- update dependencies by @Larocceau in #647
- [docs]: Updated release notes by @arpxspace in #643
- Automated relase note file update by @Larocceau in #644
- [feat]: Improved UI for todo app to enhance user experience and first impressions by @arpxspace in #645
- Fix error caused by restore on running tests + build solution before run, instead of just restore by @Larocceau in #640
- Update dependencies by @Larocceau in #639
- Run project tests as part of template testing by @Larocceau in #623
- Change the api to return full TODO list after adding todo by @Larocceau in #624
- Hide project / output / cache files from VS Code by @jwthomson in #625
- Bump vite from 5.0.13 to 5.4.6 in /Content/minimal by @dependabot in #627
- Bump rollup from 4.21.3 to 4.22.4 in /Content/minimal by @dependabot in #628
- upgrade to Safe.Meta 5.1.0 by @Larocceau in #632
- Restore as a standalone operation and remove from watch by @jwthomson in #634
- Use npm ci in the build script so package.lock cannot get updated there by @Larocceau in #619
- Update dependencies by @jwthomson in #622
- Do
dotnet tool restore
automatically in build target by @theprash in #613 - Bump braces from 3.0.2 to 3.0.3 in /Content/default by @dependabot in #614
- Fix bug issue #615 in Client.Tests.fs by @giuliohome in #616
- Upgrade to use metapackages by @isaacabraham in #598
- remove fable modules from source control by @Larocceau in #603
- Remove Elmish.Debugger by @Larocceau in #604
- Use Github actions to automate the release process by @martinbryant in #600
- Bump vite from 5.0.12 to 5.0.13 in /Content/minimal by @dependabot in #606
- Bump vite from 5.0.12 to 5.0.13 in /Content/default by @dependabot in #607
- Upgrade to beta5 by @isaacabraham in #605
- Fix HMR by @jwthomson in #608
- non-beta Meta packages by @Larocceau in #609
- Fix build script failing on publish because of incorrect dotnet command by @Larocceau in #610
- Bump vite from 5.0.5 to 5.0.12 in /Content/default - #590
- Bump vite from 5.0.5 to 5.0.12 in /Content/minimal - #591
- Update README and project/solution file references - #582
- Bump Vite from 5.0.0 to 5.0.5 - #584 - #585
- Fix client tests - #581
#564 https://www.compositional-it.com/news-blog/announcing-safe-template-v5/
- Upgrade to .NET 8
- Upgrade to F# 8
- Upgrade to Fable 4 and update Fable dependencies
- Use Vite instead of Webpack for JS bundling
- Use Tailwind for styling
- Remove old unused reference to Fulma - #546
- Fix failing build because of NPM version - #560
- Use CreateProcess.fromRawCommand - #558
- Specify major version in paket.dependencies - #559
- Update Fable to 3.7.22 - #562
- Fix issues in default template build script for deploy to Azure - #566
- Remove deprecated extension recommendation - #536
- Update package.json files to allow node 18 (as well as 16) - #541
- Fix .net sdk selection in global.json - #534
- allow Linux Azure App Service - #528
- Include launchSettings.json in both templates - #524
- Pin FSharp.Core ~> 6 - #525
- .NET 6.0 - #506
- Update Fantomas to 4.6 - #499
- Add server unit tests to CI - #493
- Webpack improvements - #491
- Listen on all interfaces including ipv6 - #490
- Force node v16 and npm v8 - #489
- Update Server tests to use module that replaced class - #484
- Include a correctly configured VS launch settings file. - #482
- Fix flags for fable in bundle target - #476
- Update Farmer to 1.6.12 - #468
- Add Femto tool - #469
- Fable outputs to "output" folder - #470
- Remove font awesome from paket - #471
- Basic support for source maps - #474
- Added meta tag for viewport to help with mobile responsiveness - #457
- Remove unwanted directory from the template package - #415
- .NET 5 and Fable 3 - #415
- Fix corrupted package - #421
- Fix NPM vulnerabilities - #418
- Replace netstandard2.0 with netcoreapp3.1 - #407
- CVE-2020-7720 Prototype Pollution in node-forge - #406
- Version 2 is partially a rewrite of the original SAFE Template
- All template options from v1 have been removed
- New minimal option for advanced users allows to create a bare bone project and have full control
- Shared is now a project not a referenced file
- Unit tests for Shared Client and Server have been added to default template
- Counter sample has been replaced with Todo List in default template
- Other changes have been described in latest docs
- Fix Bulma template links - #345
- Bump acorn from 6.3.0 to 6.4.1 - #342
- Fix devServerProxy context paths - #341
- Use FAKE and Paket local tools in template output - #339
- Update publisher for vscode csharp extension - #340
- Update NPM and Yarn dependencies - #338
- Update Saturn to 0.11 - #334
- Fix program launch to correct netcoreapp - #331
- Bump up JS dependencies - #314
- Add tenantId to Azure deployment option - #310
- Set font by customizing a Bulma variable - #305
- Include style.scss in Client.fsproj - #306
- Fix indentation for DU definition and pattern match - #302
- Update React to 16.9 - #304
- Update client dependencies - #300
- Fix runTool working directory - #297
- Remove obsolete 'reaction' option and keep using 'streams' - #299
- Add .ionide to gitignore - #291
- Pull Bulma FA and OpenSans from NPM repository instead of including from CDN - #286
- Update FAKE and use 'initEnvironment' to support Ionide 4 integration - #280
- Add Release Notes template to created project - #277
- Move .sln to the root directory and add files - #266
- Fontawesome small changes - #264
- Set Fable variable on client project - #262
- New Fable dependencies - #250
- Giraffe - Be explicit that the returned object should be JSON - #259
- Revert 'Add Shared.fsproj' - #256
- Support heroku - #251
- Add IIS deployment option - #226
- Change default from sass to scss - #248
- Fix gcloud tool name on Windows - #243
- Release version 1.0 live from stage from F# eXchange 2019
- Fix initial build failure - #241
- Add unicode regex to recognize 'watch client' vs code task end - #240
- Remove paket.exe - #106
- Update to .NET Core 2.2 - #218
- Support for deploying to Google Cloud Kubernetes Engine - #209
- Add VSCode extensions.json to recommend extensions - #202
- Support for deploying to Google Cloud AppEngine - #207
- Update JS dependencies to remove security vulnerability warnings - #113
- Replace 'successful.ok' with 'json' in Saturn template - #211
- Replace 'Text.p' with 'Text.div' to prevent DOMNesting warning - #215
- Unify webpack.config.js with webpack-config-template - #204
- Upgrade CSS references for Bulma to 0.7.1 and Font Awesome to 5.6.1
- Update dependencies (nuget and npm) - #199
- Remove bulma burgers from fulma layouts - #197
- Webpack - set terser minifier configuration compress.inline to false - #193
- Cleanup 'Run' target in build script
- VS Code Launchers and Tasks do Debug the project - #161
- Pass Babel options to fable-loader - #189
- Add more comments to webpack.js - #186
- Change webpack environment variable from SUAVE_FABLE_PORT to SERVER_PROXY_PORT
- Use Thoth.Json on server side when not using Fable.Remoting - #179
- Demonstrate usage of "nothing" from Fable.React in "fulma-hero" - #175
- Cleanup JavaScript dependencies - #173
- New option for Fable.Reaction - #168
- Build script - Change to runOrDefaultWithArguments to provide support for default arguments. - #170
- Use FAKE's new CreateProcess API - #169
- Restrict frameworks in paket.dependencies - #163
- Upgrade to Fable 2 - #144
- Add polyfill to webpack to support fetch in IE 11 - #155
- Use Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Web project type for all template options - #153
- Change 'remoting' parameter to 'communication' - #143
- Don't install dotnet in build.fsx
- Update paket dependencies - #151
- Fix 'fulma-admin' layout - #128
- Add lock file for NPM
- Move "remotedev" dependency to "devDependencies" - #113
- Add paket.lock for all possible template options - #139
- Allow symlinks in webpack config to overcome issue with NuGet feed on a symlink-ed directory - #133
- Remove intersperse function from Client to make life easier for new-comers - #134
- Remove redundant code from client - #126
- Use Async.Sleep instead of Thread.Sleep in build.fsx - #129
- Replace Menu.item with Menu.Item.a - #130
- Update Fable.Remoting to newest version - #118
- Use Saturn 0.7.4 in default template - #124
- Pin compatible Remoting.Server to 3.6 - #117
- Escape
dotnet publish
arguments - #115
- update Fable.Remoting dependencies - #112
- fix build script intellisense on Mono
- include paket.lock file for default options and azure option - #109
- update to dotnet SDK 2.1.300 and FAKE 5 - #101
- add 'disable_diagnostics' option to saturn application when Fable.Remoting is enabled - #105
- correct indentations for Azure option in build.fsx - #102
- Normalize the indentations - #92
- Remove redundant static files configuration for Saturn - #95
- Use lower-case parameter names - #94
- Change 'npm' parameter to 'js-deps'
- Change 'fulma' parameter to 'layout'
- Open missing namespace for combination of Saturn and Fable.Remoting - #93
- Use newest Fulma - #89
- Add solution file - #86
- Add support for Azure storage - #77
- Make 'basic' the default value for 'Fulma' parameter - #87
- Added Rider stuff to gitignore - #88
- Enable AppInsights only if Deploy option is azure for Suave - #81
- Update webpack to 4 - #80
- Add release scripts to .gitignore - #74
- Add Azure App Service PAAS deployment - #65
- Update dotnet sdk to 2.1.105
- Simplify Saturn routers
- Add YARN lock file - #61
- Add UTF-8 charset to index.html - #59
- Make Saturn the default option for Server - #54
- Update Fable.Remoting and use latest API - #53
- Add Fable Json serialization to Saturn and Giraffe - #50
- Fix path to index.html in Saturn template - #52
- Add type signatures for functions in Client
- Add SAFE favicon
- Disable packages folder for Server and Client dependencies
- Initial support for
backend option
- Correct Bulma Column classes from
- Add 3 bulma templates
- #27
- [Giraffe] add to services to prevent NRE - #43
- Add floating dependency on Giraffe -
~> 1
- Reinstate postActions to make scripts executable on non-windows OSs - #37
- Update paket bootstrapper to version 5.142.0 - #38
- Revert Make build.sh executable via post-action - #36
- Make build.sh executable via post-action - #34
- Update Fulma to 1.0.0-beta-007
option to use NPM instead of default Yarn
option for additional FAKE targets to build Docker image
- Add
module Client
back toClient.fs
- #30
- [Suave] Route
(root) requests toindex.html
- [Suave] Fallback to 404 for unmatched requests
- Rename
to better distinguish between the two
- Add
bulma templates - #27
- exclude .template.config from sources - #24
- Run
paket install
is missing (just after creating from template) - #26
- Replace CRLF with LF in
- #25
- Add
as an option next toSuave
for back-end (--Server
template option)
- Do not include
in paket when not specified - #16 - Do not include
- require running manually
- Fable.Remoting usage improvements - #22
- Prevent reinstalling dotnet - #17
- Add
template option
- Add
template option
- Update all paket dependencies
- Add Client <-> Server communication
- Run
dotnet watch
for Server code
- Fix preprocessor directives - #10
- Add Hot Module Replacement
- Create separate "run" target to make it faster - #9
- File permissions for build script - https://github.com/SAFE-Stack/SAFE-template/pull/8/files
- Port the Run build target from the Bookstore - #6
- Do not gitignore paket.restore.targets - #7
- Exclude
directories from nupkg
- Exclude paket-files from nupkg
- Remove unwanted CSS classes
- Make the Client code even simpler
- Initial release