Deployed here:
A personal finance app to visualize spending habits.
Enter transactions manually or upload a CSV file to view charts by month and category.
Includes JSON Web Tokens for user authentication.
Application: React, Node.js, Express, JavaScript, HTML, CSS
Database: MongoDB
Charting: Chart.js
Authentication: JSON web tokens
# Create a MongoDB database and cluster
Copy and Save the connection string from Connect > Connect to your application.
Paste this value to the mongoURI key.
# Clone repo
# Create .env file at root level of repo and set values for the following keys
# Install dependencies for server
$ npm install
# Install dependencies for client
$ npm run client-install
# Run the client & server with concurrently
$ npm run dev
# Server runs on http://localhost:5000 and client on http://localhost:3000
Author: RunHannah
License: MIT License