +933,7 @@
This section contains the settings for tooltips when the mouse cursor is hovering over a file.

Show tooltip for files in the file panel – enables the ability to use tooltips.
- File types – contains a list of file groups.
+ File types – contains a list of file groups. Double Commander checks the list from top to bottom until the first match: a file group higher in the list will overlap any file group below.
- If you have not added your own tooltips for the specified file types, then the DC tooltip will contain only the file name. The content of the system tooltip depends on the operating system:
+ The content of the system tooltip depends on the operating system:
Windows: File name and the same as in Windows Explorer. If it was not possible to obtain information, then Double Commander will show the same as in Linux and other Unix-like systems.
Linux and other Unix-like systems: File name, modification date and size.
+ The first line of the tooltip always contains the file name, and if you did not specify anything in the Category hint field, then the DC tooltip will contain only the file name.
Tooltip hiding delay – sets the duration of displaying the tooltip: system default, 1 sec, 2 sec, 3 sec, 5 sec, 10 sec, 30 sec, 1 min and never hide (the tooltip will be hidden when you move the mouse cursor to another file or outside the file panel).
In the screenshot at the beginning of the section description, you can see an example of a tooltip with the textline.wdx plugin that shows the contents of the selected lines of a text file (in this case, the first, second and third lines), the Combine DC and system tooltip, system first mode is selected.
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@@ -159,6 +159,7 @@
+ This setting controls the depth of the search in the filesystem tree. If set to "current dir only", the search will only be conducted in the directory specified in the "Start in directory" field (not in any subdirectories).
- Line File mask sets the mask for the search. Or we can just specify the file name or part of it.
+ The File mask field sets the mask for the search. Or we can just specify the file name or part of it.
Additional options:
Search in archives – if enabled, Double Commander will try to additionally read the contents of all archives in the search directory(ies). The list of supported formats depends on the added packer plugins.
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ 2. Tab "Standard"
Exclude files – a list of file names to be excluded from the search. Masks are also supported.
Note: File mask, Exclude files, Start in directory and Exclude subdirectories allow to enter several values, separated with semicolon ";" without spaces. If we need to find a file with semicolon in the name, we can use regular expressions.
- If the Find text in file checkbox is enabled, the process will search for the specified text in the files. We can also replace this text with any other text, specified in the line Replace by by enabling the checkbox.
+ If the Find text in file checkbox is enabled, the process will search for the specified text in the files. We can also replace this text with any other text, specified in the Replace by field by enabling the checkbox.
Additional options:
Find files NOT containing the text – displays files, that do not have the text specified in Find text in file.
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ 2. Tab "Standard"
The Start button starts search, Cancel stops search and Close closes the Find files window.
New search – clears the old results and allows to start a new search (also with new conditions).
Last search – loads parameters from the previous search (in the current session, before closing Double Commander).
- Use Shift+Del to remove unnecessary entries from the input fields history.
+ If history saving is enabled, then we can use Shift+Del to remove unnecessary entries from the history of input fields.
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@@ -163,12 +163,12 @@ 3.1. Searching for files with specific attributes.<
Attributes in Unix/Linux (File Types) |
File Types letters | What it stands for |
- b | block |
- c | character |
+ b | block device |
+ c | character device |
d | directory |
- f | fifo |
+ f | named pipe (FIFO) |
l | symlink |
- r | regular |
+ r | regular file |
s | socket |
@@ -321,14 +321,14 @@ 6. Tab "Results"
Remove from list (or Del) – allows to remove unsuitable results from the list (the file system will not be affected).
Show all found items – cancels the action of the previous command.
- To select several files, use the mouse and the Ctrl and Shift keys or Shift and arrows.
+ To select several files, we can use the mouse and the Ctrl and Shift keys or Shift and arrows.
The left arrow and right arrow keys switch the focus between the list of search result and the New search button.
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7. Additional configuration
- Additional parameters associated with the search tool are presented on the File operations > File search settings page.
+ Additional parameters associated with the search tool are presented on the File operations > File search settings section.

File search:
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@@ -230,9 +230,9 @@ 2.1.1. "Files"
2.1.2. "Mark"
There are some commands in this group with which you can select files in different ways.
- First and second items Select a Group and Unselect a Group (internal commands cm_MarkPlus and cm_MarkMinus). These commands select groups of files by a mask. With this mask you can specify file names or extensions.
+ First and second items Select a Group and Unselect a Group (internal commands cm_MarkPlus and cm_MarkMinus). These commands select groups of files by a mask. With this mask you can specify file names or extensions (you can specify several values separated by semicolons ";" without spaces). For example, select all files that have the .txt extension:

- E.g. select all files that have the extension .txt. Also there is a drop-down list with masks history.
+ Also there is a drop-down list with masks history.
Third and fourth items Select All (internal command cm_MarkMarkAll) and Unselect All (internal command cm_MarkUnmarkAll). They make it possible to select or unselect all items from the panel quickly.
Fifth item is Invert Selection (internal command cm_MarkInvert). It makes currently selected files unselected and vice versa.
Sixth and seventh items Select All with the Same Extension (internal command cm_MarkCurrentExtension) and Unselect All with the Same Extension (internal command cm_UnmarkCurrentExtension). These functions help to select and unselect files with the same extension as the file under the cursor.
@@ -335,7 +335,7 @@ 2.1.6. "Favorites"
2.1.7. "Show"
Manages the displayed contents of the file panels.
The first three items allow to switch the view of the file list: Brief view (internal command cm_BriefView), Full (internal command cm_ColumnsView) and Thumbnails (internal command cm_ThumbnailsView). See below for details.
- Quick View Panel (internal command cm_QuickView) – opens file in viewer program, but content of selected item shown in opposite panel (instead of a separate window). In this case, the viewer specified in the file association settings will be ignored. As we navigate to next items, displayed content is updated, this allows to view the contents of files simply by moving the cursor in the file panel.
+ Quick View Panel (internal command cm_QuickView) – opens file in viewer program, but content of selected item shown in opposite panel (instead of a separate window). See more details here.
Tree View Panel (internal command cm_TreeView) – shows the directory tree for the active file panel. Internal command cm_FocusTreeView switches focus between current file list and tree (shortcut Shift+Tab by default).
The next five items:
Sort by Name (internal command cm_SortByName),
@@ -400,7 +400,7 @@ 2.3. Drives button bar
2.4. Drives list

Helps to change drive, also contains additional information (size, free space) and navigation buttons – « * \ .. ~ < ».
- Internal commands are cm_LeftOpenDrives for left panel and cm_RightOpenDrives – for right panel. Default shortcuts: Alt+F1 and Alt+F2, but they won't work in most Linux Desktop Environments, just replace them.
+ Internal commands are cm_LeftOpenDrives for left panel and cm_RightOpenDrives – for right panel. Default shortcuts: Alt+F1 and Alt+F2, but they won't work in most Linux Desktop Environments (just open the Keys > Hot keys settings section and replace them).

Internal command cm_SrcOpenDrives will show this menu for active panel.
Additional navigation buttons:
@@ -427,9 +427,11 @@ 2.5. Tabs bar
2.6. Current directory bar

- Displays the name of the current directory. A left mouse click on this directory bar drops down a directories history (internal command cm_DirHistory) which allows to quickly navigate back to previous directories:
+ Displays the directory opened in the file panel.
+ A left mouse click on this directory bar drops down a directories history (internal command cm_DirHistory) which allows to quickly navigate back to previous directories:

- A right mouse click on the directory bar will allow to copy the pathname to the clipboard or enter a new path manually (environment variables are supported, in Unix-like operating systems also you can use the tilde symbol "~" to indicate the current user's home directory). A double click or middle mouse click drop down a directory hotlist.
+ A right mouse click on the directory bar will allow to copy the pathname to the clipboard or enter a new path manually. You can use the keyboard instead of the mouse, just set a hotkey for the cm_EditPath command. Environment variables are supported, in Unix-like operating systems you can also use the tilde symbol "~" to indicate the current user's home directory.
+ A double click or middle mouse click drop down a directory hotlist.
It is now also possible to click on parts of the directory bar to quickly navigate back in the directory structure. Very handy if you want to go to a parent directory back many levels. This is known as a "breadcrumb" navigation feature.
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@@ -567,11 +569,14 @@ 2.9. Status bar
2.10. Command line

- Use to enter commands manually. Path to active directory shows in line beginning (C:\Program Files\Double Commander\ in screenshot). The button on the right with an arrow opens the history of the entered commands. Use Shift+Del to remove unnecessary entries from the history.
- Double Commander independently handles the "cd" command, you can use it to change the current directory in the active panel. If you use a path with the file name, Double Commander will place the cursor on this file.
+ Use to enter commands manually, you can quickly run or open a file in the current directory or in the PATH (with additional parameters if necessary).
+ Path to active directory shows in line beginning (C:\Program Files\Double Commander\ in screenshot). The button on the right with an arrow opens the history of the entered commands. Use Shift+Del to remove unnecessary entries from the history.
+ Several internal commands are available for working with the command line, also see the typing options in the Keys settings section.
+ If the command line is hidden in the settings, you can still use it. In this case, the command line will be automatically hidden after the command is run. You can hide it using the Esc key (if the input field is empty) or just move the cursor to the file panel (or switch the focus in another way).
+ Environment variables are supported, in Unix-like operating systems you can also use the tilde symbol "~" to indicate the current user's home directory.
+ Double Commander independently handles the "cd" command, you can use it to change the current directory in the active panel. If you use a path with the file name, Double Commander will change directory and place the cursor on this file. If you specify only a file name, Double Commander will place the cursor on this file in the current directory.
+ You can use slash: cd \ to go to the root of the current drive (Windows) and cd / to go to the root of the file system (Linux and other Unix-like systems).
In Windows, you can change the drive by simply specifying the drive letter and a colon: c: , d: and so on.
- Environment variables are supported, in Unix-like operating systems also you can use the tilde symbol "~" to indicate the current user's home directory.
- Several internal commands are available for working with the command line.
Right mouse click will show the usual input box menu that contains standard commands Cut, Copy, Paste, Delete, Select All and submenu Insert Unicode Control Character.
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--- a/doc/en/lua.html
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@@ -68,25 +68,38 @@ Content
1. Introduction
- Double Commander can execute Lua scripts via cm_ExecuteScript command.
- Script parameters must be passed as is, without escaping (without quotes or "\"), for this we need to use the %"0 variable: for example, %"0%p0 for the file under cursor instead of %p0 , %"0%D for the current directory instead of %D and so on.
- To get a list of all selected files we can use %LU or internal commands cm_SaveSelectionToFile or cm_CopyFullNamesToClip.
+ Detailed information about the Lua scripting programming language can be found on the Lua website.
+ Double Commander can execute Lua scripts via cm_ExecuteScript command.
+ Script parameters must be passed as is, without escaping (without quotes or "\"), for this we need to use the %"0 variable: for example, %"0%p0 for the file under cursor instead of %p0 or %"0%D for the current directory instead of %D . Otherwise, if Double Commander automatically adds quotes, they will be passed as part of the parameter and you will have to take them into account.
+ To get a list of all selected files we can use variables (%LU , %FU or %RU ) or internal commands (cm_SaveSelectionToFile, cm_SaveFileDetailsToFile(Beta version), cm_CopyFullNamesToClip or cm_CopyFileDetailsToClip).
+ We can use, for example, %p : in this case, Double Commander will pass the names of all selected files in one line, separating the names with a space.
It is also possible to write content plugins using Lua script, examples can be found in the program folder (plugins/wdx/scripts).
The Wiki has a page dedicated to writing plugins.
Limitations: only the following data types are supported
- - ft_numeric_32 – a 32-bit signed number;
- - ft_numeric_64 – a 64-bit signed number;
- - ft_numeric_floating – a floating point number;
- - ft_boolean – boolean type: true or false;
- - ft_multiplechoice – a value allowing a limited number of choices;
- - ft_string – a text string (use UTF-8);
- - ft_fulltext – a full text (multiple text strings), used only for searching with plugins;
- - ft_datetime – for date/time: a returned date will be converted to a formatted date and time string (value depends on your regional settings).
+ - ft_numeric_32 (1) – a 32-bit signed number;
+ - ft_numeric_64 (2) – a 64-bit signed number;
+ - ft_numeric_floating (3) – a floating point number;
+ - ft_boolean (6) – boolean type: true or false;
+ - ft_multiplechoice (7) – a value allowing a limited number of choices;
+ - ft_string (8) – a text string;
+ - ft_fulltext (9) – a full text (multiple text strings), used only for searching with plugins ;
+ - ft_datetime (10) – for date/time: a returned date will be converted to a formatted date and time string (value depends on your regional settings).
+ The date must be in Windows format, but Lua and the functions that Double Commander provides for searching files use Unix time format. To convert we can use the formula:
+ = UnixTime * 10000000 + 116444736000000000
+ This is a large number, so you will need a 64-bit version of Double Commander or Lua 5.3+.
- Note: When saving scripts, use UTF-8 encoding without BOM.
- More informations on Lua script programming language are available on the web on this link.
+ The list above contains the names from the header files, in Lua scripts we must use the numeric values which are specified in parentheses.
+ Note: For the file properties dialog, the ContentGetValue function is called with the CONTENT_DELAYIFSLOW flag (the fourth parameter, the value is 1), this avoids the delay in opening the window: if data retrieval is slow, we can exclude this data by simply adding a flag value check and returning nil for such fields or plugin.
+ Note: If the plugin needs to return an empty string, it will be faster to pass nil instead of "" .
Note: Lua function io.open uses the standard C function fopen : in text mode, this function can convert the type of line endings (CRLF, LF or CR) when reading and writing and it can lead to unexpected results. If you come across files with different types of line endings or if you are writing a cross-platform script, this must be taken into account or it may be more practical to give preference to the binary mode.
+ About text encoding
+ All additional functions described below accept string parameters in UTF-8 encoding and return strings in this encoding (except for the LazUtf8.ConvertEncoding function).
+ Some functions from the standard Lua libraries have been replaced with functions from Double Commander or Free Pascal/Lazarus (or new ones have been written), this provides UTF-8 support.
+ When writing plugins, we should also use UTF-8 for text data (ft_multiplechoice, ft_string and ft_fulltext).
+ When saving scripts, use UTF-8 encoding without BOM.
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@@ -113,7 +126,7 @@ 3. Double Commander functions libraries
| Dialogs | Interacts with user |
| LazUtf8 | UTF-8 string functions |
| Char | Getting information about characters |
- | OS | Functions related with the operating system |
+ | os | Functions related with the operating system |
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@@ -128,12 +141,12 @@ 3.1. DC library