- Gradio: Gradio app added to allow deployment as an API and webapp
- Dockerfile: Deployment inside containers for production API deployment
- Public Pypi installable: Deployment to public PyPi to make openly installable
- Open Source Test Challenge Deployment: Added open source test challenge for the OHSDI community to take on
- Logging added: Logging added
- documentation: Documentation edited to make it easier for new users to understand and implement
- dependencies: Revised dependencies to reduce future depreciation / security risks
- redactor: added special_entities to redactor
- special_entities: added redact_special_matches
- special_entities: postcodes implemented with tests
- special_entities: refacted to support multiple regex matches, and refactored tests
- SpecialMatch: added match, and wrote test for find_nhs_number
- special_entities.py: added special_entities.py and functions to find nhs numbers and replace in text
- support_classes.py: Added support_classes and SpecialMatch
- support.py: added is_nhs_number check
- special_entities: renamed redact_special_matches to redact_special_entities
- major: Add a param to allow masking individual words
- pyproject.toml: remove rds source
- major: major tweaks to argument passing and build
- pyproject.toml: restored poetry source
- poetry-install: fixed from server - removed empty pteredactyl folder
- poetry-lock: updated poetry lock
- analyze-function: added support for custom entities within the analyze function of support.py file
- redactor.py: Added replacement list to the anonymiser to allow replacement of entities based on a predefined list
- dependencies: added IProgress, ipywidgets, and ipykernel to dependencies
- gitignore: added dist to gitignore
- General: several files cleaned up
- Folder-structure: added src/ directory and moved pterydactyl code here
- poetry: added commit and amended pyproject