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ReidCarlberg edited this page May 2, 2012 · 6 revisions

1.60 (2012-04-30)

1.57 (2012-01-18)

  • Japanese localization
  • Managed app -- Beta version --
  • Global settings for a couple of utility classes (thanks @tompatros!)
  • Chatter dependency abstraction (thanks @ca_peterson)
  • Unmanaged app --

1.56 (2011-11)

  • introduced the managed app

1.53 (2011-09-20)

  • Task Dependency
  • To make a task dependent on another, simply complete the "Predecessor Task" field.
  • Pred Tasks must be owned by the same Milestone
  • Task detail page now includes a "Successor Tasks" related list.
  • When you move a task, that move will fail if you move a task with successor tasks that you are not moving.
  • When you move a series of tasks from the related list, if move tasks from multiple milestones and they all have successor tasks, it will fail.
  • Milestone Dependency
  • To make a task dependent on another, simply complete the "Predecessor Milestone" field.
  • Predecessor Milestones must be from the same project and at the same parent / child level as their successor task.
  • Milestone detail page now includes a "Successor Milestones" related list.
  • When you move a Milestone to another project and that Milestone has Successor Milestones, that move will fail UNLESS the original is a) a Child Milestone and b) You move ALL of the children in a series.
  • Task / Milestone Dependency Notes
  • Note that GANTT charts do not automatically refresh when you change dates using them.
  • Note that dates are not yet aware of days your should skip.
  • Main Menu page
  • Gives access to all pages from a single tab.
  • Designed to reduce the tab footprint of the app.
  • Known Issues
  • Task and Milestone based Gantt charts do not automatically refresh on drag driven updates.
  • Task and Milestone dependencies do not transfer with import and export.
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