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236 lines (151 loc) · 7.01 KB

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236 lines (151 loc) · 7.01 KB


0.13 (2024-03-05)


  • OneOfState is a state that matches any state given in the tuple in its type parameter
  • NotState is a state that matches any state other than the one given in its type parameter
  • Trigger::ignore_and is like Trigger::and, but throws away the output of the first trigger
  • StateMachinePlugin::schedule changes the schedule in which transitions occur


  • The behavior of StateMachine::trans_builder has changed. Now, builders can no longer reject a transition (instead of returning Option<MyState>, they return MyState). Instead, builders are now mutable systems that accept Trans (context for the transition) as an input.


  • Fixed a panic when StateMachine is removed during a transition

0.12 (2024-12-18)


  • Updated bevy to 0.15
  • Updated leafwing-input-manager to 0.16 (see their for a migration guide)

0.11 (2024-07-09)


  • Updated bevy to 0.14
  • Updated leafwing-input-manager to 0.14
  • Renamed Trigger to EntityTrigger to avoid conflict with bevy::prelude::Trigger


  • seldom_fn_plugin integration

0.10 (2024-02-21)


  • Out definitions to trigger combinator functions' return types


  • Updated bevy to 0.13
  • Updated leafwing-input-manager to 0.13


  • on_event trigger could detect events that occured before the latest transition

0.9 (2024-01-12)


  • IntoSystem trait, which allows systems which return bool, Option, or Result, and accept Entity or nothing as input, to be used as triggers
  • TriggerIn trait, which allows systems which accept nothing as input to be used as triggers
  • TriggerOut trait, which allows triggers to output bool or Option without BoolTrigger and OptionTrigger
  • SystemTrigger type, which is also used for system triggers


  • trans and trans_builder each have a new type parameter, which should simply be elided with _
  • Replaced all built-in trigger types with system equivalents
  • Renamed MachineState to EntityState
  • Trigger has an Out type and init and check functions, instead of Param, Ok, and Err types and a trigger function


  • BoolTrigger and OptionTrigger

0.8 (2023-11-12)


  • Clone and Copy impls for triggers and other types
  • PartialEq and Eq impl for Never


  • Updated bevy to 0.12
  • Updated leafwing-input-manager to 0.11


  • The leafwing_input feature was a default feature

0.7 (2023-07-15)


  • Updated bevy to 0.11
  • Updated leafwing-input-manager to 0.10

0.6.3 (2023-06-16)


  • PressedTrigger firing only once per press
  • AxisPairTrigger and ClampedAxisPairTrigger failing to fire without rotation bounds

0.6.2 (2023-06-09)


  • trigger module is public


  • Transitions sometimes failing when there are multiple entities with state machines

0.6.1 (2023-05-15)


  • EventTrigger re-export, making it accessible

0.6 (2023-05-07)


  • Component bound to MachineState
  • StateMachine::on_enter and StateMachine::on_exit that accept Fn(&mut EntityCommands)
  • StateMachine::command_on_enter and StateMachine::command_on_exit that accept a Command
  • AndTrigger and OrTrigger that combine triggers with boolean logic
  • Trigger::not, Trigger::and, and Trigger::or combinators that construct NotTrigger, AndTrigger, and OrTrigger respectively
  • EventTrigger<E> that triggers upon reading the event
  • StateMachine::set_trans_logging for logging transitions
  • StateMachine::with_state to register states that are not used in any transitions


  • StateMachine::new has been replaced with StateMachine::default, and you must insert the initial state manually
  • StateMachine::trans_builder's callback accepts a reference to the current state
  • StateMachine no longer tracks the current state, so you may add and remove states manually
  • Transitions have priority in the order they are added to the StateMachine
  • Trigger::Param is a ReadOnlySystemParam instead of SystemParam, and Trigger::trigger accepts it as an owned value, allowing them to use EventReader, Local, etc


  • TriggerPlugin, trigger_plugin, TriggerInputPlugin and trigger_input_plugin; Triggers no longer need to be registered
  • StateMachine::insert_on_enter and StateMachine::remove_on_exit
  • Reflect bound from MachineState and Trigger

0.5 (2023-03-12)


  • Updated bevy to 0.10
  • Updated leafwing-input-manager to 0.9
  • AnyState is uninhabited, so it cannot be constructed


  • insert_on_enter inserting on exit instead of enter

0.4 (2023-02-26)


  • StateMachine::trans_builder builds a state based on data provided by the trigger
  • AnyState state that can be used in type parameters to represent any state
  • leafwing_input feature for input-related triggers: ValueTrigger, ClampedValueTrigger, AxisPairTrigger, ClampedAxisPairTrigger, JustPressedTrigger, PressedTrigger, JustReleasedTrigger, ReleasedTrigger, and ActionDataTrigger
  • InputTriggerPlugin<Actionlike> for easily registering input-related triggers
  • OptionTrigger and BoolTrigger offer simpler APIs than Trigger
  • Never type for Trigger::Err when the trigger always occurs


  • A panic will occur when using a trigger that hasn't been registered
  • Trigger has associated types Ok and Err, and Trigger::trigger returns a Result<Self::Ok, Self::Err>, which are used in transition builders


  • Clone and FromReflect requirements for Trigger
  • Clone from StateMachine
  • FromReflect re-export from prelude

0.3 (2022-11-12)


  • Updated bevy to 0.9
  • Trigger::Param<'w, 's> has lifetime parameters
  • Trigger::trigger accepts &Self::Param::Fetch::Item instead of &StaticSystemParam<Self::Param>
  • Done and DoneTrigger are enums with Success and Failure variants


  • StaticSystemParam re-export from prelude
  • Done::success() and Done::failure() constructors
  • DoneTrigger::success() and DoneTrigger::failure() constructors

0.2.2 (2022-11-07)


  • Creating multiple transitions from the same MachineState and Trigger type doesn't panic

0.2.1 (2022-10-30)


  • StateMachine::insert_on_enter configures the StateMachine to insert a bundle when entering a state
  • StateMachine::remove_on_exit configures the StateMachine to remove a bundle when exiting a state
  • StaticSystemParam and FromReflect are re-exported in prelude

0.2 (2022-10-07)


  • Done::success() and Done::failure() constructors
  • DoneTrigger::success() and DoneTrigger::failure() constructors


  • MachineStates must implement Bundle and don't need to implement Component
  • DoneTrigger and Done each have a success field. So, DoneTrigger will only trigger when a Done component with a matching success field is added.